As a leftist when I saw this post in twitter I had to be rushed to the hospital. My blood pressure read 2567 over 1547

Striker@lemmy.worldmod to Lemmy – 128 points –

I don't get it. What's the joke?

He is owning the libs by drinking milk. Don't you know how leftists are trying to get milk banned? As a leftist this post made me so angry that spontaneously combusted and now I am dead/s

OK, I guess?

Now do ‘not looking you in the eye’…

Autism I guess...

Idk, it's a little bit confusing cuz he's still not really looking at the camera "in the eyes"

Well conservatives have developed a desire for raw milk. They are passing laws to make it legal to sell raw milk in different counties. I found out because someone in my family is all about raw milk now. Even though they told me they were "deadly afraid" of the flax milk I was drinking. Idk man, I'm just trying to remove sugar from my diet.

How is flax milk? I'm trying to find an alternative to dairy but almond, oat, and soy haven't done it for me.

I wouldn't say it's great. There is a mouth feel you need to get used to, if you drink it straight. I put it in my smoothies with fruits and veggies and can't tell the difference though.

It's good for oatmeal, fine for tea, wouldn't recommend drinking straight. Have you tried pea milk? Which soy milks have you tried? They can vary a lot in flavor across brands

when looking for alternatives, are you looking for something that's the exact same flavor and texture as milk from a cow? If so I'd recommend accepting that you won't find something identical like that. Instead, approach the plant milks on their own terms and find what you like as if it was your first time drinking any kind of milk.

Honestly I'm not conservative in any sense, but I think raw milk is better for you and tastes better. I've been drinking it since I was in high school and I'm much older now.

We boil the milk, use the fat to make butter and ghee, and use it to make yogurt as well.

I've drank the milk raw enough times and never had a problem as well though usually we do boil it before.

Less chemicals, preservatives, pasteurization in general leads to a healthier gut

Righties can't make jokes; only hate.

I must be getting old.

I honestly don't understand half these shitty memes.

These people need to touch grass.

Hehehehe what's not funny, hahahahah

It's a right wingie making the le ebig trigger joke

Hahahahohohoheeeheeeheee, such a funni shitpost, can't stop won't stop laughing jajajajjaja

Can we please spread a rumor that nothing annoys leftists more than self-immolation?

Yeah, I hate it when people embezzle money and post about it on social media in support of trump's ciminal cases.

It's like watching a kid doing a thing that he, and only he, thinks would make you very angry. They're so deep in their propaganda cult hole that they have their own subterranean culture. You know, like molochs.

No eye contact? Milk? Asian food? Are these things conservatives think people get upset about? Does this guy just have spicy tism? What is happening?

Right wingers think lactose intolerance is a leftist conspiracy

bruh, how is my shit turning to liquid if i have more than half a glass of milk a conspiracy??

If you were more racist these things wouldn't happen to you. Probably.

Wow am I sick of ragebait and 'haha, look wut person said on the social media, so cringers r ROFL!!!!' posts

make shitposts actually shitposts again pls

What's wrong with the OK sign?

A bunch of nazi's used it as a dog whistle and it got added to a database of hate symbols.

Why exactly are we giving Nazis the power to poison language, emojis, what have you for the rest of us again?

I think we should do the opposite. As soon as some symbol becomes a dog whistle, we should all rush to use it for it's original meaning as much as possible, thus preventing the dog from hearing the whistle where it's supposed to be used as such.

Well the purpose of the hate list like this isn't "what symbols not to use" so much as, if a guy uses this and there's context to suggest it's a dogwhistle, this is what it means.

As a concrete example, If someone turns to a camera makes the ok gesture then punches a black guy that can be used as evidence in conjunction with a database like this to add a hate crime charge onto the assault charge.

Exactly this. Gasden Flag, same vibes, same weird arguments from people trying to take it back. Go ahead and try, I wish you well, but you're gonna look like a racist flying it.

Because when someone uses a symbol while they do something shitty, they are associating that symbol with their shitty behaviors. Human brains are wired to identify paterns and associations for threat identification. That's why cops all dress differently than EMT's.

If your ex-girlfriend left you in a nasty break up, you might avoid her favorite restaurant, cry when you hear her favorite songs, or even get upset just seeing a similar car to the one she drove. You cant drown out a dog whistel, all you can do is point it out.

Right but if Nazis just started using the LGBTQ+ flag, that wouldn't be recognized.

They tried that in Reddit back in 2019, and it failed. Frenworld tried taking rainbow flags to mean "A seperate place for every race" ahortly before they got banned.

Once a symbol has stuck, you cant shift it no matter how hard you try.

It was a hypothetical. Pick anything you want.

And anyways you proved my point, the "society" pushed back, ad discarded it, rather than allow it to be poisoned.

No, symbols are just hard to change. Once they have a meaning associated to them, you can't take the meaning away. A pride flag is symbol, so ot means something. An ok hand gesture doesn't have much beyond "ok" to it, so it can quickly be taken over and poisoned.

A drop of poison in a glass will kill you, but a drop in an lake won't harm anyone.

That's fine, detach from the flag and pick something else. It's the act of repulsion I'm clarifying. If a group chooses, a poisoner has no power, they are discarded.

"Ok" meant "ok" for many years. Society allowed it to be poisoned and that is lame.

Some random database was poisoned. Nobody in actual society cares.

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Tbf the fact that it failed kinda proves his point, and the fact that the ok symbol is "now a nazi dogwhistle" (or, like, that whole "swastika" thing) disproves your second point.

There was already a large, active movement that had adopted the symbol. None such movement existed for the "OK" hand gesture.

Can't tell if you're saying the hindus/other cultures had used the swastika for years and so that's why the nazis were able to steal it (which would seem to be applicable to the pride flag as well, also an established symbol,) or that the nazis were able to adopt the OK symbol because it wasn't well established as a symbol for one group, but rather a general signal for "Ok" since like wwii.

In any case, I doubt it, if that were the reason why wouldn't they have been successful in taking the swastika but not the pride flag, both established symbols? Much more likely that it didn't work "because we didn't let it" which kinda seems to be his entire point imo.

The swastika was not widely used in the western world.

Early Western travellers to Asia were inspired by its positive and ancient associations and started using it back home. By the beginning of the 20th Century there was a huge fad for the swastika as a benign good luck symbol.

"Coca-Cola used it. Carlsberg used it on their beer bottles. The Boy Scouts adopted it and the Girls' Club of America called their magazine Swastika. They would even send out swastika badges to their young readers as a prize for selling copies of the magazine,"

It was used by American military units during World War One and it could be seen on RAF planes as late as 1939. Most of these benign uses came to a halt in the 1930s as the Nazis rose to power in Germany.

The irony is that the swastika is more European in origin than most people realise. Archaeological finds have long demonstrated that the swastika is a very old symbol, but ancient examples are by no means limited to India. It was used by the Ancient Greeks, Celts, and Anglo-Saxons and some of the oldest examples have been found in Eastern Europe, from the Baltic to the Balkans .

Single swastikas began to appear in the Neolithic Vinca culture across south-eastern Europe around 7,000 years ago. But it's in the Bronze Age that they became more widespread across the whole of Europe. In the Museum's collection there are clay pots with single swastikas encircling their upper half which date back to around 4,000 years ago. When the Nazis occupied Kiev in World War Two they were so convinced that these pots were evidence of their own Aryan ancestors that they took them back to Germany. (They were returned after the war.)

The Ancient Greeks also used single swastika motifs to decorate their pots and vases. One fragment in the collection from around 7th Century BCE shows a swastika with limbs like unfurling tendrils painted under the belly of a goat.

The swastika remained a popular embroidery motif in Eastern Europe and Russia right up to World War Two. A Russian author called Pavel Kutenkov has identified nearly 200 variations across the region.

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Why exactly are we giving Nazis the power to poison language, emojis, what have you for the rest of us again?

Probably the same reason that the swastika is a hate symbol instead of a Hindu symbol.

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This might give some info.

Oren Segal, director of the ADL's Center on Extremism, told NPR that for years on fringe online message boards such as 4chan and 8chan, the "OK" sign has been deployed in memes and other images promoting hate. Given the number of white supremacists who have adopted it, he said it can now carry a nefarious message.

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Big brain leftist: I am going to repost one of Paul Joseph Watson posts

My mind is playing tricks on me, I keep seeing and unseeing a hair strand in his fingers.

I wanna cave this guy's face in. Not because of the milk, sushi, okay sign or lack of eye contact. He just seems like an arsehole and has a super punchable face.

The most/only infuriating part of this is that he kinda looked like Elongated Muskrat at first glance.