
3 Post – 1460 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Based and practicalpilled

Most of them


This is looping back around to being both a troll AND shitpost


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Oxygenation time

Ooh good trick


Hands him $5

If you have to tiptoe around to use it "correctly", it doesn't "just work"

...really? Hey, I'll take it!


They're made by people who are wealthy


It'a close. Isn't it at 4% market share? That's higher than Firefox.

Better than not doing it at all

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I'm stealing this phrase

I thought Linus didn't come up with the name Linux

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That means it's someone you blocked

Why do people always stop one step too short?

If there is no free will, the concepts of justice, blame, etc. still survive funtionally intact. If "chemical you" commits a crime, "you" are only not responsible if "you" is a metaphysical entity separate from (and that cannot control) the chemical you. But there's no evidence that "you" aren't simply the "chemical you", and therefore fully responsible for your crimes. If "you" are a metaphysical entity separate from the chemical you, then "you" do actually have free will.

This is only not true if the metaphysical you exists but cannot control the chemical you, which seems reasonable but like... you can move your arm right now, by willing it to be so. Either metaphysical you has free will, or your conscious experience is the chemical you. Either way, your conscious experience is either the same as or commands your physical form, and therefore is responsible for the actions that you take, and can be blamed and given justice.

mysteriously he have been canceled and the media system make him look like a sexual abuser

Hmmmm I wonder why??

It looks like he is just in the middle between “god” and “devil”.


Blocked. I recommend others do the same. This person is bringing nothing positive to your lemmy experience.

You can always tell they're insane just by their eyes

I love Into the Breach, I played it for quite a while on my pc. Never thought about it but playing it on your phone makes sense

"at least" 15%

Enemy strong weak same time

This isn't really going to happen. It's past the point where you can pretend that they're even trying to do what they think is right.

thank mr skeltal

Wow, that's more than I thought!

Yup. Determinism doesn't actually change anything-- but it tricks people into thinking it does by giving them permission to remove all meaning from the world. You can accomplish the same thing by believing in nihilism.

Even if this were true (which it's not) it's still better to have rights than to not have them

Love this game!

This is awesome! Portable identity management is one of the holy grails of federated services IMO, and this seems like an immediately usable Fediverse-applicable way to do it (as opposed to something like Solid Pods)

Plus, if I’m wrong it doesn’t really matter and I never could have been right at this point in my life anyway.

It's kind of like the free will version of Pascal's Wager, amazing

on a scale that’s grand enough to make the proverbial apple fall upward

Not necessarily. An apple teetering on the edge of a cliff requires no grand change in initial conditions to have two very different journeys. If "you" are a metaphysical entity capable of altering the signals in your physical brain, your brain could deterministically amplify and enact your will, like gravity does to the apple on the cliff. If you have a metaphysical existence, this is a pretty reasonable mechanism for it to work.

This isn't even a "tolerance as a social contract" moment, because avoiding reading the comments section on a controversial topic is in no way intolerance anyways.

You can also just... empty the bags manually. Without buying the super expensive machine.

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