
0 Post – 104 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Can you show your source then?

Considering they drastically slowed the spread, yes. And you're an idiot

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Add turmeric, chili powder, cumin powder, some garam masala then grill or braise it

Ah yes all the European countries are starving

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Would be cool if Biden gave Ukraine all the money he's giving Israel.

I'm not sure how many of you watched this based on the comments here

But his jokes really were not transphobic in this special at all

Watch the thing with context and see

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150k for me would be a dream right now. I have a dog, a gf, and I rent. But if you're making 150k and you have two kids and a spouse for example, suddenly that 150k doesn't go very far at all.

It really wasn't at all That's why I don't get this article or the reactions from people in the comments about this article.

That wasn't the main topic for the entire thing it was a fairly small part

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This is why I buy the physical copies of shows/movies I like and just pirate the rest

Dont trust these guys to not screw you over

I'm pretty sure this is photoshopped because nothing in the picture actually seems to match or be sitting on the ground in any believable way

Yeah he's better than trump for sure

A blind and crippled hedgehog would be better than trump

He's nowhere close to great. Hes run back much of his campaign promises and he's funding a genocide. The best thing he could do is say he's not running and throw his support behind someone actually progressive and actually not half senile

What is a tankie?

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Totally an accident of course

I thought this was just me but I swear this is so fucking annoying

Completely unnecessary filler space

Were people really using dating apps in college that often? It's pretty easy to meet people when in a hool when you're around a bunch of 18 to 22 year olds all the time

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I'm pretty sure the gazans don't want to live near people who rape and murder them

Damn a lot of you hate dogs huh

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I keep seeing both Israel and the US say they have evidence but neither of them seem to be able or willing to show such evidence.

That by itself should make every single person concerned, because if they actually had evidence, they would put it right out there for everyone to see. What do they gain by hiding it?

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The US finance Israel with billions of dollars

They have given Israel billions of dollars of military aid in just the last three months

Without the US involved, Israel would not be able to cause this level of destruction

The US has also consistently defended Israel in international court and in front of the UN while doing this

Biden is constantly giving Israel money and support, so it is on him

The US is not leaving this war alone, they are intrinsically psrt of it

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If you actually watch it he's not transphobic in it at all

Idk what this article is talking about

Honestly fuck her Crazy old bat

And fuck any asshole who doesn't stop aside when they're geriatric and senile and access over the entire nation because of their own arrogance

That's what happens when there's nothing left to bomb...

What's criminal is 50% of the population not understanding the concept of a pandemic and letting millions of people die but ok keep complaining about beans

Idk if anyone is saying they'll vote for trump over Biden because they think he will be better for genocide or for people in the states.

Saying Biden and the Democrats are enabling genocide and watching it happen is not the same thing as saying "we will vote for trump"

It's calling out people and hoping they do better.

But I guarantee you if Biden loses the election this November, all the pieces will be about why black and brown and Muslim voters didn't come out, rather than examining why an absolutely massive proportion of white people vote for trump and the Republicans at every turn even though they're destroying the country.

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I'm Indian and Hindu and I think Modi is a psycho despot who needs to be stopped. And I've thought that since he was in power. And I know quite a lot of Indians who feel exactly the same.

A long military operation is obviously not warranted

Did you geniuses see what happened after the US launched it's long military operation?

They definitely destroyed terrorism in that war. Taliban and al quaeda no longer exist, and Isis never came to power right? Oh shit wait...

It's like trying to kill an ideology by bombing innocent people has never ever worked

She's pretty consistently been against genocide in Palestine It's just that she doesn't get to decide when the rest of the establishment goes along with it

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I do remember the democratic establishment hamstringing him at every opportunity in favor of Hilary, even though he had a wave of support the same way trump did.

So I'm a little torn on this

In general I'm very left leaning, and I was a fan of most policies adern put in. This one I thought was a weird one and really harsh. You want to raise the smoking age to 25 or 30 sure. But banning it entirely is to me like banning weed entirely or when people tried to ban alcohol, etc.

I understand smoking isn't healthy for anyone. But it's still someone's choice to do so or not. Drinking isn't healthy either. Lots of people die every year from drinking entirely too much. You can't ban that entirely either.

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I've been watching Israelis scattering children's brains across the land for the last 8 months tbh

The US finance Israel with billions of dollars

They have given Israel billions of dollars of military aid in just the last three months

Without the US involved, Israel would not be able to cause this level of destruction

The US has also consistently defended Israel in international court and in front of the UN while doing this

Biden is constantly giving Israel money and support, so it is on him

The US is not leaving this war alone, they are intrinsically psrt of it

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Lol I have no reason to be in the office for my job. My company started forcing people back in January. I take the train in. It takes me 2.5 one way, 5 hours total. Doesn't make any fucking sense that I have to make the journey, and it makes no fucking sense that the train ride takes an hour and 45 minutes

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If a company expects me to come in multiple times a week to do their work, they should be paying for that time and money by an increase in salary which covers that expense.

If I can do the same job without incurring that expense, and have been, why should I? All that means is I lose more money from my salary.

Maybe instead of always forcing us to vote for the lesser of two evils, the democrats should take a second, listen to their base, and actually run someone competent.

Because right now, there is zero difference between how the republicans would handle this genocide and how the democrats are handling it. Both parties are in the pockets of oil companies and billionaires, and don't want a change to the status quo.

Yes voting democrat is marginally better, but it's not as vast a chasm as people like to make out. The system itself is broken - fucking around in the system isn't going to fix it. It needs to be smashed and then rebuilt back up

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I mean if a political opinion I don't like is one that says "hey these people shouldn't be allowed in our country because they are a different color" or "we should allow a president to betray the entire country and sell it out" then no that's a pretty big deal and those people should be shunned or exiled

Lol you mean the ceasefire that was in place that Israel kept breaking constantly bombing, killing, and arresting thousands of Palestinians? And the one they keep breaking by building illegal settlements? Or are we just pretending that there was no history of apartheid violence in the 70 years before the 7th of October?

I used to live in the city and then moved out because rent is 4500 a month for a one bedroom and I don't feel like spending around 50k a year on housing for a small little rathole, especially when my salary cannot bear that

Also, now I'm not in the city, I have parks and trails and farms all right near me and I feel way healthier

I'm pretty sure the entire argument since 1948 has been that they want to be a state.

I'm pretty sure it's literally in the idea of a two state solution.

Yeah if they're not getting it remote I highly doubt they're going to get it with you obsessively watching them. That's a ridiculous idea

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This isn't about efficiency - if they were just digitizing it that would be fine. Getting rid of the originals in addition is a recipe for disaster

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