6 Post – 128 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I'm not based or up to date with times, an ignorant fool who lives on a tiny planet.

I already do that for nostalgia and memories, I like going through my camera roll every so often despite the fact I don't take many pictures.

I got a better valve solution!

I decided the nuclear option using mint with kde plasma 5

Well I did switch to opensuse tumbleweed, liked kde plasma a lot so while setting up weekly backups, I ended up... uh... "overwriting" it and my last external backup was a month old mint backup, so to not set things up again I just install kde on mint and said F it.

Its funny that I have seen more crack downs on library sites than movie or game sites.

Listen kids, put away that nerd shit that makes you smarter and instead watch this crappy movie sequel .

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Thanks to lemmy I don't doom scroll anymore because either there is an outage or I read all the new content I'm subscribed to in 10-20 minutes

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I keep reading the word Fury as Furry

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Chickens taste like dinosaurs

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I shall share a stolen... I meant a borrowed meme

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I guess it already has been 3 weeks since I last posted this is someone's comment sections

He should have put them in a circle and mimiced the moves of the masters cross from each other, in other words, make them play against each other instead

My skin hurts now

This got me curious on how many images are on all Lemmy instances combined and how much storage it all takes up.

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I just wished it was as easy as making apk files but for apple devices, I don't want to pay for an apple developer account every year so I could make a free app for my family to use.

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Ask him what the conversion rate is for soda tabs to bottle caps

Wish there was a factory reset button for the body too, not just your mind. I'm sore out the wazoo.

I look up a lot of things and sometimes one page doesn't fully answer it so you need to do extra research, then you end up 40 tabs deep in the history of it and it all ties back to each other.

Also programming, that also requires a crap load of tabs.

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Idk about other browsers but firefox has an option to load in desktop view, that is what I do to bypass that when I need an answer to something quick and every other source sucks

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My OCD has yet to reached those levels

Since we live in the digital age, I think it would be awesome if everyone knew a little bit of python and how you can automate boring tasks using it. Well doesn't have to only be python but it would be cool if something like it was added to school systems

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Honestly, morning walks in the park really bring my mood up for the rest of that day.

Yeah winner doesn't know how inflation works /s

Soon, humans will forget how to walk

If you try something like this again, use ventoy, it let's you just drag and drop iso files onto USB and when you boot up you select which one you want to use, so no need to make USB a bunch of times.

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I want to comment more and more, but I need to stop myself half the time, because I know it doesn't add anything, not funny, or will just get hated on cuz I'm ignorant of most situations/people

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Facebook Marketplace, it is literally the only reason I even use it.

Technology in pants has gotten so good that jeans which used to be uncomfortable have now gotten thin, stretchy, and soft while still looking the same

Are you positive enough to jump a car?

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Loved reddit for the info I was able to find and that I didn't need to go scour the internet for a simple answer. As all good things must come to an end, reddit has shown it's darkside and I don't think I will return to reddit even if the protest works. It was actually thanks to the Linux communities there that I learned about the wonders of open source and self hosting. I stand for Lemmy and any fediverse related to it, I hope this service grows into a beautiful one to replace them all in the future.

Steve Huffman can go down with his sinking platform.

Gonna be hella expensive changing them if you get a flat

Musk gotta cut back on that weed, or whatever he is smoking

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You need some uranium to cook it all the way

You just add a panel to every screen as it doesn't do it automatically, but if you want a taskbar where the open apps are visible from different monitors on the panel then you could try using kubuntu backports for kde 5 on mint, go with the minimal install. You still need to manually add the panel to extra monitors, but they are linked together.

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A large dog rip my cousins pomeranian to pieces

Reddit selling user comments/posts to AI companies

Due to having less content on Lemmy, your questions have a better chance of getting a reply even if the person can't answer the question, they usually show support in your efforts of finding the answer.

I didn't understand what was the issue till I read the comments


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I'm having flashbacks of... fades to black

Ralof: Hey, you. You’re finally awake. You were trying to cross the border, right? Walked right into that Imperial ambush, same as us, and that thief over there.

Haven't taken any TVs apart yet, but this lookes like it could totally work on a laptop lcd panel

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