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Will put an eternal curse on your enemies for a Cinemageddon invite.

You can blame me all you wish, if it makes you feel better to blame others who have absolutely no say in the matter instead of the party or their leaders for disenfranchising so many people.

Your continued support of the familiar means they'll never change. Of course since I'm sure you, like the party leadership, like it that way, it shouldn't be an issue for you.

I still think it's a ridiculous notion that I alone am responsible for the failures of the democrat party simply because I am unable to go door to door and say "Vote for Zippy," regardless of who puts forth the candidate. Short of being the sole arbiter of ballots of course.

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Lmao you're a cartoon character.

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I'm just wondering why they left the fate of the entire free world to...this guy? Seriously? A turtle would have been better. Why run him again when it was this obvious of a bad idea even back in the primaries? Anyone but Hillary would have been a shoe in, now we have to worry.

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Lol I didn't realize that I'm the entirety of the DNC, who knew?

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Brother laser printers, higher upfront cost but I don't think I'll ever need another. I don't print frequently so inkjet carts dry up, toner doesn't have that issue, toner also lasts longer, whenever I have to replace it I'm pretty sure they have 3rd party carts, and they don't do any subscription bullshit or planned obsolescence so far that I've seen. Easy to set up on linux through CUPS and the official brother .rpm or .deb drivers. Cannot recommend them enough as someone who also hates all other printers.

Dude don't trash it, give it to some kid that may appreciate it, or sell/donate it to a thrift store at the very least. It may not be the best guitar but it's in fine shape, and you could change the life of some kid too poor to afford his own.

That said, chords are easier than arpeggios, idk what kind of music you're into but I'd start (well, "start" with learning the chords, then) with something like Pink Floyd's Wish You Were Here or The Penguins Earth Angel (for example.)

Ehhhh I'll save the donkey, use it to pull out the woman, and then no sexual favors will happen. They're both gonna be carrying some shit though, free labor.

I just tell them to google first thing to do after installing Fedora and say "follow the guide except 'fastest mirror' just ignore." Hasn't failed anyone yet, and since I didn't have anyone to help me it is what I did when I was new, except I've learned the fastest mirror part since then, so I pass along that knowledge.

Actually I think I may try and write up a script that'll do all this for them, and make it even easier. I already have like half of it in my "new install" script but they don't need all my packages.

Under, 'cause cat.

I do recommend Fedora. It's what I started on (besides tails) and after a couple years I've moved to FedoraKDE.

You'd think it'd make them do the opposite, idk about you but I'd be more scared of that guy than regular troops and I'd be gunning for him. "He's clearly crazy, lord knows what he'll do."

"Why should I care about my privacy? I don't do anything illegal."

Hmm? Do we now acknowledge that laws and public perceptions of your actions can change with time, and that you may one day become a "criminal" for continuing behaviors that were once legal?

To preempt the "but it should just be legal" whataboutists: Of course it should just be legal, but "criminal charges" suggests that it isn't, and privacy helps you not get caught. Furthermore, this issue contains but is not limited to abortion. It's time that "normal" people wake the fuck up and get on board with privacy rights.

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Yeah, locked me right into "brother laser is the only way to go, fuck inkjet and fuck HP."

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Tbf imo while I carry a gun, I also carry mace for shit like this. From the above description it seems normal force was certainly justified but deadly force is questionable, however I withhold personal judgement as I'm not following the case and the details reported could be (often are) wildly innacurate from the facts.

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"Know what Bessie? You're right."


"Honey fire up the grill! Steaks tonight!"

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As a person who worked in the industry for a decade, they clearly don't care, or they would have said something. I'd only care if you were starting trouble and that is clearly not the case. Some bars will care about bringing in outside food or drinks, but that's about it.

My honest advice: just order a water from the bar. In most bars (at least in America) the water is free and the bartender will just assume you're the DD, and it might shut your clearly crazy/controlling friend there up.

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Its because in America most people's only experience with it is when the movie says "meet here at 0700 hrs." Really isn't much deeper than that, we also call "ranger green" "ranger green" whether an army ranger is wearing it or not, despite it really being "just a shade of green." Sometimes things are just called things.

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Maybe they were wearing really shart skirts.

Buyers online can easily replace what’s missing and reconstitute the weapon.

I like how this article doesn't mention that since it is the serialized receiver they need to "fix" the buyer still has to pass a NICs background check at an FFL to get the receiver separately, instead implying they can just buy it online like ordering car parts. Nice subtle move to make it sound worse than it actually is, gotta push those feature bans!

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I can only inagine how sick of hearing his name europeans are, I've been sick of it since 2015 and I'm American. Honestly at this point I just want to go one whole day without hearing his fucking name. I can't think of one other person that applies to in politics, celebrities, anything.

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You wouldn't happen to remember any would you? For some reason I love those "Why is a mouse when it spins? The higher the fewer." type things.

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Idk, technically voluntary association is a key tenet of volunteerism/anarcho-capitalism, so if we're just using volunteering as the basis we might as well say it's volunteerism. I think anarcho-communism and anarcho-capitalism are a bit more nuanced than "sharing."

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The fucking bane of my existence I swear, all my homies hate filesize limits.

Fortunately we have a few options, some better than others, and if it helps one person Imma talk about it now.

Magic-wormhole: My favorite, CLI client that shares files from your computer to a server to be downloaded with a password you send through your normal means of communication. No filesize limit, files stay on the server for 1h unless downloaded (deleted after download.) For sensitive information I would PGP it before I upload but I have trust issues.

Warp: Magic wormhole, but GUI. Second favorite, only because I love my terminal so much. It's literally just a GUI wrapper for magic wormhole though so no complaints from me. Works on windows too iirc, and the android wrapper for it is called just "wormhole" alone, no "magic."

Onionshare: Sends files directly from your pc to theirs, works through Tor. I have gotten it to work before, but sometimes it hates me and refuses to connect, usually when I try to DL from mobile.

Soulseek: Not exactly private, but it works if you can forward a port. If you need privacy you'll have to mark the files as private, probably name them something nondescript like "file1," and set it so only your trusted buddies can download it, then whitelist the buddy you want to share it with for that time (would have to remove trust for buddies by default, only enabling the ones for the current file to be shared, then swap that again next time. Like I said it "works" but it's far from ideal. Would also PGP them files to be safe.)

Torrents: well we all know this one, it's the classic!

I'm probably forgetting some/don't know some, so anyone else feel free to add!

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with reasonable vetting like Google Play Store

Seemingly innocuous Play store apps get found to be viruses all the time, most recent in my memory being a few barcode scanner apps, farthest back in my memory being flashlight apps back before android did it natively, but there's been more over the years. Trusting apps "because play store" is horrible practice.

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I actually don't hate castle doctrine tbh, which is commonly confused with the more controversial "stand your ground." I frankly do not see "a duty to retreat" from one's own occupied dwelling in the event of an intruder, in my opinion that duty dissipates the second forcible entry has been made to my home.

The common thing I hear is "they usually just want your TV," but A) The best way to steal a TV is to push a cart, trust me, especially if you still have a 24hr walmart, and B) if you have to rob people of their TV who are also probably living paycheck to paycheck, at least have the common decency to not do so while they're home and scare the shit out of them. For all they know you could be a rapist or a murderer even if just out of opportunity or "no witnesses," even by accident with poor gun safety from robbers. Tbh it's hard for me to agree that some poor family should have to flee their own home or hide in a closet if someone else decides to enter it unlawfully.

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Another one?

2 more... I misunderstanding the distance between israel and gaza or am I misunderstanding how nukes work? This sounds like a really bad plan unless I'm wrong about something.

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Yes yes and I don't want to hear about me hanging out with "the boys" either when I'm with my male friends, we're "the men" I suppose, to keep it consistant. I mean, I know nobody means it in a derogatory manner, at least mostly, but if "girls" is derogatory than so too must "boys" be, especially when used by those who claim "girls" is derogatory.

I now expect the terms "boyfriend" and "girlfriend" become stricken from the lexicon since they are derogatory terms, instead "manfriend" or "womanfriend" must be used going forward from 00:00:00 on the individual in question's 18th birthday.

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He says in another comment that he's a white newfie, so, doubtful, unless he now lives in like, Kolkata. More likely, he has a slight accent or is just upset about small talk.

As a white guy myself, white all kinds of people constantly ask things like "where you from," in the same cadence of "nice weather we're having, huh?" It's a part of getting to know people, what's your name, where you from, what kind of music you into, etc. I don't think they're trying to find out if I am originally of Saxon or Angle stock, I think they're just trying to make small talk.

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The kid who bought it had almost 3oz of weed, 74g. Some weird shit is going on in that neighborhood wtf.

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I argued with a guy one time who was denying tienanmann square happened. Turns out after a bit of back and forth his reasoning for reaching this conclusion that "nothing happened there" was "it wasn't at tienanmann square, it was a bit down the street from there."

Can't make this shit up lmao.

I've never doubted the holocaust before, but there are so many museums and everyone insists it happened so I'm starting to think hitler did nothing wrong.


Today's "country" is pop with a southern accent. Long live Lefty Frizzell, Marty Robbins, Roger Miller, Buck Owens, Tammy Wynette, Dolly Parton, Jeannie C. Reily, Hank Sr, Charlie Pride, Loretta Lynn, Merle Haggard, Willie Nelson, Porter Wagoner...

The list of amazing old country music is long as fuck if given a chance. The list of today's good country artists? Charley Crockett, Sturgil Simpson, Hank III, John Moreland, American Aquarium. That's about it, few more I'm forgetting I'm sure.

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"On android phones you can get different messaging apps, and on some of those apps you can change the color of the text bubbles (both send and receive) to suit your needs. If the color is really an issue for you, just change it! Oh iPhones can't do that? Shame.."

A guy like who? This random girl's random friend's "boyf?" That's not specific enough for me to believe your claim.

Honestly I'm not even sure if it's specific enough for me to believe her claim, but if either is true good on "Boyf."

Spyware after v 3.0.3. Tenacity is the prevailing fork without telemetry. Needs work but works ok.

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We really need to get a search function so this post can stop being asked 1x daily by some new refugee.

Don't get me wrong, I'm glad y'all are here and it moves a lot faster than 2y ago, but every day with this question, and no consensus has been reached. We should all just stop "asking" and let time tell us what we call ourselves, some word will win eventually.

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Yes that way they're trapped and need you for tech support, classic move.

But use nicotine+ as the client instead of soulseekqt. Is better.

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