LPT: Never get a tattoo in a language that you don't understand

Striker@lemmy.worldmod to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 1321 points –

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You wouldn't happen to remember any would you? For some reason I love those "Why is a mouse when it spins? The higher the fewer." type things.

I have just the site for you:


I was having difficulty understanding my Chinese boss one day, and after the third time I asked in total confusion, "What?" He looked at me and asked, "Why you not understand me, am I no speaking English?" I cracked us both up with my reply of, "No, you're clearly speaking Chinglish!"

Her: I am struggling with two words.

Me: Ok.

Her: Fuck and fuck.

Me: umm

Her: the first one is like a thing for eating a meal.

Me: Oh! Ok "fork" is what you eat with and "fuck" is what you do in private or yell when something goes wrong.

Her: Say it again.

(Multiple minutes later of me saying fork and fuck)

Her: So I eat with a for-K and f-U-ck in private.

Me: You got it, now go and fork yourself.

(Me getting hit with a pillow multiple times while laughing)

I have this sort of thing all the time here in Spain, though with shit/sheet.

There's plenty going the other way too, of course. At least I don't mistake miedo and mierda these days ...

One time I misremembered my Japanese teacher's mnemonic and wrote that my grandpa was married to noodles.

Teacher told us grandma is sofu because she has a sore foot from kicking grandpa's ass. I remembered it as sore bum instead, and changed grandma to soba

Sofu (祖父) is grandpa. Sobo (祖母) is grandma, which is even closer to soba.

Not OP but the Toyota MR2 had the following text on the rear window on some units:

Mature sporty personal

More innovation more adult

A man in dandism

Powered midship specialty

I'm trying to remember some of them, or find a photo. I can't remember what model of vehicle they were though.