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Joined 1 years ago

Reducing the amount of data you need to send is an obvious factor for a service that sends a lot of data. Not much of a bet at all.

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Are people actually making excuses for Israel?

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Half-assed support from the US isn't because of ammunition shortfalls, it's because the US will only give just enough to drag out the war and drain Russia as much as possible.

and Israel did even worse. Your point?

I'd rather not use youtube than give them money for it or even sit through their intrusive ads. There are infinite ways to entertain myself.

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Are these the job creators I've heard so much about?

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I specified intrusive ads. They could have non-intrusive ads, like a little banner or something. Instead they put up multiple video ads before and during videos. No thanks.

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Did it hurt?

When I shoved this cake right up your arrogant ass.

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But that would make me a tryhard.

Install backdoors and sell that info to governments and companies, then years later reveal the issue to justify downgrading performance of older CPUs to encourage people to upgrade.

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"allowing it" as if disney owns the public domain.

Expand the court. "But republicans will do the same" you might say. To that I say "okay, let the court be a million judges to show just how shitty and ridiculous it is, let it collapse under its own stupidity. Besides, the conservatives already control the court, so there's really nothing to lose."

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The AI boom in a nutshell. Repackaged software and content with a shiny AI coat of paint. Even the AI itself is often just repackaged chatgpt.

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Look at all that self defense israel is doing.

The graph goes up for me when I find my comfortable little subset of C++ but goes back down when I encounter other people's comfortable little subset of C++ or when I find/remember another footgun I didn't know/forgot about.

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I feel like for a number of the allies, their main goal has been to drain Russia of resources, even if it costs the lives of Ukrainians.

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Actually progressive or "biden is the most progressive president in recent US history" progressive? I'll take either over the alternative, but I'd love it if it was more than former than the latter.

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China wasn't "outcompeting us on undesirable, low productivity, jobs". Corporations were shipping jobs to China to undercut highly productive factory jobs back then, too, so they could save on labor costs. It's only now that China is undercutting corporate profits that these same corporations come crying and shitting their pants. That's also why you see a ramping up of negative media pieces on China. It was never about charitably raising people out of poverty. It was always about corporations undercutting labor to gain greater profits. Fuck 'em, bring on the cheap cars.

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I wonder if this will be one of the things pointed at after the AI bubble bursts. Yes, AI will be sticking around, but the hype over it now is ridiculous.

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Nice job, FCC, and only 20 years late!

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I'd love to see this naming and shaming becoming a standard. I want to know if the product I'm buying has changed and while I try to do this myself, it can be tricky to keep track of all the products I buy and it's not like I'm scanning the exact weight every time and memorizing it, just that it's generally the same weight. These scumbag companies are always trying to sneak by all these changes over time, it's great to finally get a spotlight shining on it. If some sort of legislation can be made to force companies to note changes in products made in the last 6 months on the label, that would be great.

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I think it's because it's irrelevant for someone who would be interested in leather (and this YSK). I'm sure they're well aware of where leather comes from. I will say, though, that if cows are getting murdered for food, then they might as well use the whole animal instead of letting it go to waste.

The only answer that democrats have: "Who else are you going to vote for -- Trump? 😏"

This is why the US will inevitably slide into fascism. You've got a party of fascists and then another party that helps out fascists in a number of ways: https://www.salon.com/2016/11/09/the-hillary-clinton-campaign-intentionally-created-donald-trump-with-its-pied-piper-strategy/

Democrats like to position themselves as "the thin blue line" that separates civil society from a fascist hellhole, but just like "the thin blue line" known as the police, they've got fascist tendencies if they're not simply full-blown fascists. To think that this is called a democracy.

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Smartphones have reached a maturity level where upgrades aren't really exciting. Sure there are the usual hardware power upgrades (and even those don't really open up new applications), but in terms of features they're not coming out with anything really novel. Last thing I could think of is bringing back folding which I do find appealing, but not for the cost or the reliability issues.

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How about stopping?

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There's still brain activity in sleep.

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These companies need to get smacked upside the head. Hard drives would be pretty much completely obsoleted if SSDs hit the prices that they should if we had proper competition instead of the "competition" to keep prices up that this memory cartel loves to keep up. My only hope is for another player to come in and dump cheap product onto the market like Japan did in the 80s.

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The machine didn't do anything. They built a targeting "AI" that is trained on bullshit data, which likely doesn't distinguish between Hamas targets and civilians, but it's ultimately these genocidal bastards who decide when to kill and they choose to do so far more often than not. They're throwing the "AI" buzzword in to add a layer of abstraction between themselves and the genocide they're perpetrating.

The west can't fall fast enough.

I don't want to touch any Chromium-based browser. Firefox all the way.

Guess they're not tankies then.

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"Why Americans feel gloomy about the economy despite paying a lot more for things than the official inflation numbers claim and having a wage that isn't rising as high as official numbers claim"

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How dare he point out that Israel is carrying out war crimes.

The local races perhaps make more of a difference than national races. I think Michigan combating gerrymandering has brought it to this point and Michigan will be more consistently blue going forward. Even if you don't like the candidates, make sure to vote to approve ballot measures like those that combat gerrymandering.

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Supporting genocide or not supporting genocide. Gee, what a tough choice.

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We've only got a stated range out of this (252km/157mi) but there are a lot of factors where this could do well. Sodium batteries should be cheaper, so it'd be great if that translated to the final sale price. Depending on charge times and where you live, this could be a perfectly practical vehicle. If it doesn't degrade like lithium batteries, then that'd be even better. Might make for a great secondary vehicle (or everyday driver, depending).

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Is it already the time of year to bash progressives in case democrats lose so that they can be blamed for it? The extent of support Joe Biden will get is a vote against the republican party. As a candidate himself, he sucks as does the "democratic" party in general.

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Large Lying Model. This could make politicians and executives obsolete!

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Same reason why people who grew up on TV (or radio, newspapers, etc, pick your medium of choice) aren't better at detecting misinformation?

Voting with your wallet doesn't work when there are so many other wallets out there that don't care.

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