Intel 'Downfall': Severe flaw in billions of CPUs leaks passwords and much more to – 961 points –
Intel 'Downfall': Severe flaw in billions of CPUs leaks passwords and much more

Oh no.


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Install backdoors and sell that info to governments and companies, then years later reveal the issue to justify downgrading performance of older CPUs to encourage people to upgrade.

This does sound like planned obsolescence to me...

Oop CPU sales are down! Leak one of our critical flaws to force people to upgrade!

Anti virus companies has also been caught making viruses.

A lot of shady shit happens when there is money and power to be had.

I heard that rumor before, is there any source to this? Like, which antivirus companies?

Just look into John McAfee’s eyes and tell me it isn’t true.

I guess that's my fault for not specifically asking for reliable sources.

I haven't found any evidence of this, but that's to be expected... How would that evidence look like even.

But there has always been rumors of this. And since there is money involved... I think it's not unlikely.

The argument against this is always "there are so many viruses, antivirus companies can't create them all". And nobody is saying that. It's enough to create one high profile virus and you will sell your anti virus software very easily.

But I think it was more common in the past. Today all companies will buy anti virus software, so it's guaranteed sales.

If there is no evidence then stop spreading misinformation.

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