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Joined 12 months ago

Man, BG games are really some of the best! Give it a play!

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I'm really glad a developer that actually cares about BG made this game. I'm not sure how much more I can take of ruined classics.

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Not sure what he expected. I commend all the protesting, but we all saw how reddit responded. They didn't give two shits. Yet people stick around in a toxic relationship with the site until they get removed. It's weird. Why not just make the move to Lemmy before they take everything from you?

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Adjusted for inflation, that $700 rent would be $1,242 today. Not quite enough to get it all the way to the $3,600 they are quoting today. There's something else very funky going on right now. A lot of cities are experiencing massive population loss... yet rental costs continue to rise. I'm sure the housing crisis has a large part to play in that, but it still doesn't make a lot of sense to me.

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I don't understand why they would even try to get this data. It's not like a Reddit post would stand up in court as admissable evidence of piracy.

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I just don't understand our societies lax take on gun control.

In Boston, there was a restaurant owner that got mad at a guy so he rode up to him on his bike and tried to shoot him in the street! He's only being charged with assault!

Motherfucker tried to commit murder and shot into a busy restaurant and no one seems to really care.

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Yeah, right-wingers flock to "safe-spaces" as much as the far-left does. Lemmy doesn't have the tools to make a single community isolated like they could on Reddit, so they have to go to their own instances and end up defederated.

The main differences between left-wing and right-wing communities is that the right-wing ones quickly deteriorate towards a lot of hate related things. This leads them to being isolated from the rest. The left wingers are mostly tolerable and are just over zealous in preaching things like forcing everyone to use pronouns, lmao.

Man, this makes me rethink my whole idea of online anonymity.

There's a lot of reasons why requiring identity verification could be a good thing, but holy shit now I realize how quickly something like that could slip into authoritarianism.

I still think we need a identity verification service for things like online games and social media (to thwart ban evasion), but it has to be something decentralized.

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This does sound like planned obsolescence to me...

Oop CPU sales are down! Leak one of our critical flaws to force people to upgrade!

Lmao I can tell you've never used Teams before.

I work for MS and literally every MS employee hates Teams. I would cut off my tongue before I recommend it to a friend.

The problem with Discord isn't the program, it's the fact that we have a million different servers now. People just don't like having to go to a new server for every different conversation, but that's the way they all chose to use it so it's their own fault.

The DOJ wouldn't have brought these charges unless they knew they would stick.

Something like 99% of cases that DOJ brings charges for are won, but that's mostly because 97% of the defendants please guilty. 25% of those that fight are acquited, so still pretty good chances that he goes to jail from this.

Still, the first GOP president will just pardon him, so even if we win, we'll eventually lose.

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Passing aggressively on a 2 lane road: ok, yes I agree

Driving slow on a 4 lane highway: real dangerous

If someone isn't going to go at least the speed limit on a highway, they should use back roads instead.


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Microsoft reported profitability in their AI products last quarter, with a substantial gain in revenue from it.

It won't take long for them to recoup their investment in OpenAI.

If OpenAI has been more responsible in how they released ChatGPT, they wouldn't be facing this problem. Just completely opening Pandora's box because they were racing to beat everyone else out was extremely irresponsible and if they go bankrupt because of it then whatever.

There's plenty of money to be made in AI without everyone just fighting over how to do it in the most dangerous way possible.

I'm also not sure nVidia is making the right decision trying their company to AI hardware. Sure, they're making mad money right now, but just like the crypto space that can dry up instantly.

I don't really agree with this sentiment.

Are they dipshits?


Should Sothebys lose all credibility and be fined for faking an auction?

Also yes.

Should Bored Ape owners get any of their money back?


This crosses certain lines that are beyond just: huuuur crypto dumb

It's definitely an intelligent based issue, not necessarily age.

Yeah man this is one I can admit.

The food is not even that good, but my body craves it. That's classic addiction right there.

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500k salary

Yeah, I was gunna say: this impeachment attempt is obvious political theater, but I'm not about to listen to anything CNN has to say about it.

They're a major part of why politics are all a complete joke now.

Yes. An admission that Cheeto boy needs to go to jail.

Again, that's not really the case.

I have Asian friends that have used these tools and generated headshots that were fine. Just because this one Asian used a model that wasn't trained for her demographic doesn't make it a reflection of anything other than the fact that she doesn't understand how MML models work.

The worst thing that happened when my friends used it were results with too many fingers or multiple sets of teeth 🤣

Yeah man... It's not what he's saying that is losing him money... he's just completely lost the ability to effectively run a company.

This makes me sad because politics are very important, but the media has turned it into such garbage that people have become indifferent.

Morgan Freeman voiceover: "He did not resign"

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Once again, Lukashenko assumes that the rest of the world is as shitty and weak as Belarus and Russia. Wagner may be able to get to Moscow, but they would be utterly demolished the second they closed the border.

So, if you break down the numbers, it's a different story.

97% of defendants plead guilty.

Of the 3% that fight their charges, 25% are acquitted.

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There isn't an easy statement that explains why things are getting worse.

The housing market, for instance, was being affected by low interest rates. Low rates make being a slum lord more profitable than other forms of investment. This caused a massive amount of investment in the housing market by rich people and corporations, and normal people were priced out.

The banks that failed did so because they either invested in dumb things (crypto) or in long-term bonds. Those bonds lose value as interest rates rise, and SVB invested far too much into them.

There's all kinds of reasons

I think part of it is his own hubris through. His head is so far up his head by now that he though he knew better. It's the same reason why Super Heavy destroyed itself on first launch. He thought he was smarter than his engineers and forced them to go without a proper launchpad.

I'm real tired of hearing about Lemmy and Reddit. I just want the other content that I used to consume here. I'm getting pretty tired of hearing how bad Reddit is doing.

This seems like an "if you build it, they will come" situation. We clearly don't have a thriving chip maker industry in this country, so it's going to take a while to build that job market.

I thought the US gov was dedicated to making this happen no matter the cost?

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It's because Edge is built on Chromium now.

Yeah I'm waiting it out and trying to build up my favorite community. I don't really see reddit ever being replaced but that's only because people won't be part of the solution. There are too many people in this world that just don't care.

Yeah probably 10+ years.

It's going to be hard to stop using Reddit though. Very little niche communities have migrated.

Yes! It's the same developer as Divinity.

The games don't play exactly the same, but they are the same style.

Ok so there you go. If you ever need to help someone understand why their political viewpoints are bad, you can just show them what Russia is doing.

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Honestly this is one of the major failures of how schooling works currently. Because everything is so generalized, people fresh out of HS have very little value to any real job. They also have very little understanding of how real jobs work.

Most people just end up taking a job because they know someone that helps them. They end up in whatever industry that is and go from there. It don't have a lot to do about what you "want" to do with your life and more about the necessity of having money to survive.

Yeah while this suit covers a very specific scenario, a large majority of AI driven content does have human interaction and does qualify for copyright.

Even just a draft, fed into an AI finishing system, has some human interaction. Nothing is going to stop the AI revolution.

I like this

There are many issues besides AI stuff that are causing this strike.

Yes, with the quick emergence of AI in all industries, we do need strong workers rights agreements and laws to address it, but AI isn't really the primary issue.

People pick positions in these arguments that are too stringent and not realistic. There will be places where AI is useful in this industry. The union just needs to make sure AI isn't abused in order to completely replace certain types of laborers.