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Joined 11 months ago

Nah, I disagree.

It shouldn't matter to them who uses the phone or what provider you use on it, as long as you pay them of course.

I would call those standard features (except vibration) though.

What are you missing in terms of features.

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Alright, personally I don't really care too much about that.

Wtf is that supposed to mean?

That's crazy. Why the fuck did they think that was a good idea‽

Maybe, but than I want two USB-C ports.

I really like my semi wireless headphones as well. They have like 28 hours of battery life and you can charge them from 0% to 10 hours of playback (or however many percent that is) in 10 minutes. They also have an incredible feature I wish all wireless headphones had. The ability to quickly switch between the last two devices by just pressing a button twice. No need to disconnect them from the device they are already connected too.

Indexing is what "scrapers" mostly do.

That's how search engines work. If you don't allow any scraping don't be surprised if you get no visitors.

The original author could sell their work anyway.

You could print out the source code, book bind it, and then set it on fire.

I own the LCD model (bought long before OLED edition existed) and it brings me joy on the train.

Sure it would be nice with a better screen, bigger battery, and slightly lighter device. But it's not something you absolutely need.

Whenever it's worth it for you is a very personal thing that depends highly on what you prioritise and how much money you have.

Well I suggest setting something proper up if you have the budget.

my brain tired now, I stop talking about this

Fair enough.

It's only a good registrar if you don't care about privacy and you're ok with their selection of TLDs (selected only from registries without privacy).

I wish they supported my country's two CCTLDs but other than that I'm very happy. I would never buy any of the crazy vanity TLDs anyways.

I mostly own .com domains and two CCTLDs domains.

I highly recommend the Affinity suite of problems (Photo, Designer, and Publisher). While they aren't free they are much cheaper than Adobe and they are only available for a one time fee.

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Yeah, it fucking sucks [blah, blah, blah], it's green text on black.

Lol, it's a typo but I'm not changing it, haha

Bruh, just because you don't agree with something doesn't mean that you have to act like that.

Please tell me what exactly you disagree with.

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Not that I agree with using local accounts instead of domain accounts but fair enough.

It's much better than the old way of home folders in a file share.

arguably subjective

Yes, of course. IMO OneDrive is much easier for the end user instead of having to remember to store files in a share or using folder redirection which is prone to fail sometimes. Because using OneDrive they only have to store files where they normally store them and they get automatically synced and backed up to OneDrive. Something being easy is a huge benefit because it will ensure documents and everything else is backed up properly and it reduces support load.

Please tell me you have some kind of backup of those computers where you don't use shared storage or apparently anything "proper".

You don't use Windows home too, right?

Btw, GPOs only work using a domain. You are probably using local policies and those are sometimes not as likely to work.

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You have backup and tape but not shared storage‽ Wut‽

I misunderstood what you meant by local accounts. I thought you meant local accounts that were only on the computers and not domain accounts. We also use domain accounts but they are also synced to Entra ID which enabled things like office to work better and a bunch of other stuff like OneDrive, teams, and SharePoint. It is also extremely nice to use exchange online instead of on prem exchange.

Personally it seems like a HUGE pain in the ass to backup workstations. We never do that. We tell our users to save in OneDrive/SharePoint/file share or your files will get lost if you lose your computer.

How do you do the backups? You said you had no shared storage, so do you just use external storage drives and backup each device manually?

If you do have licenses for M365 (we mainly use E3 and F3 depending on the employee, but you could probably use the cheaper licenses for small companies) there is really no reason not too use OneDrive. It's convenient for the users and for IT. If you don't have licenses you shouldn't have to worry about OneDrive anyways because you don't pay for it.

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Here is an uncropped version of the image: [NSFW]

Considering this it's more understandable that it's controversial.

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Really who cares? The free tier is shit and has always been shit. That's the point of the free tier, to get you to pay.

Previously they didn't even have a free tier, now they do and it's free. Of course not every feature exists and especially not a feature like lyrics which isn't essential and Spotify has to pay extra for.

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Just do what they asked you to do. Remove the torrents, it's not like they are threatening legal action. They are actually asking pretty nicely.

In the future, use a VPN.

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ALWAYS, use an adblocker when you are on the high seas.

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They included the biggest browsers. They don't need to include every single browser in existence.

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Sounds great. Maybe we could even scam the users for even more money.

How is it any different for before the law? TikTok is a tech giant.

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The need for a cabled connection is a little disappointing, considering Apple’s Continuity Camera — which substitutes an iPhone’s camera for the webcam when taking calls on a MacBook — is completely wireless. But because Android’s webcam feature is built on the USB Video Class (UVC) standard, it should work across all systems without any restrictions — including Windows, Chromebook, Linux, and Mac.

This is great! No third part apps or anything.

It's still easy to get parts for Fairphone 4 and most parts (some out of stock, unclear if permanently) for Fairphone 3, and some parts for Fairphone 2.

And how is fairphone supposed to get people to hear about the phones without making the phone in the first place?

And it isn't really a one off since they have made 5 different phone models and some other stuff in the last decade.

They also support their phones software for a relatively long time.

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They pretty much have a monopoly with YouTube.

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Why? In windows you already have a dozen selection screens during installation, just adding one for the browser would be a huge deal.

OEMs could just install every popular browser.

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These are not intended for you anyways. They are designed for servers.

It's still interesting though and server hardware eventually makes it way down to normal people.

If there is no evidence then stop spreading misinformation.


The funniest is when game devs accidentally implement a mode that simulates colour blindness instead of helping colour blindness.

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That depends on where you live.

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Dunno, COVID maybe?

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This thing that OP bought is a separate add-on to the car. As far as the car is concerned it doesn't exist and it's just plugged into a normal 3.5 mm aux device.

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The original post on has been removed by the mods with this justification:

Removed Post has been banned in China mainland reason: Not a question


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