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Joined 1 years ago

Yeah, it drives me nuts because that's obviously what it is. MTV went to shit when they introduced commercials. Anytime you're selling shit to the masses, God forbid you alienate a group of people because you said the word cunt.

I'll go one step further and say fuck PG-13 ratings. If you take an R concept and make it PG-13, I know it's going to be shit.

Definitely thought you meant hair plugs at first, and that there was an app to give you male pattern baldness.

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And go back even further, exposure to lead fumes from leaded gas in cars made an entire generation incapable of complex logical thought.

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For me, it was AIM chatrooms and ebaums forums, maybe the super early days of Skype (before being sold to Microsoft obviously). Shit did feel more real, and while content maybe didn't come out at the same frequency, and there sure was shit, you just knew you were talking about it with other people. Made some good friends back then, would've been cool to stay in touch, but 20+ years is a long time.

Glad to hear t-pose is the way to go. I'm beginning to think it's the solution to the world's problems.

Doesn't "depressant" have more to do with your body's functions and not necessarily the depression we think about? Been a long time since high school health and EMT classes.

Kratom cut my drinking by 80%. Haven't had a single beer at home alone in years. Still go out occasionally with friends, so not a recluse or anything, just the excess stuff.

Marine Corps beat that into me. We had two options for drinks at the chow hall in boot camp: water or blue Powerade. No milks no juices no sodas no red Powerade. Only blue Powerade. It's the only one I'll drink anymore, the rest serve no purpose.

Vitamin D toxicity is also a big problem, and doctors have been overprescribing supplementary vitamin D for years. Feels almost like a joke, you're damned if you do, damned if you don't.

I preferred the Little Mermaid, the Ugly Duckling, and of course the Emperor's New Groove, but his commentary on graphics in Starfield is also a compelling work.

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There are government text messages and local websites and all sorts of ways of reaching people. Unfortunately, X probably reaches ten times as many people. I think a diversified approach makes sense.

That being said, us gov has sent the text messages and that seems to be the best way to do it. Everyone has a phone. And if you don't, then you like to live on the edge.

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AI = computer. That's it. The same people who called your Xbox Nintendo are using AI as a blanket term for ... anything.

I know Jersey City has made a big push to bikify the city, and limited parking in new high-density development, with the idea being if you build it, they will come. It's part of an overall plan that they date out to 2060. Shit takes time. Doesn't mean you don't try though, that's for sure. I'm hopeful.

Yeah, IIRC it is the route for hazmat trucks. Gonna fuck with a lot of businesses down the line for a bit too.

As an aside, they used to have a rave down in the park under the west side of the bridge a decade or so ago, and it was always awesome being on the beach stage looking at that bridge at night and as the sun would come up.

I was born during an absolute boom int he economy. Late '80s and '90s were awesome. '90s were fantastic, just fucking pumping.

I'm working my balls off and putting money into an IRA that I watch essentially disappear every day. I have 529s for my kids that are in the negative returns. I have plans to put an addition on my home that I'll never do, because a 180 square foot addition shouldn't cost 75% of what I paid for the house in 2014. And the crazy thing is I'm a lucky one. It is just sad, and I'm not sure there is an end in sight without some sort of massive reset.

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For real, that's a story in itself. And then Madi's old man knows some guys on the force so they say it's fake, that's story two. I'm honestly more interested in story one, because some loser is out here stalking this 16-year-old girl so they can screw her shit up, presumably out of jealousy.

My kids will play sports and dance and do whatever. I have no interest in pushing them towards very serious leagues, because time and again the people involved in them have shown they are all losers. My kids will not be professional athletes, we are not particularly tall or strong or fast, but they can do well, be healthy, and make friends, that's about all I want from it.

They live on a different planet. Our representatives are completely out of touch and there's no bringing them back. For the few good ones there are 99 career polticians out there carving out a niche for themselves and their families.

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Same for Marine Corps, except remove the word "likely."

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Yeah, I hit my teens at the turn of the millennium. Saying "gay," and all it's synonyms, was just an everyday thing. I watched the movie Waiting the other day and was surprised at how they dropped the word faggot almost immediately and repeatedly, until I remembered that's how people talked 20 years ago. It definitely made me think about how if you dial the clock back 60, 70 years, the N word was probably just as commonplace, and society has done a great job of getting rid of that. So I suppose I have hope that we can continue to wipe out hateful speech, we just need a minute.

Maybe they just want blue alien people.

This is it. I have been chastised for suggesting that many social problems are red herrings to distract us from the one true problem, that it's us versus them. Until that problem is solved, nothing else can be.

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Sounds like the kind of person who says "you wouldn't understand," when they fail to explain.

Poor timing in light of the recent Supreme Court Ruling. Stupid name, stupid decision, all of that Kickstarter money essentially gone.

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Americans eventually designed them thusly, because Americans like me are simple people who like baseball, cold beer, and throwing explosives at Nazis.

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It's literally the thing that keeps me coming back (to the seas). I have paid for the services, and the service they provide has been steadily degraded. I still have Prime because they haven't fucked up delivery to my home (yet), but I don't even open the app on Roku anymore, I just download whatever it is, because I have no interest in dealing with their shit interface and then having to watch ads after.

If a service can give me a simple, easy to use interface, good search feature, good quality, and decent enough content, you've got my money. That's just too much to ask these days, so I'll just donate to the site(s) that provide alternative services.

Coherence came out in 2013, and the movie is phenomenal. Such an awesome take on the whole time theory.

+1 was another very good one, and more fun than mine bending, but does a great job tackling it.

I'm currently watching Dark, but enjoying it for sure.

Yeah, I wouldn't get my kid something I am not personally well versed in. My parents learned that the hard way by failing to stay ahead of me in knowing how to use Windows, back when we had 98, and 2000, and Vista, etc. I'm grounded, you're locking the computer? Safe mode with networking it is, I'll print my pornographic images after they download in 10 minutes.

My mom just laughs anytime my kids misbehave. I guess I have it coming.

Game shark, my god you brought me back. Shit, now you got me thinking about Game Genie too.

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Your logic is why I give people in generations before me a bit of a pass. I'm born in '87 and I was alive to remember smoking in cars and restaurants at least, and so if you're older than me, you may have been told it was okay. But if you're my age or younger, we have had it slammed into our heads since youth that smoking kills, and so when I see you smoking a cigarette it just hits a little different than our older counterparts.

"All I have in this world is my balls and my word."

That's as close to relevant as I can get.

[LOTR reference]

The lead generation is currently running the country (that I live in). It shows.

I remember just driving around in the backseat of mom's minivan, and it could've been 92.3 KROCJ, or 100.3 Z100, or 97.5 PST, Peaches by Presidents of the United States of America was just a popular alt rock tune, sandwiched in between Third Eye Blind and the Gin Blossoms.

Just feels like Prism all over again.

Yeah, I feel like there is a war on K because it can absolutely replace opiates in pre-hospital pain management. Break a leg? Let the medics hit you with ketamine. Oh, your BP is a little low? No worries, ketamine doesn't care.

It is better than an opiate with none of the contraindications. And I'm oversimplifying, but I can't help but think some of this news coming out is almost a hit piece to dub ketamine dangerous, when it is, in fact, magnitudes safer than opiates.

Yeah, I'd drop Fi, Pixle, and use of Google in a second. Gmail is the backbone of everything Google is. Had it since day 1 and will have it until it disappears, and then I will disappear into the woods forever.

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I did the ambulance thing for a bit. CPR calls, the back of the ambulance, despite being covered in fluids, looked like a recycling center. And none of it gets recycled, obviously, all just gets red bagged or containered. Everything is individually wrapped, and for obvious reasons, but I'd have days where I could match my family's plastic use for the week or more in 12 hours.

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So smart you joined the military.

I can say that because I was a 99 ASVAB and a dumb grunt.

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They will release one episode a month to milk your $99 per month introductory rate. The runtime will be 21 minutes with 39 minutes of ads interspersed.

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Ranger fan, but I'd follow Gritty into the war against the rich.

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