4 Post – 82 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Some people seem to think that if we just correct all of our unhealthy habits we will live forever. My life has been better with some unhealthiness in it, and times that I’ve stopped has proven that. It’s your body and your time, so you should be able to use it like you want to.

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If you never stop seeding, you never have to worry about it.

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You’ve never been to Huntsville. Alabama has a surprisingly large number or rocket scientists living there.

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Luckily, I’m not. But I did find Huntsville to be surprising—both for the beautiful landscape and clear uptick in IQ points compared to the rest of the state. Great German food—bet you can’t guess why.

As the story goes, the ex-nazi scientists that the US brought in to work on rockets were first stationed in Houston, but they all hated the heat. They requested a transfer to Huntsville because the landscape was similar to the German countryside.

And that is how the US government allowed nazis to decide the primary location for NASA rocket research, which also happened to be in the same state as the headquarters for the KKK. Clearly, nothing could go wrong.

You seem to be lost, stranger. This is Lemmy—we’re decently civilized here. Your tone suggests you must be looking for Reddit.

I’d be willing to risk it all for the pi.

Highly recommend piracy.

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This is the best equivalent on, but just in case you don’t know this about the Fediverse yet, you don’t need a community to be on your home instance to subscribe to it. If you find any community that you like on any other instance, you are able to subscribe by searching for that community from your home instance.

Just wanted to let you know that you aren’t limited to the communities you see on the community page, or ones linked in c/newcommunities.

The danger of passing a cigarette on the street pales in comparison to urban pollution, poorly regulated restaurants, and even household cleaners for the number of toxins you expose yourself to. Worrying about second hand smoke outside makes as much sense as worrying about malaria from a mosquito while you’re trapped in a cage with lions.

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I don’t want to jinx it, but other than a slight slowness in posting replies, I have had no issues loading on Memmy today. If I didn’t know any better, it would feel like any other day in the Fediverse.

So it sucks that there are issues to work out still, but it is also worth acknowledging that the hard work by the admins has kept the site running without major issue for a lot of users.

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Never underestimate the pettiness of the u/gallowboobs of the world.

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Out of curiosity, does it not feel weird to pay $1 for an album that someone else clearly pirated? Cut out the middle man and plunder that booty yourself for free! Or pay more money and actually contribute to the artist.

Your current plan is giving your hard earned dollar to organized criminals for nothing more than the illusion of a legal purchase. What they are doing (selling pirated content for profit) is literally more illegal than piracy itself.

Did OP edit their post? I don’t see any of that aggressiveness there now, nor is the word stupid in the post.

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Making a lemmy post to ask an open ended opinion question and then getting hostile with people in the comments over their answers.

The top one is a stronger design. It could be the size, but it still feels too bright to me. Dark mode FTW!

The bottom one is ok, but those drop shadows were a poor choice and should be removed.

I basically seed forever, and I also upload and fill requests sometimes. I have dozens of terabytes seeding. I see it as my contribution to the preservation of the art, and if I’m going to take up the storage space with it I might as well be seeding it too.

Not long enough.

Every time I’ve tried to use a bidet, I’ve hated it. The water feels uncomfortable and sudden, and then I feel like I either can’t get dry with toilet paper and get chapped later, or it breaks up from the water and leaves pieces everywhere. The air dry varieties seem to contribute to chapped butt too. I know some people use wash cloths, but frankly the idea of leaving butthole cloth out in the bathroom weirds me out also.

What is the secret to enjoying these things? Am I just too damn American for them?

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I’m with you on all except for the top, and if you’re down, I’d like to hear more about your opinion on supernatural beliefs. If you told someone 500 years ago that there is a minuscule and invisible world all around us where the laws of physics break down, that would have been considered lunacy or witchcraft. Today, we commonly accept quantum physics as a part of our normal reality.

Of course, there are instances where people are clearly engaging in delusional thinking, but there are also plenty of examples of people who have had experiences that they are struggling to explain, and they are progressively building a hypothesis to explain it. Is it more rational to deny your own experiences to make your worldview fit the commonly accepted consensus? Or is it better to keep an open mind and continue to investigate if you can?

I ask primarily because I know I hold a few woo woo beliefs, but I try to refrain from making drastic decisions based on it. I’ve often wondered if some of the things I’ve experienced would be explained in the distant future, because I can loudly attest to the perceived realness of the experience when you’re having it. If you see, feel, and smell an elephant in the room, it’s a little hard to ignore it even if everyone else says it isn’t there.

This got longer than I anticipated, but I look forward to hearing your response if you have time.

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It’s the Walmart of torrents, and it’s got more LEO than a New York Dunkin Donuts.

Dude, all those cloud services are tough to get data out of. That’s why a lot of them charge an arm and a leg to have it mailed to you on physical media.

If those disks are the big plastic WD externals, they can be easily shucked and used in a NAS—much cheaper than buying the bare drives without the casing for reasons known only to WD. I have 80+ TB across 5 shucked drives, and the oldest has worked perfectly for over 6 years of heavy 24/7 use.

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Where do you think that dirt cheap music site is getting their tracks from? I would tell you, but the name is REDACTED.

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£99 is going to run you 125 bucks and 79 cents.

I believe they call that taxes.

I seed several thousand torrents that compose over 50 TB of content, and qBittorrent barely uses 1-2 gigs of RAM. It uses that little even though I set the max usage to 5gb. As far as the processor goes, that barely gets touched unless I’m doing maintenance and need to recheck the files, in which case my CPU usage hovers around 5% or less. Honestly, the thing that gets the most action from qBittorrent is simply the hard disk. I found the recheck goes faster if I set it to just one at a time so that the disk doesn’t bottleneck—the CPU and RAM will already be more than enough, even on a mid tier machine.

Now Plex on the other hand, that bad boy can max out a CPU like nobody’s business if the settings are right, but since upgrading to a Ryzen 9, even “make my CPU hurt” won’t take it above 80%.

So basically, the torrenting is pretty low footprint, but serving torrented content for streaming, especially when transcoding is involved, can be much more resource intensive.

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Just look into John McAfee’s eyes and tell me it isn’t true.

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It’s a little hard to enforce an echo chamber as a single user in a federation.

You can tell that Tim Apple is very impressed.

I’m starting to feel like these ad posts are some big think tank trying to figure out how to monetize Lemmy.

I thought that when I first read this thread, but a little googling revealed that cancer is the leading cause of death in Canada (as of 2019). With that perspective, it makes a little more sense why they would be targeting this issue specifically, even if it is almost guaranteed to not stop the majority of users.

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Found the lizard person.

Bro, you’re talking about Arch. No duh it isn’t user friendly—it isn’t designed to be. If you’re going to compare Windows to Linux, the only fair comparison would be to Ubuntu or Linux Mint or something else designed for the people outside of the tech-illuminati.

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I guess that makes sense. It’s just interesting to see how people are so accustomed to interacting with private businesses that it is hard for them to imagine a system that operates in any other way.

Why does everyone keep coming up with ideas to centralize a decentralized system?

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I’m a Memmy man. (TM)

Just look into John McAfee’s baby blues and tell me he isn’t reliable!

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Not saying he’s a saint, but isn’t an alternative interpretation that he was young, inexperienced, and had a bad relationship, then grew up, learned some things, and had a better relationship later? Julian Lennon was on Bill Maher’s podcast recently and described a reconciliation between him and his dad right before he died.

Again, not trying to excuse all his bad behavior in his first marriage, but I also don’t think that a failed relationship is enough evidence to judge a whole life by, especially one that was under extraordinary pressure.

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3000 torrents and counting.

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Batman intensifies.

I’ve honestly had the best performance just leaving connections and max active at unlimited. I’ve read a lot of suggestions about limiting it for increased upload speed, but I have never seen the benefit when I’ve tried it.