The science is clear. So why can’t governments agree on vaping?

YoBuckStopsHere@lemmy.worldbanned from sitebanned from site to politics – 189 points –
The science is clear. So why can’t governments agree on vaping?

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The danger of passing a cigarette on the street pales in comparison to urban pollution, poorly regulated restaurants, and even household cleaners for the number of toxins you expose yourself to. Worrying about second hand smoke outside makes as much sense as worrying about malaria from a mosquito while you’re trapped in a cage with lions.

Not when you're allergic. And even when you're not, I've only met one smoker who realizes how awful they smell and tries to mitigate it.

You do realize this is a hugely fallacious argument, right?

their body their rulez. stay inside if you are a bubble boy ~~~~

Stay inside if you insist on indulging in a disgusting habit. I'm not stopping you from destroying yourself, but no one should have to suffer for your stupid choices.

But smoking in public is intrinsically selfish, so I should know better than to debate it with a smoker. Nothing would convince you to have a little courtesy and class.

Ah yes, discriminate against people, great job not being the bigot

oh wait, you ARE the bigot

They literally just turned the argument around on you and you call them a bigot. Doesn't that make your argument bigotry?

You understand that the guy they're replying to literally described them as "Bubble Boy" for being allergic to smoke?

As @dragonflyteaparty said, if them turning the argument back around is bigotry, doesn't that make the guy they replied to a bigot?