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I like the profanity, only some Christian Conservative from the 1980's would argue against it

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I still remember KKK rallies being held in American towns back in the 1980's, they were all over television

Don't f****ing tell me America isn't racist, that's a bold faced lie and it's a lie that we've known about for so many decades which is why children have a right to know, and ought to know, the truth. Keeping the truth from them isn't going to solve anything. When America deals with it's demons out in the open, for everyone to see it brings more of us together

David Duke was in the Louisiana House when I was alive

David Ernest Duke (born July 1, 1950) is an American politician, author, white supremacist, antisemitic conspiracy theorist, and former Grand Wizard of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. From 1989 to 1992, he was a member of the Louisiana House of Representatives for the Republican Party


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I remember back around 2012-2013 ISIS using twitter to post gore videos and twitter was lazy asf about dealing with it

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And here we go with the corporation funded clickbait folks...

Wait, isn't this technically "criminal trespassing"?

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Oh wonderful, just what we need more of, parents who use their children as shields as a defense for their own bigotry

Great...just great. I'm sure the kids won't grow up to resent them or anything......

How greedy do you have to be to get this mad over a few dollars more per hour? Just pay the people

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That crap is borderline Puritanism, wtf is wrong with people?

The competition says the other competition won't beat them

What in the world is going on in France? I thought Macron was supposed to be the "anti-Le Pen"?

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I like how we're arguing semantics here and not the absolute insanity that is abortion law. Laws like this belong in the 14th century

Can we kick Muskrat out of this country? Preferably into the Pacific Ocean?

I hope she wins

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I don't understand why these incels insist on using a Matrix analogy, red-pill just means "truth" and blue-pill means "ignorance", why do they constantly subvert a basic concept? It's literally the same with "woke", it literally just means what it says, "being attuned to what's going on". Nothing more, but these idiots literally ruin it, if anything they're blue-pilled, going by the Matrix

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This is clearly a troll post

They’re adults

then what's the problem?

Yeah I know, they love gore and violence but the second they see a nipple it's like we're back in Puritan New England or something

Gardening is always a safe "goto"

I know exactly what you mean

Isn't lemm.ee US based?

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I know, it's absolutely insane

Many tech jobs can be done from home in this day and age, the office space is meaningless when you can instantly conference without an issue via video and audio, and there are a million and one ways to connect with employees and employers that don't require that massive space anymore. Would be better to replace some of that office space with living space, that's a more sensible use of the area. We'll need more living space most likely in the future.

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Out of all the insane made up things in comic books, a "billionaire with a heart of gold" is the least believable

Question is, why isn't the DOJ already doing this? Or are they?

Australia is a surveillance state that's even worse then the US

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Oh you too? I was wondering why I got a 7 day suspension yesterday out of the blue, I was so confused

Oh well, just stick a fork in reddit because it's done

Nothings free, someone's paying cloudflare something to operate

Copyright protection helps "the little guy" make a living to begin with

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Never come between a horny internet user and pr0n 🍆

I'm sorry but only delusional 12 year olds ever believed Muskrat was anything but an attention whore, all of us engineers saw right through the act

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Sure, but you still need judges who will actually do something and a DOJ who actually goes after these people

That's quite a jump

Deep Dish Tech sounds like a neat business name

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Excuse me but the Nazis were the ones who burned books on sex, that argument makes absolutely no sense

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I like the i386 theme

Well clearly this is illegal on so many levels

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What if it's a wealthy Native American just buying their land back? Probably not, but it would be peak irony

Yes she could, she has the most support in the Democratic Party, much more than Biden does because Americans relate to her, no one except old boomers relate to Biden

You know, it's fine. I have no problem with it, in the end it doesn't effect anyone does it?