
550 Post – 2404 Comments
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Sounds like obstruction of justice.

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Trump has tarnished the office of the President of the United States. Worst President in the history of the nation.

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The judge just nullified the United States Consitution in support of Trump.

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Ron is falling for the trap. This ends with all religious symbols being removed.

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Media still doesn't understand memes

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So, being pro-democracy means you are a Violent Extremist?

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The 14th Amendment disqualifies him.

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This is tipping culture out of control.

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Biden might be old and a bit clumsy at times, but the man doesn't keep me up at night and his policies have been home runs. He isn't overspending, he has actual experts in all his departments, hell, the economy is rock solid and the inflation caused by the mismanagement of Trump is dropping. I don't have any excuse to not support him for another term if he ends up getting the nomination.

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All three Marines are expected to be discharged on "Other than Honorable" conditions which means they receive no benefits. They do not qualify for Veteran status either. They will be treated the same as a Felon on job interviews and for loans.

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Since I have a Washington Post subscription I try and share the body for the community since it is behind a paywall.

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Conservatives throughout history adore the dark ages of Europe. That was the peak of their power; the population was uneducated, worshiped the wealthy as kings and queens, and the people were too poor and stupid to do anything about it.

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Sorry, Texas, your State election laws forbids it.

Texas Political Party Nomination

A presidential candidate nominated by a political party may be placed on the general election ballot. Political parties must certify the names of the candidates for president and vice-president and the names of the presidential electors before the later of the 71st day before the presidential election, or the first business day after the date of final adjournment of a party’s national nominating convention. A political party that is authorized or required to nominate candidates by primary election is entitled to have its nominee for president placed on the general election ballot. A political party is authorized to nominate by primary if the party’s nominee for governor in the most recent gubernatorial general election received at least 2% of the total number of votes received by all candidates for governor in the election; a political party is required to nominate by primary if that candidate received more than 20% of the vote. A political party that nominates candidates by convention is entitled to have its nominee for president placed on the general election ballot if the party had a nominee for statewide office at the last general election receive a number of votes equal to at least 5% of the total number of voters received by all candidates for that office.

A political party that nominates by convention may also qualify to place a presidential candidate on the general election ballot if the party files with the secretary of state no later than the 75th day after precinct conventions a list convention participants indicating that the number of participants equals at least 1% of the total number of votes received by all candidates for governor in the most recent gubernatorial general election. If the number of convention participants is fewer than the number required, the party may qualify for ballot access at the general election by filing a petition with secretary of state containing a number of signatures that when added to the number of convention participants on the list equals at least 1% of the total number of voters received by all candidates for governor in the most recent gubernatorial election.


An independent presidential candidate may obtain ballot access for the general election by filing with the secretary of state no later than the 2nd Monday in May an application and a petition containing the number of signatures equal to at least 1% of the total vote received in the state by all candidates for president in the most recent presidential election. The application must include the names of the presidential electors.


A write-in candidate for president must file a declaration of write-in candidacy and the names of the presidential electors with the secretary of state no later than the 78th day before the election. (Tex. Elections Code Ann. §§ 146.023, 146.025, 172.002, 181.005, 181.006, 192.003, 192.032, 192.033)

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Trump was the worst President in U.S. History.

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Big shoutout to Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold for making this happen.

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Can we build a wall to prevent them crossing the border to America?

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I believe the quote goes, ''I never thought leopards would eat MY face,' sobs a woman who voted for the Leopards Eating People's Faces Party"

There is absolute proof Republicans are anti-military.

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Conservatives have been buying tickets to the Qanon film Sound of Freedom but the theaters are empty. They are just buying tickets to make it appear people are seeing it. They are not.

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Old > Fascist

This isn't even a question for me.

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Republicans are more concerned with dress code and fake impeachment than keeping the government open.

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Woke = everything conservatives hate.

In reality, it means to be aware of something for the first time.

There was never any evidence raised by the ultra right wing, but they wanted to impeach just as revenge for Trump losing the election.

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You're not wrong, he is a city employee.

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He did exactly what they threw McCarthy out for and Democrats got everything they wanted, Republicans got nothing of what they wanted.

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I look forward to never hearing the name Trump again.

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Over the counter medications fall under the authority of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and not a State per Congressional Mandate. This Judges ruling is unconstitutional.

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Can’t wait to see all the evidence /s

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To which it isn't authorized to rule because that falls to the FDA. They are religious zealots and not qualified to rule on medicine.

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Republicans singing the Russian anthem as they walk down the Capitol.

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I'm so tired of Conservatives shutting down the government.

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100% now they will hear it more and non-stop

The Democratic Party is the Conservative Party. Republicans are far right of that.

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But he did surrender

Just beat me to it. I'm so happy this community is getting good at posting! That's the community goal!

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Trump sentenced himself to minimum of 2 years in prison in Georgia for witness tampering today alone. TFG is going to prison by his own action and people must understand that by now.

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MOL is solidly a hate group and anyone they endorse is a red flag.

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