Judge in New York fraud trial threatens to jail Trump for violating gag order

18-24-61-B-17-17-4@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 813 points –
Judge threatens to imprison Trump for violating gag order in New York fraud trial

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I look forward to never hearing the name Trump again.

Unfortunately I don't think we will ever stop hearing his name, Hitler has been dead for almost 80 years and we still hear his almost daily.

Yeah, but as fucked up as it is to say, Hitler actually accomplished something with his time in power worth talking a about.

Trump packed the Supreme Court and did irreversible damage to our election process and radicalized half the nation, just because the wave hasn't hit the shore yet doesn't mean he didn't do any damage. The damage he did will be unfolding itself for a lifetime, give the dust some time to settle and then evaluate what he "accomplished".

Radicalizing the nation, sure, but I'd say thay packing the court was more on Mitch McTurtle Moscow Mitch. And an equally big problem seems to be all the positions they managed to snag in local elections. That one will also take a while to fix...

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Yeah. He killed Hitler. It's like....the one good thing he did. Any other accomplishments he may have had are rendered null and void by the atrocities he committed.

Donny’s too much a coward to take that path, even if it’s where his hero’s footprints lead him

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Hitler was much more impactful though, he is directly responsible for the deaths of tens of millions and a war that devastated countries around the globe.

Trump is a corrupt politician who was too incompetent to accomplish what his handlers wanted. He wants to be a Mussolini, he just isn’t capable.

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