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I personally have no problem with my country taking the people populating these islands. The us isn’t short on space and more hands for the work can’t hurt.

My fellow countryman would never accept though since the population of the Caribbean is mostly non-white

I mean st Lucia, Trinidad, etc. Those get hit every time and should just be abandoned to save lives. Haiti and the Dominican get hit frequently but not every single time, looks like it should miss those larger Caribbean states this time

Wrecked, 29 died, Lake Superior never gives up her dead

Yea just the normal little islands that really should just be abandoned at this point

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Just because their parents are bad parents doesn’t mean there are regulations and restrictions… at the end of the day parents need to parent and so many are unwilling to do so.

I will mention I have no problem with nude beaches or public toplessness of both genders, religious prudishness has no place in the modern world


Yep, I want marketing to not exist. If your product or service is good then its reputation will stand on its own and spread via word of mouth. Billboards and ads should be criminal as they ruin our scenery and waste our time

You can, just buy the phone unlocked online and then get download an eSIM from a carrier. Bear in mind when buying the phone unlocked you’ll need to pay the full phone price up front and won’t be able to finance it through your phone plan like most Americans

My secops team has a hardon for teamviewer over something internal only like dameware… I just don’t get why. As soon as they mentioned going to team viewer for remote control I mentioned how terrible teamviewer has been with breaches and notifications of breaches but I think my ciso got a very nice dinner..

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She’s not white and female, those reasons alone mean she’s lost over a quarter of the nation.

Mexicans should absolutely be keeping an eye on American politics. Especially since half the debate was: Sir please explain how much you hate Mexicans and what you’ll do to prevent any Mexicans from entering our fair country and how you’ll remove the Mexicans problem when you’re in power.

Trump: internment camps, American Auschwitz if he can

Biden: further tighten border control and further restrict ability to obtain legal entry

Those don’t seem implausible based on my watching half the debate… Biden was struggling to get anything out(and it wasn’t just stutter, he seemed to not be in the room part of the time) and trump just vomited lies and non answers constant

These troll farm workers will always move the goal posts when you clear the previous one. It’s best to not engage with them, just block and move on

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Oh you sweet summer child

Same here, I have hybrid escape and you’d never know unless you read the tiny tag on the hatch. I just happen to get significantly better gas mileage than the ice lol

Fuck him, seize the company and nationalize it

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Doesn’t help that they murdered a German citizen at a peace festival and then paraded her naked body through the streets to be spit on.

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Yep, they might roll back the changes this time but they’ve shown where they want to be and now we know. They’ll work their way slowly towards it instead of a sudden change now and it will be less noticeable and harder to fight legally when they do that

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Wtf dbzero was a huge proponent of the fediverse and has been a part of the recent swell in users. I don’t agree with this decision at all

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I love reading about how Korea and Japan are both having this problem and in each it boils down to: people are struggling to survive under capitalist oppression and refuse to bring children into the life of oppression

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They won’t address the mental health problems of this nation because it isn’t profitable to do so.

They won’t address the gun problem of this nation because of something a slaver jotted down 200+ years ago. And guns are profitable.

They won’t address mass shootings because then you wouldn’t be living in fear of them and would have time realize how they have ruined everything in the name of profits.

America is doomed for as long as we care about profit more than people

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The insurance agencies really need a way to recommend the government take someone’s license when they’re a public danger like this.

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They both need to lose custody based on those names

If you got 200hours out of release then clear you got your moneys worth out of the game and enjoyed it, promises not kept or not.

Personally the game could’ve been better but I certainly enjoyed the one 120ish hour playthrough I did and had no major issues other than some texture bugs or weird physics, I had a capable PC though not a last gen console trying to play at being modern.

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Same thing happens with WH40k and GW has to put out memos telling Nazis to fuck off every few years.

Media literacy is apparently difficult

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Please no, not Tencent of all companies please. Just sell it to Games Workshop and let them run it alongside the assorted warhammer IPs. GW already has the mini printing and lorecrafting experience to make it successful

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Maybe do something to make life better for them instead of just relying on “yea we’ve done nothing but republicans actively hate you” because that just ends up with disenfranchised voters who don’t vote

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I just call it raining. There doesn’t need to be a certain term for everything ever, we’re not German lol

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Is the evidence in the room with us now Rudy?

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Prion disease is a terrible way to die, stay away from brains folks

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While yes this is sad, you had to have known and expected that Israel was a potentially dangerous place. This just happens to be the largest attack in recent times

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I also have the desired skill set and experience far surpassing what they’re asking for but not the time or energy to do this since my work already demands 60+ hours a week and on-call from me. Yes I’m American.

To answer your pay question; around 4-500 would be the average pay for 10 hours this position in the working world. Since the fediverse instances have next to zero reliable income (donations can’t be counted as reliable) I understand this is a difficult if not impossible bill to pay. This is why they’re asking for volunteers whose work schedule is more sane and therefore have the energy and time to commit. I wish I was available to do so, maybe if my current job search is successful at finding something more chill.

A pediatric cardiologist was recently needed to save the life of my friend’s 8 month old daughter, hopefully Louisiana can figure their shit out and reverse these laws so that this man and others like him feel safe in that state again. Unfortunately these backwards ass laws will likely cause the deaths of many

Trust me, it took real courage to piss away millions of dollars and jobs while I took fat bonuses. Real tough work I tell ya

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Plural of deer is deer btw, just like moose

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That’s because marketing/pr people speak just like ChatGPT, just saying a bunch of nothing wasting the oxygen used to voice it

Fully agree, these companies need broken up into baby bells and they need to be prevented from joining back up together like AT&T did every time they were broke up. Fining 1% of profits as a punishment is not enough to prevent these practices

Because they’re cheap and look “modern/futuristic” so shit manufacturers love them. I have also used electrical tape on power strips, chargers, smoke detectors, etc

They’re saying they don’t care about the cheaper segments and are just going to sell expensive vehicles. I don’t know what those of us who can’t afford 60k vehicles are expected to do for transit though… I suspect this is a ploy to get the American government to subsidize an affordable car range.

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Really wish we had a better option but it’s anyone not fascist until this wave of budget fascism dies out

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