
20 Post – 148 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I'm hoping things will change. Things will not change.

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“If those jagoffs in the House stop trying to shut our government down, and fully support Ukraine, then I will save democracy by wearing a suit on the Senate floor next week.”

Lol, go git em Fetterman

4 more...

Move the fuck to the right. Always drive in the right lane unless overtaking. If overtaking, do it then get the fuck back to the right. It's not the "slow lane" and "fast lane", it's the driving lane and overtaking lane.

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...aaaand across the line.

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Just fucking legalize it federally already. Rake in the taxes, destroy the black market, and let's be done with this.

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Fucking hell that is horrible. And of course she's the only one to survive. 100mph into a brick building has probably left her pretty physically fucked up and in constant pain. Hope she enjoys feeling that way in prison for the rest of her life.

6 more...

Good. Such an idiotic trend.

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Ars Technica compromised. Come read the story at Ars Technica!

There's no way he's had $0.00 donated to him. At least a handful of shitheads would have donated something to him. This 100% just feels like him lying again.

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Oh fuck off, would ya?

I always see "migrant surge at the border". It's been years and years and years of this. Has there ever actually been a surge?

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I missed the thing about 50 doing a documentary, and it's more fun to talk to humans than just Google something so... What's going on with that?

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Same way I feel. In the grand scheme of things he's a piece of shit and votes as such. But as far as Republicans go he's semi-palatable.

This is the title that NBC put when I shared it. It was the title of the post at the time of sharing. I see now that they've removed the portion that says "pushed by conservatives". Is that the part that you would like me to amend?

Good. Go get em.

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The fact that it's nearly 2024 and people still don't use ad-blockers is beyond me.

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On the other side, what if some shady entity comes in and bids $500 million for something valued at $1 million so that Trump doesn't have to sell all his shit, but then the shady entity will have Trump in their pocket as well?

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Can't view the recap without getting the app. Fuck that noise.

Firefox mobile and uBlock origin


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Is 'homeless' not ok to say anymore? Genuinely asking, not being a shitbird.

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Can't charge your phone at work? What the hell shit places do you guys work? That's insane.

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I just want a Burnout 3: Takedown remake. Holy shit that would be great

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Get that fucking American flag pin off your fucking lapel you goddamn traitor.

This for real? Figured it was coming but haven't seen any mention of it elsewhere.

Same here. Gotta love riding into a cloud and not knowing what the fuck is on the other side of it. And you're correct that it's just willful harm. They do it on purpose to hurt people.

Fucking exactly!

"I don't know anything about that."

"Well now you do. So what do you think about it?"

Possibly the Bluetooth/WiFi connection with your phone? That's all I can think of.

Let’s just make sure the “younger people” are all Boeberts.

Really hope you meant "aren't".

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Definitely NOT Fruit Stripe. Holy fuck that shit lost flavor within 3 chomps.

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Fair enough and great points. In my defense I've had it installed for ages and the memory (mine, not my computer's) isn't what it used to be.

EDIT: And to be clear I'm not the one who downvoted you.

"What's the worst that can happen?"

"Watch this shit!"

"One more couldn't hurt."

And the classic, "hold my beer".

I'm very tempted to put together a dossier of all these interactions and start sending emails to marketing departments of the most common reddit advertisers and make sure they understand the platform they are using to sell shit to people.

Do it.

Just cancelled today after not even using it for a year.

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Busy life. Demanding job. Tons of different bills so it just blends in. Shit just gets lost in the shuffle sometimes man.

I watched it a handful of times but not enough to justify keeping it.

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Hawaii: Hawaiian.

So they're just walking around with their kink/preference in their faces all day? Sweeeeeeet.

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I've had the extension forever and had no idea either. Learn something new every day.

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I hate that I've gotten to the point with Florida that I don't give a fuck if they get smoked by a hurricane. Such a shitty way to feel as a human being, but it's how it is now.

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