Carl Weathers dies at 76 to – 609 points –
Carl Weathers, ‘Rocky’s’ Apollo Creed and ‘Mandalorian’ Actor, Dies at 76

This is the worst part of an 80's childhood. All the larger than life characters from the silver screen start getting old and dying on you.

R.I.P. you glorious bastard.

Huh? This is not unique to the 80s

The 80s were special for cinema so it kind of is unique

Every decade after the 1920s has been special for cinema for the generation that treasured it.

RIP Carl. His Arrested Development skit will always be funny af.

I hope he's got a stew going in heaven.

76 is too young. There was still plenty of meat left on his bones.

Damn, that's a bummer. I had no idea he was 76, dude could've been 50something.

Raider legend Carl Weathers. R.i.p. my guy. Imma get a stew goin tonight in your honor.

He was great as Carl Weathers in Arrested Development. That role fit him so well

RIP legend. He always acted his ass off, every role.

i fucking found this out while i was eating burger king i picked up on the way home. i feel this is appropriate.

As I read the headline, a gambling ad with him in it popped up on my tv. So weird.

Dude that sucks, he was a real talent. One of the few actors who I think could have done just as good a job as Carl Winslow on Family Matters.