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Joined 1 years ago

Maybe you're just not the type of person for that type of game. I've spent lots of hours playing it with m girlfriend. Sometimes it's fun, often it's frustrating and I just can't be motivated to try and improve my efficiency to get that third or fourth star in many of the levels. It's fine that way.

In a store nowhere near you. And not on the interwebs either.

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Torture is torture, no matter if those in Iraq were civilians, guerilleros, militias or regular armed forces. It does not change a thing about the crime.

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Number 5. Bing Chilling!

Bird scientist here. In scientific terms, we say "That lad is proper fucked".

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Look for "Abu Ghraib pictures" and you'll find them.

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Wasn't there the theory that he was so friendly with Putin because they have video footage of him getting peed on by Moscow hookers?

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Sounds exactly like something Rockstar would write. Kinda predictable, kinda "been there, done that".

They probably can, but it's still immoral and unethical.

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I get that less size means less battery, but 4 hours SOT seems like a really low goal.

Is that two cans of WD-40?

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Yeah, and warehouse workers piss into bottles and cannot unionize.

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Makes no difference. If torturing enemy combatants was acceptable, there would be no Geneva conventions. The moment they are captured and seize to actively take part in the conflict, they are protected from further harm.

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I scroll past the Bill Clinton sitting at the Oval Office desk "young people don't know there's two people in this photo" meme, and now the very next thing I see in my feed is this with "mysterious guests under the table". Oof.

He was wounded by a grenade fragment in 1915 and when the war ended on 11/11/1918, he was in a field hospital, treated for temporary blindness caused by a poison gas attack.

That said, he spent his war as a "Meldegänger", a messenger. He was not among those in the trenches at the immediate front and had it relatively easy.

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they might consider doing so; it sounded like a lot of elderly Brits liked living in Spain.

Yeah but the question is, did the Spaniards like a lot of elderly Brits living in Spain? I can see them not bending over backwards for a clientele that may well have had a bad influence on local housing and cost of living ;)

Good boys rule, okay?

if we're gonna be smartasses in this comment section, the proper spelling is Dachshund. "Dachs" is German for badger, "Hund" is German for, well, dog.

So what are you doing with it that makes you prefer not to be noticed?

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Looking mighty fine, girl!

Those who toy with the devil are sure to get burned, huh?

I prefer her that way, too.

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Whatever it is, it was free real estate.

I haven't played any CoD games since maybe 2010 and thought you were being silly. Holy fucking shit.

Yup. There's still an outcry any time a foreign parliament declares an acknowledgement of the fact that there was such a thing as the Armenian genocide.

It's so full of great characters.

Amen, comrade.

"Kill 'em all; let God sort 'em out!"

Boom, problem solved.

But is socialism really the same as communism?

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While that explanation of yours is helpful and comprehensible, the whole thing seems stupid to me. But then again, my 1999 Golf has none of those features and I wouldn't want them either.

Looking fine, brother. Make sure to update us after you've succeeded.

Reminds me of a certain Lexxi Foxy

I said the same thing years ago. At this point it's Duke Nukem Forever level vaporware.

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It's pretty unlikely she got into the vehicle to do donuts on the front lawn. It is pretty likely she was gonna enter public roads while intoxicated behind the wheel, and I applaud her for preventing herself from doing it. Permanently.

I'm not knowledgeable to get into the specifics of the differences, but for your older Integra with a gasoline engine, a regular lead-acid battery will suffice. You don't need lean angles (like AGM for motorcycles or off road applications) and you don't need other special properties that vehicles with Start-Stop would require. Basically all you need to look for is the specified amperage/capacity and form format. Don't spend a whole lot; the right battery for your car will probably be under 100 Dollars and last somewhere between 5 and 10-12 years, depending on which price bracket and quality level you opt for.

We're living in the stupidest of timelines.

Where did "single murder" and "genocide" come from anyway?

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It's a tragedy, really.