
1 Post – 241 Comments
Joined 6 months ago

It's hilarious to me that Epic will never introduce features like this, and also complain Steam has a monopoly, as if they're at all comparable

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One of the problems Epic has is that it is only a store front. Steam is a fully featured platform.

Epic, in their lawsuit, wants to break Steam's store and platform into separate applications, so they can compete.

Sort of like how people want to have different app stores on their iphones.

Difference is: Steam has no restrictions in the first place. You can add non-Steam games to the client if you want. You can use Proton if you want.

Steam offers all of these features for free. What is the point in breaking them apart.

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I don't know how the Christians see this and think anything other than "this is some evil shit".

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I don't know how Christians eat the flesh and drink the blood and don't think anything other than "I'm in a fucking cannibal cult".

"The veals"

I think they're called calf's until they leave the abattoir.


Games are art. I have full respect for an artist who does not compromise their vision for someone who refuses to engage with the art, on the artists terms.

A lot of people played The Witcher 3 and thought the combat was boring, but never spent time preparing for battle by considering which oils and potions to use - because they didn't need to. They were playing on easy or normal.

These people robbed themselves of the experience of immersing themselves in the role of a Witcher, and turned each encounter into a button masher.

Imagine being a developer and seeing people shit on your game for 'unengaging combat'.

Now, sure, you can make the argument that that's just one element of The Witcher 3, and some people are playing for the story - and fair enough.

But there isn't anything analogous in the Souls franchise. The gameplay IS bashing your head against a wall for ten hours. You don't get to just turn down the difficulty, breeze through every boss on the first try, and claim the game is boring.

Diabetes Stranding

Looks like Please, Don't Touch Anything on steroids

Just for the sake of being fair, Steam does do one thing which is anticompetitive; they require publishers don't sell their games for less than they do on Steam.

If you think about this for a moment you'll realise it's in the publisher's best interest to agree to this.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again:

Those of us on the left needs to be more concerned with our optics and police ourselves better.

Catch-phrases like "all cops are bastards", "defund the police", "math is racist", "black lives matter", "trans-women are women" etc., do not help to promote liberal progressive ideologies and push the people on the fence away.

For the record, I'm not saying that the ideas behind the words are bad*, but the phrases themselves act as a litmus test; If anyone questions the phrases, the divide has occurred, and they're a fascist (another word which is used far too often).

Many of these are so easy to correct for, "Reform the Police", "Black Lives Matter Too" are the most obvious and easy changes.

There are those who'll say that conservatives are going to complain about it anyway, and many of them are set in stone, but there are far too many people going to the right, as a result of the left making fools of ourselves.

The strength of the right is that they'll accept anyone who isn't left. Proud Boys, Neo-Nazi's, and KKK are tolerated by the right because their strength is in numbers, not ideas.

*I support the ideas behind all of them, but how they are perceived by conservatives is not how they were intended to be understood.

EDIT: The conversations about liberal and liberalism have been draining. There is one definition which is practically synonymous with progressivism - this is what I meant, not Liberalism.


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Same energy as Joan Cornella's comics

How does everyone keep up with this shit?

It's like living with Trump, every day is some new bullshit.

One of my favourite quotes (about Trump): "If he was 10% better, he would seem far worse"

What does it mean? Well, we don't actually have time to process how shit everything he said is, before the next new shit thing he said is being shoved in our faces.

I know there are shitty things Trump did, that I can't even remember, because I just don't have the capacity to remember it all.

Musk is the same.

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Step 1: drink water

Step 2: piss

Step 3: put seat down

Step 4: repeat 5 more times

Step 5: wait till I'm nagged

Step 6: remind her of the toilet seat

Step 7: continue ignoring child's needs

Step 8: ignore feelings of depression and ruminate about how fucked my life is

His hat reads 45-47

That's wrong. It implies he was the 46th president too.

It should read 45, 47

What a dumbass.

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What is there so hard to understand?

They became billionaires without treating their customers like a product.

Enshitification hasn't reached Valve yet.

They are making important progress in Linux compatibility for free.

Customer support consistently break their own rules to keep customers happy, at the expense of profit.

Their platform offers a lot of great services to customers for free.

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Do you want more AI gens of nude Taylor Swift? Because that's how you get more AI gens of nude Taylor Swift.

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Pacific Rim | Winnie the Pooh

Evangelion | Also Winnie the Pooh

Just to play devils advocate, he might actually mean it, sincerely.

He has severe bipolar, and for the uninitiated, bipolar isn't about switching moods multiple times a day. Bipolar people alternate between being manic and depressive for weeks or months at a time.

It was evident to most people that he was going through a full-manic state while he was saying he loved Hitler on Alex Jones show.

That being said, keep taking your meds Kanye. Nothing can make up for what you've said.

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I'm going to disagree with this.

Fallacies are logical flaws, they exist regardless.

Being trained in epistemology to identify my own faulty thinking is one of the best things I've ever done.

Not for arguing or debating, but for communicating, and expressing myself sincerely.

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Can we ease up on the Neil hate?

It's not like we give Elmo shit for telling everyone a triangle has three sides.

Neil is the modern lowest common denominator for encouraging an interest in science.

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You can literally just make the entire second pie chart "exploiting the working class", because "birth lottery" is dependant on that.

Most of the American history revolves around how the Japanese treated the Prisoners of War, who were all men.

Ask the Koreans or Chinese what they thought about the Japanese occupation of their countries a hundred years ago.

Zeus did it first.

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Gabe: Hello Handsome, might you procure my services?

Me: What do I have to do?

Gabe: Nothing sordid I assure you. Simply open your wallet, ever so gently, while I humiliate Tim Sweeny

~opens my wallet~

Gabe: Save it for the Steam Sale

Can I trade one fifth of the acid tab for one bullet?

If so, I'll take the loaded gun and the 4/5 tab of acid.

It'll be be the best 8 hours of the rest of my life.

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Sure, but what do his dumb tweets have to do with that?

Also, some of the allegations are very, very dumb.

"Sexual misconduct" because he moved a bit of her T-shirt on her shoulder as she was showing Neil her tattoo? Stupid.

Another saying Neil was making sexual advances to her after she went up to his apartment alone for a drink. You don't say??

From the apparent quotes, he was utterly polite about it all, he didn't throw himself at her.

I'm no NGT fan. My comment was a jab at his fanbase being similar to Elmo's. He's a pop-culture scientist, yet everyone acts like he's the stupidest Mensa member, when he doesn't even qualify.

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In 2023, my new LG dryer shit the bed after three months.

They sent a technician twice to replace the lint filter, and sent a third lint filter via mail when the error started again.

Apparently the lint filter sensor is dependant on a tiny magnet which can come loose if the plastic housing is so much as tapped wrong.

How many people do you think open up their lint filters over a bin and tap the lint out?

Fucking moronic design.

We never found out if it was a sensor fault, we were lucky enough to get a store credit and traded that fucker in. LG never again.

If I ever go missing, and photoshopped pictures of me start getting redacted, don't listen to whoever is making claims on my behalf, fucking find me.

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But what if the song uses a Hard-R?

I'm still waiting for my proposal regarding instant orgasm to be classified as sexual assault regardless of whichever animal it's cast on.

I don't care how hard it is to breed Panda's, we can't just make them nut on command.

I'm not pointing fingers here, we've all made our pets seize on the ground for a good twenty minutes or so while we finish the latest episode of Keeping Up with Prostatulus uninteruppted, but we've got to do something to stop the fucking apprentices from doing it for shits and giggles, it's pretty sick when you stop to think about it.

At a bare minimum limit the orgasms to one minute, and necessitate a bodily fluid retention spell. I'm tired of stepping over the puddles when sneaking out the newbloods quarters.


If this guys hand was a fork.

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Renewable energy as #2 source of energy.

As opposed to what? Non-renewables?

Is there even a #3?

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The chances of extra terrestrial life to have visited earth is very, very small.

The chances of life to occur are small enough,

The chances of evolution to pass through multiple extinction events and producing a being capable of higher intelligence is even smaller,

The chances they have done this faster than humans is smaller still,

The chances they have evolved close enough to us to have visited is near impossible.

The universe is huge, there's almost certainly life elsewhere - but to ask whether they visited earth is like speculating on whether ghosts exist.

Also the universe is expanding at such a fast rate that unless we develop faster-than-light tech, we will never reach another solar system.

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Maybe his timing was thrown out because some of them were ticks.

So what happens with my copy once I'm done with it?

Does it just continue to exist?

Do I need to kill it before it figures out that there can be only one, and kill me first?

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Absolutely not true.

As soon as republicans discover it's easier to convince underaged girls to fuck them if they're drunk, it's going legal.

76 is too young. There was still plenty of meat left on his bones.

Wanna see something cool?

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You're thinking of Godwin's Law