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Joined 9 months ago

Thats not an AI result.

IP hoarding.

  1. Buy studio that already made successful game

  2. Delete studio

  3. People still buy game

  4. Profit

Open carry does not pass the "vibe check"

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Damn whats wrong with anime tiddy art? Are the normies ok?

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Spectrum still sends that much spam even if you are a customer already.

No, i dont want your tv bundle i literally havent had any desire to watch cable tv for over a decade please stop asking!

No thats when someone's blood doesnt clot and they bleed to death from a paper cut.

You're thinking of homosapiens.

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I am a carrier of CFTR mutations. If I knock up a random woman theres a 1 in 80000 chance of the child having cystic fibrosis. If I knock up my sister theres a 1 in 16 chance instead.

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No fiting. IS always goes at the start of names for booleans you are correct

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โ€œThe president is elected by the entire nation, and it should be the entire nation who determines who they want for president..."

Hmm yes please, lets abolish the electoral college so that presidents are in fact decided by the entire nation collectively and equally!

Never thought i would agree with a Trump lawyer...

Is it plans to fuck off and die? Then they'd finally be doing something good for ohio for once. I am proud of my fellow ohioans for these results.

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Some are real, the glue in the pizza sauce one for example, but now that "funny google ai gaff" has become a genre of internet picture, you can fully expect people to be faking them for upvotes.

Imagine choosing to look at a picture of this shitstain everytime you drive because youre trying to be edgy.

Gaussian blur 1 px, Sharpen 1 px

Bye bye any pixel level encoding with minimal quality loss.

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Im 30, have a full-time salaried job, two kids, own a house... I have no idea what the fuck I'm doing I just want to play games and touch myself.

You are not alone at all.

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Four years from now:

"We took away your contraceptive rights, but we're still letting you decide who and when to fuck"

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Meanwhile webstorm/intelliJ users:

signature look of superiority

empty wallet

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"ChatGPT sucks at something it wasn't trained to do"


He was great as Carl Weathers in Arrested Development. That role fit him so well

I found this out on my own as an adult after years of being unable to build a toothbrushing habit from childhood.

-Brush teeth

-canker sores

-hurts to much to brush for a week

-forget about brushing altogether

-month or two later remember that i should be brushing my teeth regularly


Now that i know the problem i can buy toothpaste that doesn't actively harm me, but that doesn't fix the 20 years of not brushing or make it easier to build that habit as an adult :/

If i recall, at the time sub owners could designate anyone as a moderator without them having to accept the position, meaning that its very possible he was made a mod of the subreddit as a joke/troll but never actually interacted with it.

Hes still a dipshit though

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Right? Like what do you even get for paying all that money? The next generic marvel movie? Cashgrab nostalgia-bait sequels like fucking happy gilmore 2?? Disney's next culturally diverse not-quite-princess movie???

Learn to paint. Plant some flowers or vegetables. Build something. Create instead of consume.

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No, the strategy is to let potential martyrs rot in prison until people forgot about them. THEN poison them. I guess Putin just felt like it had been long enough.

This, followed by the instant diarrhea spell is a fatal combo if not properly countered

Protip: if you get out of the cuffs after a police officer cuffs you, that just gives them an excuse to beat the shit out of you. They are always looking for a reason to escalate the situation and show off their "authority". Don't give them a reason.

As a math nerd, I appreciate the fractaline nature of your paper.

But as an american, what is the practical advantage?? The sizes are so far apart, and you dont get papers with different ratios? Like for example Letter and Legal are both 8.5 inches wide, can be used in any standard cheap household printer, legal is just longer so you can fit more stuff on the page. Letter paper folds into thirds to fit snuggly in an envelope and legal folds into fourths. Other paper sizes are so niche and rarely used why does it matter if theyre a perfect mathematical ratio or not?

16 more...

Wow what great friend!

You forgot about the automated dms and emails begging users to buy stock at their IPO to inflate it's value

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True, we hate.

Eat a healthy homemade dinner, go to bed early, sleep well, and wake up the next day feeling great and ready to take on the new year.

People who everyday carry guns, open or concealed, are either paranoid chicken-shit cowards or trigger-happy wannabe vigilante heroes. Neither is a desirable state of mind.

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โ€œI worry that these kids and their parents wonโ€™t feel safe in Kansas and that they will move to other states, and it's a loss for our state. Unfortunately, we're going to lose some wonderful Kansans because of this bill.โ€

This is exactly what they want to happen

I'll admit its been good 20s years since I watched pokemon, but doesn't Brock hit on every single police officer and nurse in every town?

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Musk having a tough guy moment on twitter

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Jokes on them, I dont know who either of the teams are and I've already forgotten who won.

Telekinesis would be the most useful, but flight is the most fun.

Question about Telekinesis: can you use it on something that you are standing on or strapped onto?

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Its ok to be wrong buddy, you do you. ๐Ÿ™‚

Wear dark sunglasses to hide goofy fucking eyes, take photo from below to downplay lack of chin with perspective tricks, pose in front of expensive car, brag about all the chicks you bang that are defintely not sex slaves that you pimp out. Congratulations now you have a loyal following of lonely internet neckbeards who will hang on your every word and empty their wallets for you.

Honestly they had me kinda convinced...

I vote for cramming a "hextember" between August and September. Then all the numbered months can be off by even more!

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