
27 Post – 784 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Boston area. 30+ years riding the woo woo boo boo bus.

Fuck Reddit. Scumbags.

RIP Aaron.

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Fuck the courts for letting public have access to that info.

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Abbott is such a POS.

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Unless he dies, I'm voting Biden. I don't like him, but, best option.

Truly hoping Cheeto chimp gets thrown in jail and disqualified.

I've tried to avoid news well before anyway.

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Not thrilled about Biden. But, kinda like Dark Brandon. Need those laser eyes to burn down the GOP.

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Put this fucker in jail for contempt. Someone really needs to get a pair of balls. WTF!

Fucker needs to be in prison.Not in office.

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Don't know if Trump has dementia. I certainly know he's stupid as shit!

Lock him up!

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People are going to die due to political terrorism on Election Day. Rotten thought, but, real.

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Get fucked, Cheeto chimp!

Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up!

Hold strong!


This POS assaulted Anita Hill and never should've been affirmed.

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Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up!

I installed a bidet during the big Covid lockdown. Now, I just do a little butt bounce and drip dry a moment. Then while sitting, just need 4 squares to pat dry.

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Good luck. Unfortunately, SCOTUS no longer does what's right and they'll protect the wealthy family, while straight up fucking over victims.

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Ahh, yes. Another moment of big business needing to addict and retain customers.

No logical person (we're desperately running out of them) would have any doubt that tweens/teens are priority targets on EVERY social media platform.

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Fuck Israel

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Get bent, you bunch of backward hill billy dumbasses.

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Fuck this POS. Throw him in jail.

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Block him. He belongs in jail.

Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up!

This donkey needs to STFU.

Someone give him a silver rattle to keep him occupied.


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Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up!

Shut up

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Ha, I remember being a kid. I would be with my parents at a campground all Summer. We had a fairly small trailer. I remember one night there was a NFL(Patriots) game on and my parents and another couple were in the trailer watching. There was so much smoke that I felt like I was going to die.

I ended up screaming at them all. I think they were actually shocked at how angry and loud I screamed. They didn't say a word. Turned off the TV, took a few things and left the trailer. They even made sure to keep the door open so the air would vent through the screen door.

My father died of lung cancer less than 10 years later in '89.

I keep my fuzzy slippers at the door. Much nicer than street shoes.

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Duh, this fucker thrives on media spectacle. Do not give this bitch special privilege.

Ha! Good one.


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At this time it is impossible to know if they feel pain. They're a living creature.

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Shit really sucks in Gaza. Hamas scumbags fucked up and the IDF has over reacted on a big scale.

Biden's hands are tied and he can't unilaterally prevent U.S. policy.

Voting against Biden is far worse for the U.S. than the rotten crap in Gaza.

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Zero reason to ever go to OK.

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It's way better than an electric chair.

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Lock him up!

POS won't recuse. POS will write an opinion letting Cheeto chimp off the hook. My fingers crossed he's in minority.

My own bag. Hand scanner. Zip through the store while loading my bag. Easy check out. Hell no I don't want to use the cashier line.

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Fuck Tik Tok & Fuck Israel.

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Another good example of how humanity isn't remotely serious about cutting their energy use. Huge amount of lights in city skylines. Ridiculous waste.

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Have you lived with another human that needs to shit at same time as you? It definitely happens.

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