Trump juror quits over fear of being outed after Fox News host says she should scare Trump to politics – 649 points –
Trump juror quits over fear of being outed after Fox News host says she should scare Trump

Those calls came after numerous media outlets reported potentially identifying biographical information about the woman, including her job and the neighborhood she called home. Fox News Jesse Watters highlighted the juror's details while reading through public pool notes about the selected members. "This nurse scares me if I'm Trump," Watters said.


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Fuck the courts for letting public have access to that info.

Exactly, knowing ahead of time all of this should have been sealed by default. Anytime the defendant/case is this high profile the whole thing should be sealed off to contain this circus.

It doesn't matter. Trump will literally call them out himself. And nothing will happen when he does.

The system is broken. It is not breaking, it is fucking BROKEN.

It doesn't sound like it was released.

It seems like stuff from jury selection questions that some court audience members noted. The court already blocked recording.

They remove the audience, but that's a double-edged sword since no public transparency even for reporters would fuel all of the conspiracy crap and there would be no information available to debunk. This is Trumps wet dream. Being able to spout pure fantasy with nobody to rebut.

Best solution would be for the judge to clamp down to say that he will charge anyone who leaks any jury info with contempt.

The judge may have been anticipating this media circus. Now there's a clear reason to remove the audience, so it's safer.

Trump was going to spout lies and nonsense no matter what, and the people who believe him now will believe him no matter what. My money says the judge just wanted an excuse--and we'll see a complete lockdown with no audience from now on.

Well, they have now made it where the employment and past employment questions stricken from the record and have instructed all media not to report the answers to those portions of the questionnaire. That's what she felt identified her.

But I agree in spirit.

Why is the press even in the room or present in any way when that information is being discussed

Because generally these things wouldn't be a problem. Except that trump and his followers have a history of grasping at every straw, defaming anyone they can, and getting people hurt for no good reason.

fuck them for not crucifying these anchors before lunch.

they're not legitimate and neither are the laws they represent. its just thugs with guns and excuses to shoot.