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crime involving moral turpitude

Moral turpitude laws are puritan christian bullshit that should not exist.

But since they do, me might as well use them to unleash the face eating leopards.

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H1B requires that companies show that no qualified Americans could be found, so those listings are written so nobody could or would want to apply. Stuff like 10 years experience in software released 5 years ago, entry level job/pay requiring a masters degree, etc.

What this sounds like is legit listings, but done to give the outward appearance that company is strong/growing and to scare current workers into thinking that they will get replaced if they are not killing themselves slaving away.

This is brilliant. Attack his vanity. His level of narcissism can't function if his vanity is in question.

Just look at how he loses his shit over any mention of a Russia golden shower tape. It doesn't matter if it actually exists because you can still use it to troll him and influence his actions.

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This includes the private residences of subcontractors and contractors who run businesses out of their homes

Even more crazy is that you can't tell anyone you've been raided, including seeking or talking to legal counsel.

So you technically are denied legal counsel if you are targeted by a blatently unconstitutional search.

And it's legal for them to destroy any incriminating records that they want at any time.

Unlimited power to target whoever they want and no legal recourse.

Welcome to Germany 1935.

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By fun he means pleading the 5th to everything.

After all it was Trump who famously said that only criminals take the 5th.

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Does this really matter. We aren't getting it anyway.

The telcom/cable companies are just going to take the "broadband" money, build out a couple of neighborhoods, claim it is too hard, and then keep all the money.

They have already done it many times. Free taxpayer money with zero repercussions. Why would they do anything different.

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Definitely mixed feelings.

I really hate the idea of giving him any platform to try to turn the trial into a reality shit show. The worst thing that you can do with an attention seeking child is to give them attention.

The flip side is transparency. The more transparency, the less opportunity for outright lies about the process. No amount of truth and reality will matter to the kool-aid chuggers, but there are still some with one foot still in reality.

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Christie sucked Trumps balls for years and fucked up being Gov so badly that he couldn't get elected dog catcher.

That being said, I do give him credit for being the only prominent Republican pointing out the Emperors New Clothes.

You know shit is fucked when Christie is the only voice of reason in the room.

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So propaganda, government control over media, and threats against anyone who questions the government story works to control public reality and opinions.

Thanks Comrade Obvious.

Excuse me, miss, "Your childish need for attention, feelings of inadequacy, and mommy/daddy issues are hanging out."

The truly ironic thing is that the fact that vaccines worked so well at eliminating so many horrible diseases is why these chuckle fucks don't think that they need vaccines.

If they never saw a loved one killed or permanently fucked up from disease it must not exist or it's no a big deal. They are completely oblivious to the fact that vaccines are the reason why they never saw the suffering and death first hand.

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The test is negative. Sorry honey, you're not pregnant. You're just fat.

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Why TF are we renting military stuff from any 3rd party and essentially giving them control to override the military chain of command in the first place? I can't see this sitting well with anyone on the military side of this.

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The always relevant

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Male drivers get your discrimination lawsuits ready for your lost income.

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One of the oldest most experienced groups at litigation against hate and defamation will have a field day with this. I would not be surprised to see X owing the ADL damages if Musk actually follows through.

This is as nearsighted as DeSantis starting legal battle with Disney.

accounts of a subsidiary of one of the world's largest e-commerce entities.

How to say AWS without saying AWS.

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Don't underestimate the ability of stupid people to give him money. I suspect that he makes more from the grifting than the company. Losing the company martyrdom will be a boon for fundraising.

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Just wait until they track your phone in the stores and tie it to demographics like where you live and profession to build a financial profile to estimate how much you are able to pay. As you walk down aisles, the prices change to your price to gouge out every possible penny from you.

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911 dispatchers are trained and certified to provide concise and accurate medically reviewed instructions over the phone so that you are not just standing there waiting for the ambulance.

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Driving on the highway and some douche was weaving in and out, then cut us off. Missed hitting us by an inch.

We immediately said, "I wish there was a cop right there...". And there was .. Cop saw the whole thing and immediately kicked on the lights and got that asshole. We were hanging out the window cheering when we went by the traffic stop.

This only works for about the first 5 minutes until the bright red glow of human lobster sunburn sets in.

The Clippy Key.

Pouring gas on every spark of unrest is too easy nowadays. People believe any random social media post as truth and reject professional news.

The cost and resources to troll social media is next to nothing. You don't need to be a nation state.

I am sure that every country or group who wants to see unrest in western countries is in on this.

Lying in court is perjury, which is a criminal offense.

That being said, making a mistake on something like a date is a valid defense. Trump immediately recanting gives him a good way to claim mistake.

There's more value to prosecution to make him seem deceptive and stupid than wasting more time with something like a super weak case for perjury. You also don't want to give them more ways to draw out and delay the process.

Not sarcastic. I work for a provider, and we warn people of service changes a bunch of times over a period of months.

Despite this, you will still get a bunch of people complaining that they were never told, we surprised them with it at the last minute, etc.

A change that deletes customer data brings in legal as well. If one of these people tries to sue for losing their data you want to be able to show that you provided plenty of notice and warning.

Companies will often "scream test" a data loss change. Meaning you turn it off, but don't really delete right away to see who screams that their data is gone. Anyone screaming gets some short time period to recover the data.

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self employed handyman pretrial release for a pending child-solicitation case

Jan 6th aside, The Dude works in people's homes, and there's at least enough evidence to change him with solicitation of a child.

Everybody has the right of innocent until proven guilty, but surely scary for any of his clients. Hope none of them have kids in the house.

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It doesn't sound like it was released.

It seems like stuff from jury selection questions that some court audience members noted. The court already blocked recording.

They remove the audience, but that's a double-edged sword since no public transparency even for reporters would fuel all of the conspiracy crap and there would be no information available to debunk. This is Trumps wet dream. Being able to spout pure fantasy with nobody to rebut.

Best solution would be for the judge to clamp down to say that he will charge anyone who leaks any jury info with contempt.

The Farmers Daughter. It was a text-based video game for the C=64 similar to Zork.

The premise was that you are a traveling lightening salesman whose car breaks down. You stop at a farmhouse to use their phone, and the beautiful daughter answers the door.

Your mission is to try to bang her. If the farmer catches you, he shoots you with his shotgun. If her brothers catch you, they'll analy rape you to death. You need condoms but they are stuck to the shelf.

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It's good to see them breaking with Trump, but it is only because they haven't done anything besides circle jerk the entire term and need something to show for the time.

A border deal is a good one for them because there are a lot of ways to spin it come their next election.

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He's waiting for the check to clear.

Don't worry they'll find a way to blame Biden.

Anything is possible when logic, facts, and reality don't matter.

What we need to do is start a rumor that Biden is considering replacing Harris with Swift as his new running mate.

When asked, the WH just has to say "no comment".

It would be best troll ever.

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anti-vaccine protest at a Burger King

Trying to wrap my head around that one. The clientele of BK are not known for being concerned about what goes into their bodies.

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Pause? Not Canceled?

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Agreed to cooperate with prosecutors in their case against Trump.

Like any other organized crime operation where the boss has others do his dirty work, the only way that you are going to get the boss is by convincing the foot soldiers to give up the boss. Unfortunately, it means having to make deals with the small fish to catch the whale.

Isn't crawling and scraping content what Google and every other search engine has been doing since day one?

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I just searched Costco website and no 27 lb bucket found. I feel betrayed.

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Odd wording to say boy died, however mother was killed when they met the same fate.

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Fiction is fiction.

In real life, stalking the victim for months, sniper shots, or anything that involves any sort of sofisticiation or team of people is asking to get caught.

KISS principle. A successful hit would be as simple as possible, happen fast with no prior interaction, and involve as few people as possible.

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