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Joined 10 months ago

Sure but the point is, after months of pithy quips about how the Democrats will support genocide of the Palestinians and the Republicans will support genocide of everyone including the Palestinians;

here we see that even on this specific issue, the parties have differences. So make the right choice.

The Secret Service was created to investigate counterfeiting. The president stuff came later.

Both of those things are part of the joke. Monopoly is a parody of capitalism, intended to make you hate rich people. The luxury tax is tiny, reflecting how there's no real cost of living for rich people. Rich people can "go to jail", but it's trivial to get away again.

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I chuckled at the first commenter's description of this as a boulder, but honestly the metaphor is pretty robust.

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It's true, the fact that we never drew and quartered this guy does seem like a failure of our responsibilities

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He finally figured out how to exit

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This argument did not go well

You can't convince people to do their job with logic when they just don't want to do their job. After minorities, the thing cops hate most is doing their job.

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I don't know whether valve has violated anti-trust law or not, and I certainly don't think gaben deserves any more protection from covid than the general public but;

this is a stupid ruling. Why on earth can't he appear remotely, as he requested? They can't "adequately assess his credibility"? Are they gonna have an FBI body language expert on hand? Check his forehead for sweat droplets? There's nothing they can ask him in person that they can't ask him over a camera.

Feels like the plaintiffs are doing some kind of lowkey spite thing here, and I'm surprised the judge played along.

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I have a lot of questions about different parts of this title that I don't understand, but I support him.

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A symbol for back-alley abortions. Dangerous, painful, and scary, representing some of the most important reasons why legal abortion is necessary. One assumes the slash through it means "abortion should not be illegal", but I have to admit it's not the clearest symbol in the bunch.

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Oof. Devs, don't talk to customers or users like this. Ever. You have no idea what's actually going on at the other end of the conversation. "Sorry we couldn't help you," is all this person needed to say, but now a whole bunch of people are going to stay the hell away from OST paid subs.

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You can't sue people for deciding NOT to patronize the service you sell, idiot

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I don't know how you'd solve the problem of making a generative AI accurately create a slate of images that both a) inclusively produces people with diverse characteristics and b) understands the context of what characteristics could feasibly be generated.

But that's because the AI doesn't know how to solve the problem.

Because the AI doesn't know anything.

Real intelligence simply doesn't work like this, and every time you point it out someone shouts "but it'll get better". It still won't understand anything unless you teach it exactly what the solution to a prompt is. It won't, for example, interpolate its knowledge of what US senators look like with the knowledge that all of them were white men for a long period of American history.

87 more...

If the horrible crap coming out of RFK Jr or Eric Clapton was previously unknown to you: they both suck pretty hard. If you're like "Oh, Tears in Heaven is so meaningful" please realize that he fucking sucks, and anyone he's giving a million dollars to also fucking sucks.

14 more...

Progress, indeed.

  • her chair is more comfortable
  • her clothing is less restrictive, owing to reduced standards of obedience to authority imposed on women
  • what she's reading is her own choice
  • notice how the bible woman has to sit? That's because she's shorter. Improved nutritional standards mean the 1915 woman is better-fed, and as a result, is taller
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There's a surprising number of situations where an airhorn is justifiable

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Every day? How often are you changing clothes?

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This would be bad news for red states except the people left still get 2 senators, a disproportionate number of electoral votes, and the ability to use the internet.

Why does the headline focus on the "incest"? It was child porn. I don't think it's even illegal to possess incest porn if it's consenting adults. This guy was into kiddie porn.

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This headline is almost incoherent, I wish they'd stop teaching journalists about newspaper shorthand headlines. We're not limited to broadleaf sized headlines any more, just put some fucking words in there so it makes sense.

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“Whoever did this does not understand that stealing newspapers doesn’t stop a story,” she told readers in her email.

This story was already lowkey national news but now it's going to go nuclear. Whoever stole the papers, what a complete moron.

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If you want a real answer, it's mostly advocacy, the same reason Linux enthusiasts show up to every negative-sounding Windows thread to tell you to install Linux instead. And if it is less obnoxious, it's only because there's fewer Rust enthusiasts.

There are, also, advantages to a Rust implementation that you can claim simply by virtue of something being implemented in Rust, as entire categories of problem that cause C projects to hemorrhage security vulnerabilities simply don't exist for Rust.

But mostly it's people wanting you to be excited about and interested in Rust.

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One of the problems with lead poisoning is you end up too stupid to know what lead poisoning is

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Oh, that's interesting, because lots of people have the data. It says the exact opposite of that, though.

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This, in a nutshell, why people become conservative. Because shame and a toxic community keep them from being who they really want to be. Because they need to belong to something so badly that they'll even join a gang of bigots rather than admit they're actually the target of that bigotry.

"They think this is better?"

Yes, they actually do. They're probably conservative dickheads. They know that pink hair is code for "I am a tolerant and kind person; I might be gay but not necessarily; I support counterculture ideas."

They hate the counterculture ideas. They don't hate the color pink. Covering it up with a terrible wig makes it about something else.

Or anyway, so they think. What they've actually done is given her an opportunity to start conversations about the pink hair.

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Claims to be LGBT friendly while taking a strict anti-bussy stance? idk

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Simple iron deficiency can also lead to rapid mental decline, and is very easily remedied.

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Remember when the farming industry did its own independent research on obesity, found they themselves were the cause, and then buried the evidence?

Remember when the farm industry spilled millions of barrels of crude corn syrup in every ocean?

Remember when the f

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You don’t always have to have the latest and greatest.

That's why we have Biden

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I don't agree with this. I think it's weirder to be into knees than feet. (Personally I'm an ass man, so I'm looking down at you all benevolently.)

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Yeah. GDPR should have been implemented as a mandatory part of HTML or even HTTP that interacts with a builtin browser feature. Let the user make the choice once, in the browser, and let the browser tell the visited site what's allowed. Statutory compliance would mean something like

  • browser detects and warns about cookies which do not appear to be in compliance with user's preferences (optionally: browser can block cookies which do not appear to be in compliance)
  • browser detects sites which do not implement the spec at all, and warns the user about that
  • regulatory body checks for compliance on any site with over X number of users
  • regulatory body checks major browsers for compliance
  • any combination or all of the above
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How. Fucking. Pathetic. Do you have to be. To have an entire army of sycophants. And that's still not enough for your ego.

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If Biden died, his VP, Kamala Harris would become the president--the first woman president, as it happens. Everything would pretty much go on as it was.

Trump's death is entirely irrelevant to this scenario, and not useful to consider.

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Oh bet, the normal-looking human woman is the most popular? Wild

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The main thesis here is good, but that's a mischaracterization of what people consider "failed" writers.

Someone who wrote one novel and had it published is not considered a failed writer, no matter if they then stop writing immediately. "Failed writer" is pretty much reserved for people who tried writing and couldn't get anyone interested enough in it to publish it.

I'm not sure what labels would be applied to someone who exclusively pursued self-publishing, but that's not really the common way.

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Wait, they're leaving their users holding the bag? Who could have predicted this

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Calling it now: he dies in a gunfight with the feds.

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You looked at that screenshot and said, "Ah yes, here's someone speaking sense" ?

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Honestly, getting stiffed on millions of dollars in fees is a small price to pay for agreeing to represent a shit sandwich in the first place.