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Joined 1 years ago

The biggest revelation to me is that Chicken Soup for the Soul owns Redbox and Crackle. Just odd.

And I'd vote for a corpse before I vote for 34 time Convicted Felon Donald Trump. Eat the rich. Pack the courts. Seize the assets of felonious companies.

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Can... Is there an explanation?

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Watch it actually be 3 kids with Arizona Iced Teas and Skittles.

It would be funny if it weren't so sad.

I'm focusing hard on growing gills. I think I'm getting close.

As an American, can I have some of that freedom?

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My friend with severe PCOS and who would never be able to be pregnant had the hardest time already trying to get a hysterectomy at 28. Even asked about her future husband being ok with this decision.

So we aren't that far off already.

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The answer is always "Very."


Same as it ever was.

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Didn't he pull it so that there was time to read the Republican stop gap spending bill for the government shutdown?

Not that I agree with the tactic, but it's not like he just pulled it to be a child.

Now him lying about "accidentally" pulling it is dumb AF. Own that shit. But still.

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And they will say that's fine. Twas all gods plan.

What a bunch of greasy ass-fascists.

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Would you like a brick?

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But then it isn't performative conservatism, and therefore is unmonetizable by the algorithm due to lack of engagement! And you gotta feed that 'rithm!

Yea, I live in bog swamp-ass Houston. It's currently 83 degrees out at 10 pm. No way in hell I'd open a window to sleep. And if I did I would probably get west nile or some shit.

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That Boston dynamics robot runs at like 4 miles an hour. The fastest robot dog runs at like almost 12 or something.

Average running speed for humans is between 6.4 and 8 mph depending on gender, etc. And if the obesity rates are correct, I think that it's probably a lot lower and for incredibly short bursts if anything.

Here's the record.

Strap a weapon to this bad boy, and howdy, you've got a war machine!

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I can barely sleep at 70 degrees. Anything more and I just wake up covered in sweat and dying. 79? I'd probably just die.

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Hmm. I think I'll just rewrite this compressive memory code real quick... And it's dawn.

But think of the cost savings!!! /S

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A boy can dream. A boy can dream...

And source paper.

By 2050, we are going to have only quadrupedal Olympic runners!

You got the wrong idea. The money doesn't trickle down, just the piss.

"I don't know James Rolfe" last night... But totally worth it. Every frame a painting and just enthralling for the film choices Dan makes in the production.

And fox news will whip this into a racial frenzy in 3.. 2.. 1.

But seriously, this guy needed a lot of help. Apparently he was on his way to Georgia to kill another ex? I'm seriously wondering what might have driven him to commit these acts?

I don't disagree.

Old men planting trees.

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We don't have police. Just corporate enforcers. Pinkertons in different uniforms. Oh, you are accused of a 17 cent theft and didn't do it? Eat lead I guess. I'm just so tired.

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I hope that these videos encourage others to leave, get their bag, or not apply to companies that employ shady at best firing policies. If I saw a person standing up for themselves in a place where corporate culture squashes out hope and individuality, I'd be more likely to hire them if my corporate culture actually matched the vibe of the person recording themselves getting fired.

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Oops. Someone hacked the server and now the code is leaked online. How terrible.

That's one interpretation. The judge used religious logic in his ruling.

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It's got what plants crave!

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Fascism will come to this country, not by force, but wrapped in the flag and holding a bible.

Every year from now until the end of time.

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Which is why they are asking for more time for more reviews of pandemic spending.

"Lawmakers and the White House are asking to extend the deadline to prosecute pandemic fraud and authorize inspectors general to continue their reviews of pandemic spending."

Perhaps they needed more time to find the yacht he bought with his PPP.

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