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literally every anarchist has been saying this for centuries.

whatever your politics, welcome to team 'at least some of the people in the room should be adults, we have nukes floating around ffs'

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Not what laws are for.

Is what guillotines are for.

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If you want, say, a boat; its probably less work to build it from scratch than to 'earn' it for the overwhelming majority.

Which is wild: Even with modern tools, economies of scale, and specialized master craftspeople (or more likely; enslaved teenagers halfway across the world chained to a shop bench, similar effect here) its easier to DIY than go through 'society', unless the thing has been made deliberately difficult to DIY-which more and more things, especially repairs and retrofits, are.

It takes more work, more coordination, and orders of magnitude more time to get the government to raise your taxes to half assedly feed the hungry with food that was gonna get thrown away than it does to just find a patch of land nobody's watching and do it yourself from Fucking scratch. Every Fucking time.

All the big decisions, decisions about Commons, and decisions about the future, including habitability of the planet, are being made in what we can all agree is the dumbest fucking way possible, and regardless of our disagreements, 999/1000 random people off the street would find it difficult to make worse ones.

So, communist or individualist, insurrectionist or moderate, what kind of brain dead fucking moron would participate in this on purpose? Would follow the rules of this on purpose?

So, what the fuck is to be done?

P.S. If you say "vote" I swear I'll fucking scream.

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At this point just start using a white list.

Why? Why even fucking do this? What do they get? And why is their default ux so aggressively terrible?

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Miso as in misogyny, misandry, etc. Not as in the delicious fermented paste that makes a lovely soup.

Its 'god(s) exist(s) and can absolutely go fuck itself/themselves, possibly for the following reasons...'

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youre thinking of ancaps.

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”i am team genocide"


I dunno, can we trust them? Agree tho; people are dying and it needs to stop no matter what we call it, even if there were no larger implications; its fucking pointless and needs to stop.

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Autocorrect that's literally incapable of understanding is better at understanding shit than fascists. Their intelligence is literally less than zero.

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sorry your parents suck; good friends are better anyway.

Remember when you didn't have to red queen your hacker shit to watch funny videos?

God I feel old. I'm so sick of this shit.

why the fuck do they have f-35s?

the Americans aren't even giving peripheral NATO countries f-35's, are they?

why the fuck are they getting f-35's?

even RPing as an american imperialist, I cannot think of a reason other than 'for the evulz'.

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Its the non-stick in the non-stick pan.

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Only way to avoid this shit at this point.

Or use a 20 year old unsupported version of windows?

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They did! Its called a pihole plus ublock origin plus piracy.

You can't buy it, only the hardware, but the software is all free.

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God this shitty red team needs to just deliver their report and go home.

And yeah, talking to fascists like they're people is playing into their shit.

the lifestyle of being openly queer and not having died in the camps yet, specifically. they hate it when we do that.

We are, but, like... Just preferring something else doesn't make vim unimpressive. Silver medal's still pretty fucking prestigious, you know?

People who don't pirate already are fools.

Peg leg is fine though.

As always; piracy is the best and healthiest decision.

Won't have consensual sex with them any longer.

Which isn't the kind they like anyway.

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"Is there a more american place than las Vegas?"

There was. Once.

You know we need a new youth trend: organized gangs who steal bread and stab the fuck out of anyone who tries to stop them.

Simple solution tho, 'american gods' nailed it.

See, they knew they were gonna have a Nazi problem; having one of the main characters be 'sleazy grifter ultra american Odin on a quest to restore The Old Ways' even though he's transparently a total piece of shit and everyone knows it and hates him. (Especially with an actor that good playing him)

So they added a bunch of really explicit queer Fucking every season. Just gayed it UP. You think the taxi driver doesn't do anything for the plot? He doesn't directly. But he does keep the Nazis away for a whole season.

We just need to do this with all media! Just add long explicit queer fucking to everything, with no warning. Yeah it might be boring when the big climactic fight cuts from its beautifully choreographed martial arts set piece to some side character sucking his girlfriend's dick outside, including foreplay and pillow talk, but I think we can agree; it's worth it.


There is nothing they want us to do less.

Like drugs!

Which can also be politics, but whatever.

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Well, it was high school, and they didn't like my tail plug. Kept calling it 'inappropriate'. I kept laying out my arguments for why chrome and IE are trash, but they just could not tolerate open source, I guess.

leftists do this too

So you've never met anyone left of Ronald Reagan. None of us agree on more than like five things. Adding cheese can start like ten different arguments.

Because literally everything is made to pressure you, every demand is just slightly more than what you can achieve if you follow all the rules. By design.

Speeding is just a simple easy way for them to remind you. To teach you that youre prey.

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but if I don't give my children polio, how will they grow strong?

Tankies are reactionaries.

Literally, the Bolsheviks were the reactionaries that suppressed and appropriated the Russian revolution, and said they were doing it at the time. 'M-L' is stalinism.

They're just red star brand conservative reactionaries.

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Except for all the politicians, from shutzstaffel commanders to the (Hitler apologist) PM's PR guy saying exactly this, using words like cexterminate' 'wipe from the earth' 'every last one' and many individual storm troopers posting on their social media (in videos while doing war crimes), or even their 'civilians' frequently saying it

Edit: nevermind. It wasnt a press guy; their pm.said it himself. Of course it did.

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to be fair, while not much of a hacker since the days when you could just open windows and delete the password, most of my casual wardrobe could pass for 'cozy pyjama party matrix cosplay'.

but new images are always nice.

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Missing the point.

AI won't so much replace labor as make it more fungible, and thus exploitable/abusable.

Except where its used as an excuse to just... Not. "Yes we have customer service; its just all chatgpt with no permissions" so nobody can ever return shit that was delivered broken.

Yeah. When your software is as slow as it was fifteen years ago, on modern hardware, there is no defense.

Not allowed. Work or die, im afraid.

fucking proprietary bullshit is an ecological nightmare, and that's why I think Tim cook deserves the wall.

Yeah maybe giving corpo trash exclusivity over the sum total of human knowledge wasnt the best idea?

well fucking said.

They have a hard time "accepting help" because as often as not; it isn't really help.

Its libs jacking themselves off with the monkey paw; doing awful shit using nice words so they can feel good while being assholes.

Sure you get a room and three meals a day! No pets, must detox first, curfew but also you must have a job, and also dont mind the bars haha yes we do have to lock you in.

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