Is there a specific religious term for the belief "God exists and he is evil"? to – 316 points –

I am not an atheist, I genuinely believe that God exists and he is evil, like a toddler who fries little ants with a lens.


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Miso as in misogyny, misandry, etc. Not as in the delicious fermented paste that makes a lovely soup.

Its 'god(s) exist(s) and can absolutely go fuck itself/themselves, possibly for the following reasons...'

I worship the lovely soup.

Somewhat pedantically speaking, the belief that an evil god exists (exclusively or otherwise) is dystheism. Misotheism is the hatred of a god or gods. Dystheism implies misotheism, but they're not exactly the same.

Valid. Though misotheism at least implies the person being identified as such thinks god(s) (is/are) morally fuckex