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If a sentencing judge gives someone the death penalty they should be willing to put their own life on the line. If, after the fact, the person is exonerated, execute the judge.

Looks like that suit is made of two different fabrics. Time to stone him, wouldn't want to be a hypocrite.

Of course it's always better to get vitamins from food, but getting them from a multivitamin is better than not at all.

It should be legal to slash the tires of anyone who does this.

What definition of "actually difficult" are you using here? All difficulty in games boils down to learning things. If you exclude anything learnable, you reach absurd conclusions like the only true form of difficulty is colorblind inaccessibility.

Knowing how the vocal minority thinks, they're probably deliberately ignoring the advice because they think any form of preparation or mitigation is cheating.

Someone who was a tech journalist rather than a games journalist, and posted the attempts as a bit of self-deprecating humor. Of course capital-G Gamers think being bad at a game is a Serious Crime and nothing to joke about, so they responded as you would expect.

Remember when every platform renamed PMs to DMs and everyone who pointed out that they're trying to remove the expectation of privacy was "paranoid"?

They'll also say they're too smart to be affected by advertising.

The danger isn't that it's smart, the danger is that it's stupid.

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Social media addiction comes from algorithms designed to psychologically manipulate you into scrolling endlessly to maximize ad impressions. It's not a good thing.

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They don't need to do that, they could have just called him on a burner phone and threatened to kill his family if he didn't kill himself. Forensically indistinguishable from suicide, but absolutely murder by coercion.

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"Hallucination" is an anthropomorphized term for what's happening. The actual cause is much simpler, there's no semantic distinction between true and false statements. Both are equally plausible as far as a language model is concerned, as long as it's semantically structured like an answer to the question being asked.

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My conspiracy theory is on some level, conservatives are aware that their worldview is at least in part a symptom of lead poisoning induced brain damage, so they rely on lead poisoning for votes.

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I'm sure there's some MBA douche stupid enough to buy it.

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It's actually worse than just debits before credits. It's debits in reverse order of amount, then credits. So if you get your paycheck deposited in the morning, stop for gas, pick up a coffee, go shopping, go home and pay your utility bills and rent, they can order it so the rent goes through first, then the bills, shopping, gas and coffee all trigger separate overdrafts, then the paycheck is added last, stealing hundreds of dollars from you when you didn't spend a cent you didn't have.

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Might as well just call it Twitter. The only people that go along with calling it "X" are chuds and Musk sycophants.

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She blocked me on Twitter just for telling her a really cool fact: there's an emoji of her grandfather. It's this one! 🙃

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Almost every AAA release has pulled the same trick for at least the last 10 years if not longer. Don't announce the PC release until after the console release, that way some people buy the game twice.

Unfortunately because of the way Youtube's algorithm works, even high quality channels are buried if they don't play the game.

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In other words, "we trick our clients who paid us for financial advice into having children they can't afford".

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Apple, in an attempt to leverage social pressure to drive sales instead of actually providing a quality product, displays texts from Android devices in a deliberately unpleasant to look at shade of green, and cripples features of the group chat if even one member of it is using a non-Apple device, incentivizing groups of friends and even families to ostracize people for using a different phone.

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The solution is simple, but will never happen. Make it illegal to own a home you don't live in.

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Google's featured snippet thing is not only a bad feature, it's actively causing harm. It's extremely unreliable, but people who aren't tech literate, which is most people, think "well it's Google, so it must be right." Sometimes it's obviously wrong in a funny way, but more often, it's doing something like parroting dangerous medical misinformation. To make things worse, it's very likely to answer a question, which is the search form preferred by the technologically illiterate, with a yes. I would go so far as to say they should be sued for gross negligence for implementing it. It's killed people, when antivaxxers say they "did their own research", there's a good chance it was a Google featured snippet reinforcing their claim.

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It's not just unconstitutional, it's legally nonsensical. Citizens of a state are not the property of the state, a state only has jurisdiction over what people do inside the state itself.

If Internet Explorer managed to fall from 96% market share to complete irrelevance, Chrome is not immortal either.

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Cue the GOP taking a pro-asbestos stance in 3, 2, 1...

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Go ahead. Seceded states don't get electoral votes.

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It's apparently not even subtle enough to make that claim, it checks the useragent and sleeps for 5 seconds if it's not Chrome.

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That's why they say "unemployment being too low is bad for the economy". Low unemployment means higher negotiating power for workers, which means higher wages and better working conditions. The only way that statement makes any sense is if they're exclusively talking about yacht money.

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As opposed to naturally occurring titles?

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Hypocrisy? From a right winger? What's next, water being wet?

Yes, but the mainstream right wing position is to repeal them.

Yes, I know we're fucked.

You would also have an incentive to walk more so even if you're normally very sedentary, you wouldn't be after taking the deal.

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About 5 years after, and there was a research team behind it.

That's a myth perpetuated by oil companies to discredit climate science. There was a single paper about it that was widely rejected as a crackpot theory by the larger scientific community. The consensus then was the same as it is now.

The police are just an organized crime syndicate.

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The most relevant part of the boiling frog experiment is the only frogs that stayed in the pot are the ones that had their brain removed prior to the experiment. This explains why climate denialists are all conservatives.

The danger of AI isn't that it's "too smart". It's that it's able to be stupid faster. If you offload real decisions to a machine without any human oversight, it can make more mistakes in a second than even the most efficient human idiot can make in a week.

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At this point if it was possible to orchestrate some massive conspiracy to vaccinate people en masse, we should just do that. They'll shout about it either way, but this way they'll at least be vaccinated

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