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Joined 3 months ago

Oh come on, "I can't learn languages because I'm mentally ill" is a pretty good excuse 😂

Books before, now ebooks while avoiding Amazon like the plague

Hilarious that yous use England to mean the UK too!

Average Friday night in Benidorm

if these people could just get it through there their heads to quit while there they're ahead

Fuck me that's just fucking laziness innit?

Some cunt could post a meme about a samurai in Cote/ d'Ivoire eating a durian fruit and some yank would still say "Ya that's such a democrat thing to do brah"

You're a viking that died

Pretty sure they all did that

I heard there was a website called only fans, you might be eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeenterested

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They *think they dominate the internet because they only speak one language

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40 years ago in the UK it was shown at 8am as a filler program when nobody was watching, because it was so painfully contrived

Really surprised it's the only book related fork of the fediverse here

Do people not read any more?

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WTF does that say $56 for 30 X 355ml?!?!

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Is there a better asklemmy than the ML one?

I didn't realise the asklemmy I was seeing was that bunch of nutjobs

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I always find it amusing to think that one builder somewhere decided to spark up a blunt and utterly fucking destroyed one of the most culturally significant buildings in the entire world, and probably only he knows he did it

You must look fucking stupid wearing tyres

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Oh my god the poor lass aged about 25 years from the wind blast

Jokes aside, that carrot is obscenely large

Oo wait, tiny feet?

Imagine investing in a company that employs people stupid enough to think spamming Lemmy is a good business move

If it's a YouTube vid with a thumbnail like that, there's a 99% chance that either I don't need to know this, or it contains about one minute of information in an eleven minute video

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Sorry I'm too 21st century to understand gun jokes

Could you explain the 18th century jest here?

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TA-DAH!! Seven seconds of reading and something I already knew


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Just for info, spray paint you buy in shops now is shit because it's basically water based

Under no circumstances should you search online for "2K" spray paint as it's a two part paint, almost like epoxy resin and would be almost impossible to remove from a shitty pile of junk

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Just pointing out I read that whole article and there was nothing in it to suggest that any countries are using it to attack LGBT people

Dunno why you linked it instead of something more relevant


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Kinda like "United", then?

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What the hell is a K-cup, it sounds like something you shove up your vaj

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Did they not just dig it up so they could put his head on a spike for all to see?

Ask anyone from Ireland or Scotland at that time if it was justified and your head would be on a feckin spike for even questioning it 😂

So, small aircraft with very low emissions and running costs? We best get used to being shovelled out of airports like cattle

Reviews seem to be saying it drives exceptionally well

I'm guessing here, but did 100% of these reviews come from a country with some of the worst fucking drivers on the entire planet?

Phrases that make absolutely no fucking sense in 194 countries out of 195

Elementary school police officer


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Looks like an awful lot of Freedom©®™ going down there 😂

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I'm now at a point that I can't watch American media at all because everyone just looks the fuckin same.

Generic actress no.495 with horrifyingly white teeth Vs generic actor no.5638 with horrifyingly white teeth

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should not be tolerated.

Neither should posting YT videos that should've been articles

A paragraph's worth of information stretched into ten minutes? I've got way better things to do with my time

Edit - twenty four minutes, fuckin hell

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I quite like it because you can spot shitty journalism from a mile away and not click the link

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Headline contains -

Opinion of random member of the public

The word "slams"

I'm not reading it because I've probably wiped better journalism off my arse this morning

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"Family wins enough to pay for cancer treatment" 😂

I've always considered CNN to stand for Clearly Not News

Edit - the BBC headline starts "ICC prosecutor seeks arrest of..."

As recompense, the company is offering two free months of its subscription service

Didn't realise it was a subscription service too. How dim would you have to be to pay 700 dollars for a device on the understanding that it won't work unless you keep paying 24 more dollars every single month?

People that buy subscriptions like this are a bigger problem than the companies that offer them

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