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Joined 1 years ago

Bofa deez nuts


It's obviously bofa

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So it's like slightly more responsible Python

It's just simple abuse. It's no more complicated that that. Trump is not some genius, he's just an abusive asshole with a megaphone.

The whole point is to constantly be testing the loyalty of supporters, while punishing detractors. For the supporters, the constant "attention" is a reward. Every opportunity to say "there are three lights" is making themselves part of the lie. For the rest of us, the constant, unavoidable gaslighting is exhausting, and the visible, ever present degradation of our civic institutions is horrifying. Yet we are forced to either witness it and confront it day after day if we are to oppose it, or check out and let it happen, just hoping it ends quickly.

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Godzilla is a duck confirmed

Making bad crops is part of the post-ironic meme meta

You might be taking the internet too seriously

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As someone who has actually been gassed, it makes no fucking difference. Milk doesn't do shit. Saline doesn't do shit. Water doesn't do shit. Goggles do shit.

My purpose for a VPN is more about connecting to WiFi APs I don't control. Google VPN worked just fine for that.

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Yeah but a talking donkey in the hand is worth at least two birds in the bush ...

Smoke more weed and your dreams will stop. Doctors hate this one trick.

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I will not hire anyone who so much as smells conservative.

Yes, they literally kidnapped a 7 year old child and continue to hold him hostage, over religious woo they do not officially believe in.

Get topped idiot

Which political views? Hmm?


I just went in and manually edited my display name to my previous asshole of a boss. Two can play this game. If they want to get rid of anonymous content, then let them deal with poisoned content.

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People are naive if they think the .ml admins and devs don't intend to keep their thumb on the Lemmy scale. More instances need to take this threat seriously and defederate from .ml, and possibly even fork the Lemmy repos for when the devs inevitably decide they want to start building quiet exploits into the code. There are serious cyber security implications here that people are sleeping on

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Just wait, this will happen with abortions too. They are testing the ground now. If a Republican ever get the white house again, they will use the feds to extradite doctors to Texas.

People need to be yelling about this until they can't yell anymore. I don't give a fuck if it ruins Christmas.

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Everyone learns compulsive ctrl-s eventually.

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You forgot to mention the part where she is violently transphobic

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No, it's not fucking shocking. It's an extremely predictable consequence of religious zealotry legislating their sick version of morality.

The thought of the day that I get to watch Donald Trump finally stroke out on stage for good is honestly what keeps me going at this point.

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The twitch boob meta always fascinated me. It's literally trivial to not watch thirst streams if you don't like thirst streams. But people on the internet get so fucking upset about it, and I assume at least 100% of them consume actual porn.

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Literally everyone on Reddit could see this except spez, who is a greedy little pigboy

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in terms of male human and female Pokémon breeding, Vaporeon is the most compatible Pokémon for humans

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ITT: "I like trains but this is bad because I can't admit that Biden is capable of doing anything good."

Cynicism is what's killing America. Faster than any politics. Look in the mirror and grow the fuck up.

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At some point, Republicans will surely cross the line where their policies are so unpopular that people stop voting for them, right?

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That's the most frustrating part. These "leftists" are the stupid kind who seem to care more about relitigating idiotic cold war drama than evolving or pushing forward leftist philosophy. It's straight up brain rot, mixed with obvious right wing agitprop disguised as leftist ideology. That fact that anyone other than trolls, spies and teenagers would engage with it is astounding.

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Babe, wake up new Musk pasta just dropped

Hah I'm in that screenshot. I just caught my second ban for suggesting that mass deportation of children might qualify as genocide.

It's infuriating, because if you talk to actual survivors of genocide, they use words like "vigilance" and "never again." Meanwhile, tankies literally just want to gatekeep the word to protect their ability to simp for tyrants.

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I choose to believe that this is the first time some Capcom executive became aware of rule34 content, and organized a series of awkward high level meetings about it where the rest of the staff had to pretend like they'd haven't known about the existence of lewd fan content from age 13 on. It's a pretty amusing head cannon.

I mean he literally abolished the term limits which were put in place to prevent another dictator from taking power in China.

Remember he testified that he had that kind of liquidity several times. He is absolutely fucked.

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Please let me know if you want me to testify that reddit actively protected white supremacist communities and even banned users who engaged in direct activism against these communities

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Bullshit. These dealers don't want to sell EVs because they can't bait you into a sales pitch 4 times a year with free oil changes.

Yes if Joe Biden engages in insurrection then he should be excluded from the ballot. I just don't think that's particularly likely.

Imagine caring that other people can play a video game.

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This is false, you also need vim and tmux

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