Texas AG Threatens Seattle Hospital With Jail Unless It Provides Trans Patient Data

VikingHippie@lemmy.wtf to Not The Onion@lemmy.world – 448 points –
Texas AG Threatens Seattle Hospital With Jail Unless It Provides Trans Patient Data

"We're gonna need a bigger jail" 🤦


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Just wait, this will happen with abortions too. They are testing the ground now. If a Republican ever get the white house again, they will use the feds to extradite doctors to Texas.

People need to be yelling about this until they can't yell anymore. I don't give a fuck if it ruins Christmas.

Yeah, this 100% feels like a trial balloon. It's obviously ridiculous but it's going to test some legal statute that will crack the door for whatever Gilead shit they actually intend. Probably abortion rights. First they came for the trans people, etc etc.

My heart goes out to anyone trapped in Texas or any other Gilead state.

If a Republican ever get the white house again,

I have really bad news for you...