2 Post – 75 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

How fucking shitty. It just proves that everything spez said about negotiating with developers in good faith was bullshit.

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Séamas gave us of the funniest story threads I've ever read on that cursed site:

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Also an ex-cop.

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I remember when Netscape was abandoned and open-sourced as Mozilla, and it was huge and bloated as slow as hell. And out of that came a project to just pull out the browser part of Mozilla and make it super fast and as portable. I remember a series of early alphas, and even the name went through a few evolutions. First it was called Phoenix, then Firebird, briefly, until they realised Firebird was taken and changed it to Firefox. It had this shiny new Gecko rendering engine and its only rival was IE...5?

When I started my first dev job in 2006, Firefox was far and away the best browser to use because it had an extension that no other browser could match: Firebug. Firebug was the precursor to the standard F12 devtools that every browser now has and it was life-changing if you were a web developer. (Try imagine doing your job without it now.)

Then Chrome arrived and it was shiny and W3C compliant (yay!) and you could pull a tab off into a separate window (wow!) and every tab ran as a separate process (neat!) and Google wouldn't be evil for at least another decade. Back then, FF had memory leak problems and that drove a lot of us away.

And then Chrome pulled this ad surveillance shit and I was fucking out. I'm so glad that FF is still here.

I let myself be fully engulfed by the Google/Chrome/Android continuum and it's only recently that I realised just how much of myself I gave away and, while my personal data has long since been propagated to a million servers, I'd still like to try keep some of myself to myself.

My back hurts.

Man, fuck that coworker. I'm sorry that happened to you.

I think we can all guess the country. I wish you all the best, wakkawakkawakka.

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Whoof I absolutely could not get into nbcnews without disabling my ad blocker. Guess I'm not visiting them any more :/

Edit: thank goodness for autotldr! ❤️

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notes to self:

  • no, that did not say "hornie"
  • check system font settings on this computer
  • maybe start a c/keming
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Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.

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My "I didn't punch Jayson in the face" statement sure is raising more questions than I expected.

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Honestly? And I promise I'm not being sarcastic: Reddit and Twitter are still your home. But the same goes for centre-left liberals. It's not that you're conservative, it's that you're moderate.

Many of the recent arrivals to the fediverse (myself included) are here because we're fleeing the corporate internet. We feel strongly enough about it that we've thrown all our toys out of the pram, abandoning huge platforms to try build this new space. This kind of behaviour isn't exactly "centrist".

So this nascent lemmyverse has a wiiiiide breadth of political views but not as much in the middle because those folks are all still on the old platforms. Over here we have Nazis, hexbear and shitposts. And porn. It's still early days.

And this only just after they enabled a whole raft of add-ons in their mobile browser that have already stripped away so much shit from my daily browsing experience.

I switched last year when Google entered their new phase of ad tracker evil and I bet I wasn't the only one. Feels to me like Firefox fucked with the money and they're being brought to heel.

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Born again Catholics make born again Evangelicals look like amateurs.

I'm so fucking happy. I went looking for an equivalent Lemmy community only a couple of days ago and there wasn't really anything. But now here are the OGs!

He's going to win and he's going to finish the job of dismantling the United States of America. He's quite open about it.

Fuck yeah, good bot.

Cos you go brrrrrrrrrrrr

How good are vandals though

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It is very very important to log in to your local Play Store and mark all the reviews you consider helpful...

You need to make the worst product that you're still able to sell, and then make sure you sell it to the same people multiple times.

This is a lovely summary of modern capitalism. The carnival barkers would have you still believe that excellence rises to the top, but it doesn't. What wins is the appearance of excellence, as a facade for the least effort possible, like you said.

Share markets created this perverse incentive that rewards businesses for appearing successful even if they produce fuck all. I'm thinking of Jack Welch era GE or today's preeminent carbon credit trading firm, Tesla Motors.

It reminds me of the feedback loop engulfing the major LLMs as they consume more and more of their own content and start outputting lower and lower quality: the original goal of rewarding the best is long lost, replaced by making line go up at all costs.

Welp, guess I'm a Swiftie now.

They are suddenly everywhere in Australia, I can tell you that much.

Porn is always the trailblazer. Without the demand for porn we wouldn't have had VHS (and hence the whole concept of video on demand in your home), or instant credit card payment gateways.

I guess what I'm trying to say is: an unhealthy amount of porn = a healthy community.

Back in the day (ow my back) carriers let you control how calls are diverted by dialling one of those * 123*12345# type numbers.

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That wouldn't even feel nice because cats' tongues are like sandpaper. Unless that's your thing.

Is there an audiobook


also FUCK yeah markdown

I think subdirs would break the whole fedi handle system; wouldn't make sense to most clients.

That is awesome! (Both the pic and the fedi skills)

Repetition legitimizes

I'm glad I got in before they closed registration. They definitely seem focused on stability over uncontrolled growth.

Jesus. Straight to the top

Yusssss! Subscribed

Kill James Bond is brilliant.

Amen, fellow Lemming. It feels good to pull away from an enshittified corporate staple and adopt something that isn't trying to consume your soul.

Goldie (accidentally) claimed it was Robert del Naja years ago and that's the version I want to believe because I love Massive Attack.

This is the knowledge I come here for.

Yeah, this 100% feels like a trial balloon. It's obviously ridiculous but it's going to test some legal statute that will crack the door for whatever Gilead shit they actually intend. Probably abortion rights. First they came for the trans people, etc etc.

My heart goes out to anyone trapped in Texas or any other Gilead state.

Yeah it's a pity - I hope the core Lemmy devs can find a way to facilitate personalised instance blocking, but I have a feeling that it's not as simple as it sounds.