The beginning of the end to Accidental – 398 points –

This photo will launch a thousand chuds into the streets.


I'm hoping the amount of people whose first thought was "you missed" outweighs the number who are upset.

Still would have preferred no assassination attempt.

I’d have preferred justice to be doled out to the traitor like it is to the black guy with a dimebag.

All drugs should be legal. Hopefully someday we will be able to vote for a political party that respects our bodily autonomy to put what drugs we want in our own bodies.

That was my first thought… i know bad but still…

I would have preferred no attempt, but if it was going to happen we would all have been better off had it succeeded.

Not sure of that. If the GOP campaign engine was able to play it well, they could have turned Trump into Jesus 2.0 for the Christian nationalist movement, and retained the fanaticism of the movement while switching over to a better useful idiot who was easier to manage. Part of the problem of Trump is that he is difficult to control, and his voracious ego keeps driving him to make poorly-considered policy and publicity decisions. (Remember the White House feeding McDonalds and Wendys to the Clemson Tigers. Crap like that is continuous around Trump.)

The Michael Flynns and Roger Stones want someone as charismatic as Trump, but who is easier to placate.

The better thing would be for Trump to keep doing public appearances while getting more and more demented and banal, which will toxify the pure hate speech with grumpy old man rants. Then when he quits or dies, there's no resurrection and new church, and the GOP will have to find themselves a charismatic leader from the cold again.

I'm personally hoping that a lot of people start thinking "this looks awfully staged and fake."

Cause it really does.

Let's see:

  • Trump panicked and ran last time he thought he got shot at, this time he remains on stage for over 15 minutes.
  • SS doesn't immediately remove him from the stage
  • Nobody runs in the crowd, they all just stare at their God King
  • Mixed, nonsensical reports (stfu about a teleprompter his bleeding ear was away from the podium)
  • Shooter was 400 feet away, with a completely clear view, that the SS somehow missed or excluded from their zones? (Uh? What?)
  • No crowd panicking and fleeing from gunshots. OK, sure. (Just needed to reiterate motherfuckers absolutely frozen)

Something is strange, for sure. But I've never been shot at in a crowd so what do I know. Maybe everyone does stand around slackjawed.

I agree with you. His ability to stand up and fist pump would have never happened with a credible threat. He would have been folded up and shoved in a limo, then full speed blasted out of there.

This entire thing looks completely set up and staged.

I dont actually believe it was staged. But, as an American, I've seen plenty if mass shooting videos. Everyone is always running in a panic. These people were acting like a bunch of skin suits.

Yeah I’m not looking forward to the ripple effect of this shooting

We were already well on this path. The only way out is through. This country has survived worse.

What was worse? Seriously, what? Even during secession, the president wasn’t the one causing the rift.

Uh, civil war & Lincoln assassination?

The Civil War... The bloodiest war in American history; brother fighting against brother.

All other American wars combined, through the Korean War, claimed fewer lives than the Civil War alone. In World War II, 30 out of every 10,000 men in uniform perished. Civil War combat was six times as deadly, killing 182 per 10,000.

...for a little context.

I hope that ends up being worse than this. I'm not sure it will be, but even if it is, the Civil War is a very high watermark. Things can get very very very VERY BAD without reaching that point. We don't want to get anywhere close to that

I simply chose the most obvious episode. There are others that were worse than our current time. We haven’t even topped the JFK/RFK/MLK era.

None of those had the president selling classified documents to the enemy countries.

Last I checked we aren’t a cunt hair’s breadth from nuclear war with Russia.

All of the 80's were like that, the cold war

Mostly cause I kinda doubt the Russian have fully operational nukes. The minutemen missiles are bitch to maintain with a military budget of fuck you. Meanwhile the Russians cant even build a proper modern MBT thats not based off of old Soviet tanks, either the missiles or warheads are broken is my bet.

I would say things were worse under Nixon, Reagan, and Bush only because the majority of the population was onboard with their authoritarianism. In those days we had the beginning of the war on drugs, mass incarcerations, US backed death squads, flooding the cities with crack, trading arms for hostages, torture, begging of forever wars...

The population has become significantly more leftwing over the last 20 years. Even if Trump gains power again, our numbers are large enough that everything they want to do will be a brutal fight against the majority

I get that Reagan laid the foundation for what became MAGA Republican Party, but was it really worse than trying a coup d’etàt to stay in power?

He didn't need to, which I think is worse. I would rather live in the timeline where Trump had to coup than the timeline where he won 49 states for reelection.

No. Well not for us at least. The rest of the world on the other hand...

Serious question, what are you worried will happen?

For me it's: Inciting violence, justifying conspiracy theories, Trump becoming president

Or maybe trump turns into a chicken, quit election race an refuse to show up in front of the public ever again. God that would be so fucking good please let it be the case...

That narcissist is in way too deep to ever change his mind. Sponging off the spotlight is all he’s ever had and it’s rewarded him his whole life. No way this turns him around.

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Trump needs to win to pardon himself (regardless of legality, this is his goal)

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The mind looks for problems and negative outcomes. There is every chance this leads to people on the fence to not want this guy and the chaos that follows him around in their lives for four years.

And that's different from every other day the last year because?

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My main worry is individual rightwingers taking revenge on students/immigrants/queers with a mass shooting.

Other worries:

I'm seeing people in Israel say that the anti-Netanyahu protests there are now 'encourging assassination attempts'. This will lead to a crackdown on any protests all over the world.

The democrats will now roll over and go extremely passive or try to downplay how bad Trump is.

The media refusing to criticize Trump at all from now on.

I see a few right wingers killing college kids, and then red states will hire Blackwater type people to “secure” their blue colleges.

They will inevitably protest and get gunned down, all Trump voters will be cheering their deaths, and we will see more crackdowns on any places of thought.

The US isn't leader the World in that sense anymore (after what's happenned in the last decade, most of the World doesn't look up to America as a "beacon" of Freedom or Democracy) and Israel as a nation politically dominated by an ethno-Fascist ideology for most of its existence and even with ethnic discrimination explicitly enshrined at a Constitutional level, is hardly representative of Democratic nations.

So the idea that following this in America "there will be a crackdown on any protest all over the World" (emphasis mine) smells a lot of "nationalist delusions of grandeur" and seems I'll informed.

  1. I'm not American.

  2. You don't need to be under the US' sphere of influence to exploit current US events for your own political purposes.

  3. US media is shown around the whole world, events inside the country are world news. People on every continent are aware that Trump was almost shot.

But fine. Let me pull specific example countries from all over the world (emphasis yours) that I was thinking of:

South America: Argentina with Milei

Europe: Netherlands with Wilders

North America: Canada with PP

Africa: The west African nations moving under Russian influence

Asia: Philippines with Marcos, India with Modi

Let me know if you've never heard of any of the countries or politicians and I will go into more detail about them to educate you, my dear friend.

I've lived in The Netherlands for almost a decade.

The idea that the Dutch would go along with crackdowns on protests because "Wilders" is hilarious and the idea that they would do so inspired by what's going on in America is even more so: this is a country that's had rose buurts (red-light districts) and coffee shops for decades - during the period of peak American cultural dominance, with its weird moralism with strong religious undertones - and where the first leader of the Far Right (from were Wilders' party descends), Pim Fortuyn, was from the very start very openly gay: what other nation on Earth is so open minded that their Far Right took off under the leadership of an openly gay person?!

I mean, this is the only country I lived in where if somebody is being a disturbance in the train (say, playing music out loud) and refuses to stop when politelly asked for, the entire carriage gets up against that person.

Whilst I've been out of that country for over a decade, I think it take an incredible profound shift in their actual culture for people to go along with a crack-down on demonstrations in general, much less because some politician in America got shot at. Now, Germany, on the other hand, I see as far more likely to go down that route since the power elites there already do a number of somewhat-autocratic things towards their population (such as tighter surveillance than most of Europe and the recent "anti-semitism" legislation that's really about supressing criticism of an ethno-Fascist state) - that place hasn't actually got rid of certain perspectives amongst the Power Elites that made it so easy for the Nazis to take over.

I mean, I don't disagree that weak "Democracies" (say, Orban's Hungary or Modi's India) might use this as a pretext to crackdown even more on political dissent than they already do (as they would use just about anything that's even remotelly useful for that purpose), but beyond such highly subverted Democracies and Autocracies, the visible effects of the peculiar intersection of American politics and gun laws aren't really something that would sway the locals elsewhere into changing their practices of civil society movements and and thresholds of acceptability of suppression of them - I've even lived in the UK - which in some ways is the closest to America country in Europe - and what happenned to Trump is the kind of situations that Brits see as "the kind of thing that would never happen here" and would inspire exactly zero pushback against anything in Britain.

Yet another shooting in "one school-shooting a week"-America isn't really an inspiration for other countries to crack down on anything.

Project 2025 will be implemented. We will see poverty return to most of America as all social services end and many jobs are lost.

We won’t see a decrease in tax burden, the federal government will be used as a way to siphon all money possible from the middle and lower class into the hands of a few hundred people.

We will see poverty return to most of America as all social services end and many jobs are lost.

It's already here for many, but I get it... there will be new poor.

Yeah, my point was kind of lost. Sorry.

It was more about those in the middle or upper middle class, the preponderance of tax payers, will now find themselves completely broke.

Well not anything too crazy, just it can defin be a situation where people like him more and it feeds into his “ Trump vs everyone else” rhetoric.

At the end of the day, this will be a very interesting part of the historical timeline. So I would not be surprised if this year or one the subsequent ones turns out to be as turbulent as 1968.

That the United States becomes the Republic of Gilead...

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"An almost-assassinated leader gets so much credibility, so he can stay in power and gets to stick around to enjoy it."

The Interpreter (2005)

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The attempt on my life has left me scarred and deformed, but I assure you my resolve has never been stronger.
Palpatine Trump

That was the plan.

I strongly suspect this was a fabricated attempt. It wasn't some kind of impossible shot. Only reasons for it to have failed are an utter lack of ability on the part of the shooter, or it was supposed to miss.

A bad shooter is definitely possible, but it just smacks of an intentional attack made to enrage followers.

You simply won't hire anyone shooting at your ear with live ammunition from that distance.

Exactly. Never put down to conspiracy anything that can equally be explained by incompetence.

And didn't innocent person die too?

I don't at all believe the conspiracy, because of what Tiptopit said about live ammo at that distance. But if one were conspiratorially minded, I doubt the death of one innocent would sway them in the slightest.

The people who would be involved in such an alleged conspiracy would not give two shits about that. Collateral damage.

In fact they probably see it as a plus. Get the folks even more riled up.

No, you hide a razor in your hand and cut your own ear, of course.

I don't know why we're still having this conversation because people made ironic jokes about trump being in the wwe and knowing how to blade. If you listen to the extremely peaked out audio, you can hear the report of the gunshots, which would not be possible with blanks. They have a different sound signature, different sound profile. You can likewise hear the difference in caliber and therefore sound profile when the secret service fires back. This guy fully shot in the direction of the president. There's not really any plausible way this was fake.

you can hear the report of the gunshots,

Fascinating that you appear to know so much about the sound of gunfire, and yet you don't know the difference between rapport and report.

Totally an expert, just not one who has ever read these words right?

Look up the definitions of both of those words and then get back to me.

Rapport means like, a reputation between two people. report is a word that can have a bunch of different meanings, one of them, as a noun, listed third on google's listed definitions, because I did look it up because I thought I might be wrong when you pointed this out, is "a sudden loud noise of or like an explosion or gunfire.". Me personally, I kind of thought and still perhaps think that it stems from the idea that, you are hearing the report of the gunshot itself, when you hear the sound. Sort of like how thunder is a way to describe the sound of lightning rather than lightning itself. And it's a "report" because it tells you about the thing from which it originated based on the nature of the sound.

So, I dunno, fuck off before you decide to start questioning me on the basis of my misspellings rather than on the basis of my proposed information. Sure, I'm an armchair guy making armchair statements, that's everyone on basically any website on the internet. Go ask for credentials from anyone else making statements about this shit, you probably won't get any. Did you attempt to dispute any of the shit I actually said? Nope, instead you decided to question my ability to distinguish one word from another. Maybe I was using text to speech, maybe I'm ESL, maybe I'm just stupid, who knows, but apparently you were just as easily able to understand what I said so I guess it doesn't really matter in the end, huh? Go ad hominem yourself in the mirror, you costco ball ass removed aaaaand post

Hey guess what, sometimes in the English language a word might have more than one meaning. Crazy concept, I know.

Gunfire doesn't "report" to anyone or anything.

I could copy/paste the definition of "report" like you did, if that makes this easier for you to understand.

Do you want to give me any real material or are we done here? You have class in like two hours dude you're gonna be late

You have class in like two hours dude you're gonna be late

Is this supposed to be an insult? I graduated from University over a decade ago, so in some ways I kind of wish I did have a class to get to.

You seem like an angry, small person.

And you certainly rely on the assassin shooting at you with blanks and only kill other people?

Come on, work with me here, do I write the fiction all by myself?

Let’s see, you have the handler that hired the chap off him with an AR pistol to “erase the file”. Maybe things got hairy and other people were shot.

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It wasn't some kind of impossible shot.

Let me guess, you’ve never fired a rifle while amped up on adrenaline. If you had you’d know most shots will miss unless you’re conditioned to the adrenaline response. Shaky hands and near hyperventilation make for horrible shot groups.

125 yards is only an easy shot for a professional shooter who has been exposed to duress to numb that adrenaline response. This was a 20 year old kid who had never been to war.

Way easier shot if you bring a fucking scope

Kid didn’t have a scope on that rifle?

I did not see one on the rifle in the tmz video of him opening fire and getting counter sniped

I've seen other comments saying the same but maybe wait for more official reporting because it was video taken by an attendee on their phone. Not the highest/clearest quality

we'll add that one to the "impulse killing with a truck gun" theory, then

125 is a mid range shot.

Maybe I'm over estimating the ability of the shooter, but not only can I make that kind of shot now, I could at that age. If you can't climb a tree stand and make a clean shot with your heart pumping, you aren't going to even get close to the target anyway.

Adrenaline is a huge factor, I can't deny that. But if it was enough of a factor to foul the shot, that was an incredibly lucky earpiercing.

I dunno, maybe I am just too used to good shooting. My grandfather was a competitive shooter, and he's the one that taught all of us. Most of my family that shoots could make that shot and it wouldn't be anything to brag about at camp.

But the rest of it still smacks of a planned shooting that wasn't supposed to kill trump.

I think "Planned Non-Lethal Shot At POTUS's Head" falls on the wrong side of Occam's Razor.

Bull shit. There is no fucking way it was trumps plan to be shot at. He really didn’t need to stage an assassination attempt just to drum up votes, because HE WAS WINNING. This is q anon levels of dumb

Never said it was trump that planned it

It’s even worse if you suggest that it was a republican conspiracy attempting a false flag assassination attempt to boost ratings. An attempt mind you that was an inch from being a successful, and probably would have lead to a Democratic win with a presidency given a gun and the right to use it next cycle. Again Qanon would and had said such things in the past, and the rest of us called them crazy.

And the instant, “he’s not one of US!, only republicans would think of doing something like that” Is kinda desperate.

Well, I'm not saying it as a democrat for one thing. I'm much further left. Which you didn't say, but I'm sure someone would have eventually, so I'm adding it in.

I'm saying it because the whole thing smells like last month's fish. The shot itself, the way it was taken, the convenient killing of the shooter, the timing, it all just makes me doubt this being a genuine attempt on his life. If that's the case, the only conclusion I can draw is that it was an attempt by someone to raise the rabble to cement his worshippers anger.

I could be wrong. I'm not saying this as some kind of statement of unchallengable fact. It's just my gut screaming that there's something hinky going on.

The evidence wholly does not back your case!

If trump was shot in the head, would you still say that it was an op to make the president more popular in the polls he was already leading? But opsie-doodle the marksman failed to correct for the wind that suddenly changed the trajectory by an inch and killed him damning our bid to consolidate power!

Shooting an active shooter to death is the most consistent result of an active shooting. If they wanted to do a false flag assassination, one, their political affiliation would have been established, and, this is critical, WOULD NOT HAVE SHOT ANYWHERE NEAR TRUMPS FUCKING HEAD.

If it was a false flag, the shooter would've been a Biden-supporting Democrat who was also a member of antifa and a trans catgirl.

Who said Trump would need to be involved or even aware of such a conspiracy?

Again, not saying I believe this.

Conspiracy theories are always like this. "I'm not saying that it actually happened this way...but what if it did?!?"

I don't know...what if monkeys flew out of my butt?

Totally. Because nothing can ever actually be a conspiracy. As we all know, those don't actually ever exist in real life, right?

The involvement of the US in the civil war that was ongoing in Vietnam began after a false flag attack. A literal conspiracy. And it led to how many dead American soldiers?

But everyone knows Jimmy Carter eliminated all conspiracies from existence (it would later inspire his work eradicating deadly diseases in Africa) in 1978.

Wow, you beat the hell out of that straw man. Good job.

Oh? Then tell me, what's your actual argument? What was the intended implication of the comment you made? Truly curious.

You asked a question about a conspiracy theory, and then followed it up with a disclaimer that you don't necessarily believe in the conspiracy theory. I pointed out that this is typical conspiracy theorist behavior.

Yes and the implication was clear. What you said in the context of the thread was clearly meant to be dismissive. The obvious implication was that anyone who mentions a conspiracy theory is a kook. I'm just taking the logic one step further. It follows from that, that none of the theories ever turn out to be real. Because only idiots ever believe them.

Don't patronize me. We both know what you meant.

I could be convinced of a conspiracy if you gave me some good evidence. Questions aren't evidence, though.

No way anyone hires someone to intentionally shoot their ear off from that distance.

No, they only had to convince some dude to shoot in the crowd to make "noise", then get one of the SS agents pop a bit of food coloring near Trump.

It would be "make it whiz by his head, but don't hit him", but it accidentally hit his ear (or just used an old pro-wrestling trick for the blood).

Not saying I believe this.

Yeah sure, everything you don't like is a false flag. Spouting the same conspiratorial bullshit thinking as them.

Yeah sure, everything you don’t like is a false flag.

What an idiotic response. What else have people on the left claimed was a false flag? You're talking like this is some sort of trend. Fuck off.

The shooter was under high stress. He probably didn’t have that many seconds to make the shot before he would be spotted by Secret Service.

According to reports he also used an AR-15, which is not ideal for that kind of range.

Initial reports are saying he was on the roof for several minutes. I'm sure more/better details will come in the following days.

As for the range, 125 yds is WELL within effective range for AR-15s and .223/5.56. Personally, mine is sighted for 220 yd so the ballistic markings are accurate out to 600 yds. There's a nearby 500 yd range that people frequently take their AR-15s to for longer range shooting. This is also considered "medium range" as far as rifles go.

Ehhh, as mid tier as the ar platform is for precision shooting, a decent scope and sighting it in, you aren't going to miss at that range unless you intend to, or you're just a bad shooter.

I acknowledged that the person could just be that incompetent, and the choice of rifle would seem to point to that, but I don't buy it. The timing, when this is far from the first time the target was in public long enough to make an attempt, I just don't believe that this is anything other than a deliberate move to garner support and radicalize his supporters more.

Seriously, I wear bifocals, and I have made shots that were worse than that, with 223. It was not with an ar, but I would argue that the difference is moot since the ar platform can be decent at mid range shooting like that.

I respect your opinion, I just disagree.

He didn't have a scope.

Wait, really? I haven't kept up with everything about it, but I could have sworn it was scoped.

That really does change the difficulty of the shot from middling to holy shit territory.

There is no way this is true. We know live shots were being fired, because other people near Trump were shot. We Know Trump was wounded because we saw pictures of the aftermath. We know that bullets were fired at him, because one of the photographs actually catches one (probably the one that grazed his ear) feet from his head.

A false-flag might be somewhat plausible if there were just shots fired at the rally; it would certainly be possible to convince some mentally unstable MAGA chud to shoot wildly into the crowd, and then have Trump fake his injury. But the idea that he would allow bullets to be fired within feet of him is just insanely risky.

I feel like theorizing if this is fake or not is a waste of time. It doesn't matter.

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One has to wonder if this is a "time travel back to kill Hitler" style plot gone wrong

No fewer than 42 plots [to kill Hitler] have been uncovered by historians -- Wikipedia's list of Kill Hitler plots

If time travel was involved, one of them should have worked. Curiously, only one principle member of the German Reich was successfully assassinated: Reinhard Heydrich, by two operatives of the Allies. To be fair he was the naziest Nazi ever to nazi a Nazi, and was the director of the mass execution machine driving the Holocaust.

Assassination plots will manifest by the dozen if Trump is elected or the GOP otherwise runs with the Heritage Foundation's Project 2025. But La Résistance style sabotage plots will be where the fun is to be had.

Unless Hitler dying was worse... So they made the initial attempt unsuccessful.... Operation CockBlock

Im just imagining a spy vs spy type skit where youve got time travelers trying to assassinate hitler and other time travelers trying to stop it.

The same thing is going on with Franz Ferdinand but instead of spy vs spy its closer to Rube Goldberg murder edition.

See my other reply in the thread!

Those haircuts are awesome. Pure Hollywood

Straight out of central casting, as the Mango Mussolini himself would say

Mango Mussolini? 😂😂😂😂 Awesome

Mango is good, but too healthy. Cheeto Mussolini has a better ring to it IMO, plus it rhymes with Benito.

But it misses the alliteration.... Still, good points 😁

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Correction, most of those haircuts are awesome. The one in the middle... not so much :-)

He said hair "cuts" not hair "plug combovers".

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In Brazil Bolsonaro staged a knife attack and used it every time he needed to gain sympathy from its followers. It wouldn't surprise me one bit if Trump did the same.

i dont think thats the case considering how close the bullet was

I can't seem to find a single reliable source for the staging of the knife attack on bolsonaro. Could you provide one?

Awfully convenient how that "agent" is holding the Trump campaign sign so it gets in the picture...