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Joined 12 months ago

u r big dum

Fucking Lightfoot? Lol, okay buddy.

We've already solved this. We just need to train a team of dysfunctional oil drillers to send up to the asteroid.

10 more...

I've been pirating since I was a child. That being said, I don't think it's particularly healthy to pin 'media pirating' as a personality trait.

12 more...

It’s not going to be a convenient excuse. There are swaths of C-Suites who genuinely believe they can replace their workforce with ai.

They’re not correct but that won’t stop them from trying.

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The irony is that I feel like I own my pirated content more than any of the digital content I've actually purchased in the past.

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Cross your heart and hope to die.

They can write anything they want in a TOS, doesn't mean it's legally enforceable.

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I stopped using LinkedIn several years ago when it was turning into some hideous social media thing rather than just a place to keep an updated cv. I took a look at it six or so months ago and Jesus Christ, what the fuck happened?

It appears to now just be filled with people desperately trying to convince other people that they're an expert when in reality they're just talking to themselves and no one's really listening.

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Old because they're mostly used, repurposed crypto mining rigs, according to the article.

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I'm an architect and designer. I've tried switching to Linux on several occasions. Unfortunately you just can't really CAD/CAM, 3d model for fabrication, or for architectural documentation in Linux. There's also a lot of work I do with fabrication robots which further complicates matters. Finally, the creative tools on Linux are limited. It's hard to find good software substitutes for things like after effects, InDesign, and figma. Rendering is also a pain; having to use blender as the intermediary adds a significant extra step to the process.

Also, anything having to interact with MS is a huge pain in the ass (specifically no onedrive support, which is what a lot of AEC firms have switched over to using in order to collaborate besides BIM360).

15 more...

Speaking from a USA perspective:

I'm 34. I guess that's right in the sweet spot of middle millennials. I've been hearing how lazy and entitled I am since as long as I can remember. Almost every single one of my generational colleagues have been some of the hardest working people I've ever encountered and yet some of the most underpaid.

Millennials on average are more educated, more trained, and more productive (in the sense that we are the largest generational labor pool in a labor environment that is roughly 70% more productive than the equivalent market when baby boomers were in their 30's) than their baby boomer equivalent.

To top things off, the average wealth gap between baby boomers and millennials has more than doubled since the 70's and we own less than 5% of all US wealth.

I'm not sure how less entitled we can get, relatively speaking? What I really ever wanted was a somewhat steady, fulfilling career with some meaning and a small little place of my own to eventually retire to. Maybe enough money that I didn't have to worry too much about bills, food, and rent all of the time. We were told that so long as we worked our ass off, did well in school, got multiple degrees and certifications, put our heads down and did the hard work that we could get that. Turns out: not really true.

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Excited for the Blyat Boy Advance

I would like to, yes.

Why does it matter if they're poor or not?

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LinkedIn is a cesspit of 'professional influencers' trying desperately to be seen as the most 'innovative' or 'forward thinking' expert in their industry. The good people, the ones who actually dig in deep and get shit done, I've found, don't often have the time nor the want to constantly post.

It's fucking tiring and so blatant.


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Mixed DPI multi-monitor support. This coupled with a severe lack of robust CAD and design tools means that it can't be my daily driver.

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This is so fucking stupid it's almost painful.

Why not have the LLM replace the user?

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"I managed to continue taking my antidepressants and I didn't kill myself despite my suicidal ideations since the last meeting!

I hope those are good enough accomplishments. "

We don't need more anti science rhetoric in this world. Why even start this thread?

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How does someone go through life not learning how to cook?

6 more...

You know cheese isn't meat, right?

Is that entire site just ai generated garbage now?

Why? None of that sounds like a pleasant experience.

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I grew up poor so wealth transfer wasn't really a phrase spoken at our house. I always thought inheritances were just plot points on tv or for the rich to maintain their power.

People talking about an os like it's their damn personality.

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I'm not a Microsoft fan by any means but I've not had any real issues with Start menu searching for well over five years.

I just use it to search for the program I want to launch and it's done that pretty fluidly. To the point where that's basically all the start menu is for me. If they switch it to copilot without a way to disable it then I'll probably permanently switch over to Linux when it's time for an OS rebuild.

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I've swapped between iOS and Android several times. There's literally nothing stopping you from switching other than minor inconveniences.

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It's just so wonderful that we decided that what we really needed to automate away was the creative work people were doing.

Truly a phenomenal turning point.

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Yes, why?

It doesn't, this is just an example of accidentally not killing yourself.

Where is the data?

I don't care about how you feel.

Spectacular. The shit he was saying was just utter trash. So is he.

Man, it's hilarious that you think the primary concern we should be having considering this news is how someone might use this to somehow gain supreme executive power through environmental regulations.

Because, at the end of the day, we're basically just downloading commodity entertainment. There's nothing directly substantive about that and that's fine. Not everything we do needs to become a direct part of our identity.

Because they're forced to? They own a large slice of enterprise.

Hrm, your first sentence is a little odd there. It seems to insinuate that there's a desirable 'roll' and not one that we learn to love and embrace (as a form of self-actualization). Even though I was born generally disadvantaged that doesn't mean I'd want to change the person I am since it's all a part of me.

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Trade shipping is incredibly efficient when it comes to moving large quantities of goods. Transportation, as a whole, consumes about a quarter of the world's energy output. Meanwhile industry verges on near 60%. A large portion of that is refining and manufacturing coupled with new construction.

While I understand that people's immediate reaction is that we need more EVs or, on the extreme end, somehow restrict cars. People also need to understand that's not the sector that is going to have the most corrective impact on the coming climate disasters.