
3 Post – 892 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Yeah dumbass, an avowed socialist for years now, been watching the GOP propaganda machine since it was cool to be on Fark for fucks sake and NOW they finally turned my frog gay. Makes perfect sense!

Wake the fuck up you white moderate, your cope will eat us all.

Biden had more than “a bad night” the dude looks like he’s aging out of the ability to stay awake for 90 minutes at a time.

Fuck trump and the GOP for the rest of time but Joe looks like shit dude, and he has for a while. Don’t fucking gaslight me.

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OT: my man in the thumbnail looks like Homer Simpson backing into that bush tho fr

Sorry AI, I see grandma’s subtle 6th finger

Yeah, ok? The fresh mechanics Pokemon has needed for a long time now. Also, still rounding up ‘mons to build a team to accomplish goal.

It was similar enough that Nintendo had to tell its fans to shut the hell up about it.

Palworld is the facelift Pokemon needed.

Are those posts/comments/images available on other instances?

If an instance just shuts down, we just lose all that content? Sounds like a pretty fatal flaw.


Most of the ones I can find are react content re-uploads. This one has corny captions on it but at least it’s the raw video.

Yeah that’s kind of the point.

(Also wtf are you smoking? “Travel the world collecting animals to be on your team” is the core concept)

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Man, he admitted he was guilty.

See, it must have made their passwords easier to guess…

Yokel Haram

Rent seeking, theft/copyright infringement, walled garden you can’t escape (if Microsoft holds all your files good luck getting them back on Linux)

Microsoft needs to die.

I don’t recall Nintendo trolling.

I do recall Nintendo, in the most polite and businesslike way possible, telling its incessant dickriders to stop flooding its communication channels with the breaking news that someone made a game with a Pokemon-adjacent concept.

The messages were sent in 2017. They weren’t reported to Twitch until 2020, at which point they reviewed and took action - that was the whole “Doc got banned and we don’t know why” saga.

Now we know.

Someone already got Chris Hansen to do a Cameo for Doc 😂👌

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Georgia law is that grand jurors names are public.

Yeah, pretty naive. Or evil. Maybe both?

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“Significant economic harm”

Yeah, like my never considering you for any products ever again you pieces of trash. Why the fuck do your products even need to connect with the cloud?

Fuck off.

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What a dumb article, who came up with the angle on this piece of shit?

“She said it doesn’t matter if he’s an insurrectionist or not! That means she knows he’s guilty!” is some literal schoolyard logic.

What we should be more concerned with is:

  • She doesn’t seem to understand the 14th amendment
  • She doesn’t seem to mind an insurrectionist running the country

Obviously, you’ve found the urinal.

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Yes, Ron, everyone knows Clean Coal™️ is the one true source of non-pollution.

Is anyone stupid enough to believe this?

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Oh my god, I saw a meme about this and I didn’t think it was really a photo from the event.

God he sucks

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Don’t use brave, they’re shady. LibreWolf with uBlock Origin is plenty.

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Wait, the LAPD is a government entity. They are funded with public taxpayer money.

They cannot own a copyright or a trademark. It belongs to the public.

EDIT: this is also why you can use NASA footage and audio recordings royalty free in your own works. Because you already paid for them.

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See, this is the issue; it’s not illegal to turn off my internet, it’s not illegal to block a program from accessing it, and it’s not illegal to run software i paid for.

If that’s a problem to clients then find better clients.

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He fought the Italian mob because he was in the pocket of the Russian mob.

He shut down a lot of clubs and nightlife in NYC, basically ruined the underground scene there and left “clubs” to be bottle service for rich assholes.

He’s a fucking fascist piece of shit and he deserves to lose everything.

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Incoming trademark lawsuit from iSeven, the API that tells you if a number is seven or not

Computer noises are the focus in the festival setting, it’s not a distraction.

Pen clicks are little momentary brain erasers that rip the attention you’re so desperately trying to focus away from the thing you’re focusing on, and now you have to struggle constantly to get it back with each one.

Pen clicks would be no problem if you were intentionally focusing on someone clicking their pen.

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Every single one of those things was catalyzed because of something Trump did.

Handling of COVID. Flooring of interest rates. Tax breaks for the middle class that expired right as terms rolled over and Congress was controlled by morons who wouldn’t renew them (rich still get theirs). Nerfed the ACA’s tax penalty instead of raising subsidies. Moving the fucking embassy to Jerusalem.

Biden sure ain’t great but he can be swayed by public opinion to some degree. Trump will fucking end us if he comes back.

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One Rich Asshole Called Larry Ellison

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It’s not a new law, it’s in the constitution. He cannot hold office, and there’s no need for a conviction. He participated.

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This is an attempt to behead universities by conservative freaks by twisting anti-genocide positions into antisemitism, which might be the most FUCKED thing I’ve seen yet.

“If you don’t support razing apartments full of children then you’re an antisemite!”

Nah, see it’s not about the fact that they’re Jewish, it’s the fact they’re an apartheid state, and they’re committing genocide. This is about their government and their leaders.

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Am I reading this correctly? Is this article claiming it’s bad for James and her case if Trump can’t pay?

If he can’t pay doesn’t it just go back to being as if he never got the bond in the first place? So, she can just go after his assets?

Why is this bad? Did I miss something or is this the weakest motherfucking spin I’ve ever read?

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Next week: Paco Guttierez, age 9, arrested and sued for $200 million after building a cardboard Nintendo game because his family couldn’t afford the real thing

Bitch you could have re-homed the dog to someone who actually knows what the fuck they’re doing.

Kristi Noem is a certified piece of shit and shame on whichever Dakota voted her in.

Right-wingers wrote an article making the case that because she had shown cleavage at a red carpet event it proved that “woke is dead”.

No, I’m not exaggerating. They’re that stupid.

Over a popular webcomic’s art so that uninformed backlash may be directed towards the artist they freebooted from

Don’t know why you’re being downvoted - enshittification as a viable consumer business model was pretty much proven in the auto space.

Just like they want to charge you to use the heated seats you’re paying the gas to lug around anyway

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Now they don’t have to prove his intent. It just makes the case that much easier; no way the defense can raise questions about errors or revisions.

Not that it would matter much, but it basically eliminates any possibility of arguments around it, futile as they may be. Which means there’ll be no time wasted on it (or at most, less time wasted on it).

Just because something seems obvious doesn’t mean it isn’t necessary to prove it.

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Microsoft knows the government needs something, and is insistent on squeezing as many of your tax dollars from them as possible, or leaving us all vulnerable.

Capitalism is terrorism.

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Exploits were removed. Maintainer who committed them still banned. xz is a critical piece of software.