Biden tries to turn the tables on Trump’s use of a classic political attack line, asks 'are you better off today' to politics – 191 points –
Biden tries to turn the tables on Trump’s use of a classic political attack line | CNN Politics

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Every single one of those things was catalyzed because of something Trump did.

Handling of COVID. Flooring of interest rates. Tax breaks for the middle class that expired right as terms rolled over and Congress was controlled by morons who wouldn’t renew them (rich still get theirs). Nerfed the ACA’s tax penalty instead of raising subsidies. Moving the fucking embassy to Jerusalem.

Biden sure ain’t great but he can be swayed by public opinion to some degree. Trump will fucking end us if he comes back.

"Hur dur. I wet my pampers at the thought of Trump".

Man it’s almost like state policies have long-term consequences

Rightwingers aren't people.

I agree, which is why I am extremely terrified of the current Right wing Democrat president.

Hilariously, nearly everyone ready to defend you just downvoted you here. That says something. I'm not sure what, but something.

That its a stupid poorly thought out inflammatory response.

I am just too stripped out on the same cordial "lesser evil" conversation that is going nowhere to care.

I am pissing people off. Good.

Trump will be incredibly bad. What is worse is losing a liberal political presence in this country entirely. And we are about there.

Yeah I've been there. Sometimes I walk away from the Internet for a day or two.