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Mostly a lurker. Abandoned Reddit before it was cool

The very fact it's called a "review bomb" is an attempt at controlling the narrative. Fuck game "journalism".

Just use Firefox. It's better as a browser, anyway.

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Why, would you look at that - apparently surveillance is fine and dandy, as long as it's the US doing it. Fucking hypocrites.

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"Bosses" can go fuck themselves, alongside the astroturfing scum that keeps pumping out articles trying to validate the idiotic decision of returning to offices.

And yet use of actual cheats doesn't result in VAC bans, and the game is in just as bad of a state as CS:GO, with most old cheats being easily ported over. Good fucking job...

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What the fuck is wrong with this shit article?

The crackdown on ad blockers has been quite effective

No, it hasn't. What's up with the doublespeak?

While some paid ad blockers seem to work, the vast majority of tools don’t seem to do the trick.

Patently false. uBlock hasn't had a single hickup.

Fuck whoever wrote this garbage.

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This, but unironically. Games don't even need such realistic graphics, anyway - I'd much rather play a stylized or even 2d game where the devs focused on mechanics and fun, rather than pretty lights.

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A national (not US) cake company uses expired ingredients because it's cheaper. Yes, I did report them to the authorities.

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Nothing new, actually. When I was banned years ago (suspiciously after calling out some astroturfing), they didn't give a reason either.

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There's no way this is real - nobody would be that stupid, even in a management role, right?

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This opinion is in no way unpopular. Valve is privately owned and headed by a single individual with tremendous purpose of will, which is how they've done so many great things for the gaming industry. The issue lies with said leadership vacating their role (GabeN is getting old) and some greedy bastard taking the company in a wholy different direction. tl;dr: we need a strong competitor, but not now, and ABSOLUTELY not Epic.

Hell yeah, power to the proletariat!

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Here's my full list:

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Queer man surprised when anti-queer party he's joined deems him a target. More non-news at 11.

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You don't? In civilized countries, companies don't just get to do whatever they want.

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I don't think ol' Billy cares much about Windows anymore, I'll be honest.

Americans have such weird issues. It's almost like unfettered capitalism is a problem or something.

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"Hurr durr, slaver companies like nestlé are essential for the production of electricity"

Do capitalist bootlickers even think?

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Imagine thinking the issue is some imaginary concept like "the market", rather than 20 years of poor leadership.

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Except everybody does know what happens to them. Russia, and particularly Russian soldiers, are known for a very specific type of behavior regarding minors.

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Good. Even if nobody likes 'murica, their weapons work well enough to deter China from doing something stupid.

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"Bro, c'mon, don't leave... you've only listened to 3 hours of my 10 hours dissertation on Lord of the Rings. What do you mean 'how's that relevant when we were talking about Skyrim?' - I need to make sure we're on the same wavelength before I start my 53 hour exposition on why The Elder Scrolls is a brilliant work of art."

How about we don't, because being fat is unhealthy and also costs a lot of money to public healthcare and infrastructure.

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Thankfully, people are capable of doing more than one thing at a time. Removing hostile architecture doesn't stop you from campaigning for better policies nor from organizing a leftwing bloc.

If someone tried to minimize Nazism by comparing it to Marxism in front of me, I'd be sure to break their nose on the spot.

A little thought experiment, since you're having trouble following what should be a self evident line: would you rather sleep in your bed or on the floor, if you were forced to choose? Now if I swap your bed with a bench?

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Nowhere. There is no such a thing as a neutral report. You need to be able to think for yourself and identify possible biases in an author

It can't even survive with search.

New cars are great a cancer on society

There, FTFY

There's literal video evidence of Russian soldiers raping, pillaging and killing civilians. Putin and any Russian supporting him can die in a ball of fire.

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Heads-up, there appears to be some astroturfing going around. This is not an impressive demo, I've seen better without brain implants. If anything, I'm more impressed that the test subject hasn't died yet.

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It turns out that everyone in every industry is a furry, except that one guy reading this.

Shit meme, so apt for the community, I guess. Patrick represents a guy stating his own morality, which doesn't oppose the final sentence, meaning this meme doesn't follow the expected format nor does it have a point whatsoever.

The bar is obviously to use as a blunt weapon in the first step of preparing a rich meal.

Torvalds isn't always right, but he's wrong much less often than not.

So that's why the modlogs were going ballistic. Oh, well, I hope things are fixed soon.

Wow, I'm soooo surprised an ex-officer got stabbed in prison. Who could've seen this coming?

Nobody gets paid for the work they do under capitalism. The proletariat gets his value stolen, the Cs and owners get paid for work they didn't do.

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Imagine if the roles were reversed, and it was China arming i.e. Panama. How would you feel then

False equivalence, Panama's risk of being suddenly invaded in the current political climate is nearly zero. Taiwan (is #1), on the other hand, has to be ever vigilant. Also, Panama doesn't house the 'rightful' government of the US.

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Good argument for dismantling Google and any other company of similar size.