raytracing rule

bbpolterGAYst (she/her)@lemmy.blahaj.zone to 196@lemmy.blahaj.zone – 1061 points –

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This, but unironically. Games don't even need such realistic graphics, anyway - I'd much rather play a stylized or even 2d game where the devs focused on mechanics and fun, rather than pretty lights.

Minecraft, ULTRAKILL, Undertale, Celeste

all of them some of the best games in my opinion, how many use ray tracing? ZERO.

Hollow Knight, Crosscode, Hades, Dead Cells, Signalis, Dusk, Outer Wilds, Underrail, and more are all great examples of relatively modern games that kill it in the graphical department without using anything fancy.

Edit, because this is fun: Boltgun, Sea of Stars, the Bloodborne PS1 demake, Tunic, and more.

Minecraft shaders look great though, especially the rtx one for bedrock. If it was more open source, I'm sure ray tracing would be great to implement into shaders.

Celeste still has really nice lighting in places, imo, but you are right, it all just comes from good colour choice and artistic skill, not some premade graphics option that they flipped on.

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fuck graphics all games should be text-based from now on

Text-based minecraft

Right, but then someone will rebuild Minecraft in text-based Minecraft with a 3D rendering engine displayed through ASCII

Sounds doable. Something like 192x108 characters should work great on software rasterizer. For heavy loads you can use paletted mode of GPU.

Half of the shit that is praised today are basically subpar rendered movies with little gameplay elements.

Might aswell play a visual novel and atleast get a good story instead.

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