7 Post – 1435 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

There are 16 thrusters on the service module and they only need like 4. One is malfunctioning. They're trying to diagnose the problem to fix it for next time since the service module burns up on reentry.

I hope they implement ranked choice, so many of the current problems are from the two party system which is inevitable from first past the post.

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RCV at least allows for options, and it's pretty easy to understand. First past the post is literally the worst.

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Stick enthusiasts !

large boulder the size of a small boulder

With Russia wanting to stir things up, there are a lot more coup attempts recently since they hope they'll get support.

More info:

doot doot

Prehistoric gif coming in!

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Lots of different estimates, but looks like between 11% and 20% of ghg emissions are livestock. That's way higher than I thought.

Ghg from livestock different estimates

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Star wars a new hope started out with Luke as an everyman. But since then it's all become about the bloodline. Rise of Skywalker is especially bad, tearing down the anyone can be special and saying you can only be special because of your bloodline.

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I think legends handled it okay, that the battle of yavin was the tipping point, but the empire still had remnants that needed to be countered by the New Republic. And the New Republic has its own problems, but faces an entirely different threat than the empire too.

Whereas with the new movies, they just hit the reset button back to episode four, rather than developing on the trajectory in interesting ways, which would have given Luke's actions and the original trilogy more weight.

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It'd need to be 13 to 80 times more massive to be a brown dwarf.

If it gained mass rapidly, most all the moons would likely destabilize since they'd have way too little velocity for the orbit they'd now be in. But if they sped up to accommodate, it'd depend on the density change of Jupiter. The fusion would push out material a bit, but the density would probably just increase because of the increased mass.

But if the density stayed the same, the radius would be 2.4 to 4.3 times larger than currently. With Jupiter having a radius of 70,000 km, that'd put it at 170,000 to 300,000 km radius. That'd put Metis and Adrastea inside 170, and Amalthea and Thebe inside 300. They'd already be heavily inside the jovian atmosphere, so they'd be toast. Io, Europa, and maybe others might also fall due to higher atmospheric drag at those levels.

I think the rest of the moons would be planets then, and the solar system would be a binary system.

Yeah, given campaign costs in the US at least, that is really tiny money.

There's a war going on right now in Ukraine, helping them win it will make Russia launching a next war less likely and further off.

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They're also recruiting from prisons and promising freedom afterwards, right? That probably doesn't help.

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If this was just a DUI or something, the driver is going to have a very very bad time.

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To be clear, you don't need any of those things to enjoy either movie.

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You never know when they'll dump. Hoping you can dump before others do in a pump and dump is not usually a good bet.

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Stages of climate change denial:

1 it doesn't exist

2 we aren't causing it

3 it isn't that bad

4 we can't solve it

5 it's too late now (so might as well go on consuming oil)

We can't just throw our hands up and give up because we don't know how bad it will be yet. So we should still try everything we can to stop ghg emissions and sequester those already in the air.

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SpaceX has been receptive to design changes to starlink in the past to minimize impact, like decreasing reflectivity and reflection angles for astronomers. They might be receptive to moving to different alloy for the body construction.

Magnesium comes to mind that would be light but expensive. Steel alloys might be cheap and heavy options for later when starship is operational. Would those have similar effects on ozone, or is it only the aluminum oxides?

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Have they voted yet, or is 88% what they decided the result is going to be?

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Haven't hard drives been cheaper per storage amount than SSDs forever? The problem was always that they were slow. I think tape may still be cheaper per storage amount than hard drives, but the speed is abysmal.

Edit: yeah looks like tape is 3x to 4x cheaper than hard drives

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Here's the comic Pic

Now we need the full version scientifically accurate!

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Watch out for the misogyny though. I haven't seen much myself to judge, but this video essay makes a pretty good case. Just be careful.

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Actually it does work with regular sand dunes. The sequential baked layers creates a reasoning champer that amplifies sound at certain frequencies.

Which means Neil is actually upset with how much scientific world building Frank Herbert did, since it confuses people like him who haven't studied sand dunes for decades.

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For a long time, I thought the crown Jewels were there. But it turns out the Tower of London and London Tower bridge are two different things!

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Both of, specifically both uh

It is if you have Vanced or a return dislike extension!

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Happens when you don't have competition. (Except to steam seemingly)

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My immediate thought was wug, like the plural of fish is fish.

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Pasta would have been better.

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'it came to me in a dream' has got to be a pretty unique reason for switching to Linux

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Wait till he hears how many revolutions for a cd player! Or if you really want to get him going, a hard drive!

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But Islam often doesn't let women think on their own, their husbands or fathers are to think and choose for them. That isn't always the case, but often is.

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I'm pretty sure that's how you either create an SCP or no clip to the backrooms

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Very low surface area heat exchanger you've got there! Gotta do several more loops under the water to get efficient heat transfer.

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Relevant xlcd

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That is quite the title

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