bbpolterGAYst (she/her)

@bbpolterGAYst (she/her)
55 Post – 243 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

she/her my name's alice, i am the gay critter inside your computer. new pfp fursona art done by me

emergency account:

the "no pronoun people in my nintendo" part was so fucking funny that i had to look up whether this is bait or not

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he would still grant that wish 100% love me boy green man from fairly oddparents

im so glad that all of these WOKE LIBERAL SOCIALIST things are out of the game as it was released back in the GOOD days before EVIL GAY PEOPLE were in my videogames,. thank you gabe newell for making gaming real 🙏

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yeast infection is FAKE and made up by the government to stop us from pouring POP ROCKS into our pussies

toby fox has full control over the vatican

jesus fucking christ why do people like this exist

aww, this is what true allyship looks like 😊 😊 😊

i am irrationally afraid of transmissions. like why the fuck do you need this much gears for??

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zerma zerks off his zenis to charge his zrystal

wow.. they arranged so perfectly.. truly a sign that GOD exists

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who up edgin they browser

catboys can be catholic as well. meow aww day and pway to jesus to fowgive youw sins owo

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counterpoint: mmm ymummy takeout cardbeboard box 😋 😋 😋 😋 😋

femboys? more like umm uhuh uhhumhshl;fkhbglgblfkdsgjdlh;sgkjg;skdfhg;

games should look like they were made for the ps2 or else im not buying

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you know, we all have our lives, we all are individuals but.. in the grand scheme of things, at the scale of the universe, we are SO FUCKIN HUGE GOD DAMN!!! I AM 500 LIGHT YEARS TALL

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Valentine Sday

need giant orc boyfriend that wears dresses and wields a battleaxe

jetstream sam is a power bottom

any objections?

reminds me of that one guy who had a thing for anthropomorphic planegirls and worked in the united states airforce

the solution is to become gayer.

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one of the first people to misspell "a"

its hip to fuck bees. 🐝

i dont need PENIS INSERTION i need kisses and cuddles ok

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fuck graphics all games should be text-based from now on

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its purple. what do i do?

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shoutout to all the mascgirls and femboys being gay and shit or whatever they do

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thank you, i made it on my phone a year ago

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including the linux penguin. look at that guy. the thoughts of arson are filling his mind. you can see it clearly through his eyes.

i do not have tits but thank you

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i hate programmers they make me scare in my brain. why can you not have normal jobs like wood cutter and fish catcher

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i think it might be time for me to go to sleep. this image is incomprehensible to me

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so true bestie. sometimes i wish i had a partner so that i could give them love bites. and for some reason i also want to, like, actually bite off a piece of their flesh. and eat it. i dont know why

i dont actually own a skirt. i lied. i am crying in bed in PANTS

shoutout to shitboxes that last forever

gotta be one of my favorite genders

the short trans girls and short trans boys are destined to commit crimes together

i like to be fucked professional style. you gotta fill a few forms before and after

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i will out-cancel your woke wife. i will clean the room of your son.

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