
8 Post – 1373 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

This is a problem. Bluesky is privately-owned and will do same shit.

Here are some explainations. And more.

Gift card. GIFT CARD! Those bastards "refund" with gift card instead of actual money! I hope EU will haunt their asses. Big corpro hunting season is open.

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It's called enshittification.

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Here's how it went:

  1. Few waves of drones were sent
  2. AD spent their ammo on cheap drones
  3. Missile strike before AD was reloaded

Do it. It is perceived much differently than government blocking site, speaking from experience. When cenzorship agency blocks something, people seek ways to be there, when something pulls out of country, people say good riddance.

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Who are those 2 people?

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You don't get many platform-specific bugs if you use cross-platform libraries like SDL2 for OpenGL/Vulkan context creation and human interface.

This is what happens when capitalism tries to fight with democracy. If government fucks over citizens, then citizens ignore government, but if government represents and helps citizens, citizens will do "Tesla, fuck you!".

EDIT: or when unions work.

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No idea. Original post was deleted because "not an article". I can't even see old version to not go through a pain of typing post body again.

I'm going to say n- and r-words here. National referendum.

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Remember people,

Hamas != Palestina

Putin's mafia != Russia

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Same applies to police for last ten years

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Here's link to short version in English written by author.

And article translation to Russian.

Really? Steam? With all those EGS, GOG and Origins? Is it Apple's trolling?

They are not responding to complains, they are searching themselves.

EDIT: my eyes. They are responding. Still very wierd. Crowd itself is not a crime, article 20 of DoHR says so.

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It's called enshittification

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Get on board, sail the seas

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developer working on Vkd3d

I.e. graphics driver developer. Listen what he says, Bethesda, not many driver developers will point out where gavemdevs act stupid.

Just to complete story:

  1. He was working at Department for Combating Economic Crimes and Corruption, DCECaC(УБЭПиК) for short. Basically financial police.
  2. He was killed by bomb dropped from drone, not by kamikaze drone. It doesn't look like what Ukrainians would do.
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40% of costs is salary? That's so little for software company.

EDIT: oops, it's not 19/50, it's 19/40. 47.5% Still less than half.

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Sadly he is always right. I wish he was wrong all the time.

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Intruder alert, Red Spy in in the base!

They also want you genetic material. I wonder why.

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If they market them as intentionally modified, then probably criminal case can be opened against them.

  • [x] Intention
  • [x] Health hazard for others

Doesn't AI go into landmines category then?

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A regional cooperative bank in Southwest Finland

Oops. Apologies, this is not state-owned bank. Fucking oligarchs.

This year EU will get sudden spike in tourism and immigration

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Electron? Really? At this point you should pick web app.


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The AI was harmed. We need to protect the AI.

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the postal service having a sympathy strike and no longer delivering registration plates to them. Using the postal service is the only legal means of obtaining registration plates, and without them it's not permitted to sell a car.


+50 social score, bowl of rice and cat wife

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How much in Linuxland?

Edit: 3.52% in Finland.

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You can use less overpopulated server

Mastodon users can post on lemmy

Porn saved us all

Seeing RumblrHER I can imagine what happens in RamblrGROUP.

masto is fractured even further with different servers arguing in places (a bit like here tbh) over federation.

And? Servers are inter-operable.

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Ah, yes. You are at fault, not the corporate greed.