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Joined 11 months ago

When is it supposed to kick in? Because it sure hasn't been done yet.

Edit: Blatant misinformation

While the underlying court order was reversed many months ago, some Indians continue to have trouble accessing parts of the website.

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>User posts a support query for paid software in a piracy sub.

>"Why not use FOSS instead?"

Every single time.

Not everyone has the time and resources to relearn a new piece of software when they already have their workflow sorted out. Nobody asked for FOSS alternatives, it's a piracy sub.

Besides, shit like GIMP isn't even half as good as photoshop.

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It needs to be visible...

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I think slacktivist corporate feminism is an easy punching bag which makes it an easy case to dismiss the message.

That and with internet allowing every village idiot a voice, it is very easy for someone to say something incredibly batshit insane which becomes a punching bag for the rest of the people.

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Their hiring process is the reason why leetcoder kiddies get in there in the first place. 3 seperate coding rounds with questions not even related to the domain that you need to solve in a timer of 45 mins.

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You can use Jellyseer and remove plex entirely. It's a fork of overseer.

I knew there would be someone with the regex.

This meme is giving "I have only played Ubisoft/ea/actizard titles for the past 4 years" and I mean do whatever you want but it seems silly to complain about games you continue to buy no?

Mate, the first line says it's talking about AAA games.

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Because it is more open and lenient in not defedereting and as a user i can choose which subs and instances to block.

Angels in Evangelion: 🔹

Genuine question, why stick to ios in that case? I can see a normie who is unaware of these stuff keep using apple since their use case isn't that complex and apple gives a decent baseline.

But, ios legitimately sucks because it's so restrictive and here your personal productivity is going down because of it.

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The other way round. Government is pro Ubuntu/Linux.

It's more that corporates are brainwashed into thinking vector and minimalist art is more beneficial.

Fuck that, I like that it's different. I feel a lot of the logos are too similar and boring.

This one has the retro feel to it.

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Linux, tankies and moaning about reddit. That's it.

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Depends on the board. It's just a virtual meet up of all the village idiots.

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Ultimately it's just "we're gonna act like how reddit admins act".

Might pirate it.

Wait till you learn about who cracked that game.

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I recently joined TL as my first tracker and I must say, the quality and seeders are really good. Since they enforce seeding ratios/times and incentivise it, it becomes a self sustaining system.

It's a massive problem. Pro wrestling pages have been fucked over by the same powertripping mods for years. Earlier the page had all the moves/finishers and entrance music written there but all of it was removed for no logical reason.

That defeats the entire point of having a survey.

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But nobody is downplaying it? Yes Trans people face a lot of issues and they really need to be supported in many ways, but I don't think this joke insinuates any of that.

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The project is probably dead according to the state of project in December.

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It's much more suited to the usecase.

Are you implying they're not? The only reason anyone even buys laptops is because PCs aren't portable. Otherwise PCs are the best.

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Half of the shit that is praised today are basically subpar rendered movies with little gameplay elements.

Might aswell play a visual novel and atleast get a good story instead.

Or you can just turn the "no guess" mode on like a regular human.

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I want to snuggle too

TV rights for football are ridiculously expensive so it makes sense that they'd need to curb as much piracy as they can to make the most of that.

The moment you seperate AWS from the rest, the rest will shut down.

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Bots who "archive" stuff from reddit.

DHT is asked to be disabled in most private trackers. Also the retention is quite good, you can find obscure stuff easily and you can request if you don't find something.

First Gen, the game is fucking broken as fuck. But it's also the most memorable and iconic one. I think with little tweaking in types and mechanics in Gen 1, you could have the perfect pokémon game.

But since it was the first, a lot of shit wasn't discovered and explored.

You do know that pigs can and will eat anything right? They can digest a fucking human corpse in a matter of hours.

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That rumour was debunked when Voksi said he wasn't involved in the scene anymore and CPY acted like absolute clowns.

Not really as that brings pennies. The logic is the same as WinRar. Basically they don't care about users pirating since it helps them retain the market share since middle aged or older people aren't that tech savvy.

The biggest moneymaker in retail sector is laptop manufacturers bundling windows with their laptops and companies/corporations using legit windows copies.

They get ridiculous amounts of money just to provide security updates to windows XP because there are loads of equipment that can't be run without the specific software that is incompatible with later versions.

And they will get ridiculous amounts of money 20 years down the line for doing the same with windows 10 too as long as they retain the massive market share and middle aged people will be accustomed to win 10.

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The only reason people favourably view Canada is because USA's social and political climate is a dumpster fire in comparison. It's legit depressing to live there.

My man, you're living in cuckoo land if you think Apple isn't tracking you.

Fair enough, I was too casual to judge a community based on the circlejerk. But my frustrations lie with the circlejerk that there is more on lemmy.

A poor Democrat and a poor Republican have more in common than a poor Democrat/Republican and a rich Democrat/Republican.