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Joined 8 months ago

This town, in fact, has more than enough room for the two of us

Leaving Reddit was one of the best things I've done for my phone addiction. Lemmy isn't nearly as addictive, and the lack of a profit motive to fuck things up and encourage mass clicking helps control the content.

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Nationalize internet.

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Enshittification infects all.

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Same reason Linux is popular on Lemmy. Lemmy is essentially an explicitly leftist community that appeals to people nerdy and techy enough to leave Reddit and join a smaller platform. Linux is a FOSS, ie leftist techy OS. Star Trek is leftist Sci-Fi.

Nerds, tech, and leftism all congregate on Lemmy.

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Restructuring society around principles of Mutual Aid and other forms of Cooperative systems. Participatory Economics, for example, is a promising idea.

The chief philosophy is a rejection of all hierarchy, but not a rejection of order or society.

When has Clarence Thomas ever done the right thing? When do people think he will ever act properly under pressure?

There's also a massive and rising anti-feminist incel subculture, which the current President Yoon took power from. Women in South Korea don't trust men in South Korea as much.

Insane work culture, huge wealth inequality, and rising anti-women movements all hurt birth rates.

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The worst is the ever-shortening of content into an addictive format. It reduces mental clarity.

Starfield frustrates me, because in many ways its a major step in the right direction. It has much better roleplaying mechanics than Skyrim or Fallout 4, but at the same time the lore is half-baked and the skill system is fairly weak. It has great potential, but a lot of it feels toned down and less "real" because of it. Space exploration has a lot of potential as well, but setting every objective so far apart on planets ruins exploration by filling it with monotonous procgen.

That's why I'm fairly confident that once properly patched, and mods/DLCs are in full swing, it will probably be remembered very fondly despite the release state. It'll pull a Cyberpunk.

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The centrists are much happier than the leftists with Biden, I've seen more voter apathy among leftists who are tired of voting for center-right candidates while right wing extremists get to vote for fascists that openly support them.

Unsurprisingly, a rising feminist subculture among women. Because Korea in general has been historically misogynistic, exposure to more feminist media and culture as well as societal progression has led to rises in feminism among women. As a response, men have felt threatened, and claim feminists are "going too far," and call feminists "femi."

An example of recent incel "controversy" is when an idol character in a video game had a frame where her index finger and thumb appeared like this: 🤏 and incels took that to be offensive to Korean Penis size, and had the man who animated that fired from Nexien. I wish I was joking.

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Same as usual. Vote for the least harmful candidates while advocating for actual grassroots improvements, because voting harder won't move America to the left, ever.

You have to intentionally level up, you know that right? It's not like you auto-level, you can beat the game at level 1.

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He made an account 20 minutes ago just to post inflammatory, reactionary comments from a hyper-conservative angle, lmao.

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Returning home after work, hands freezing as they touch the cold metal doorknob. Turning on lamps, lighting candles, making a lovingly tender and warm cup of coffee, snuggling up with a pet and a partner on a couch, cozy under the various old blankets you've collected over the years, and playing Stardew Valley, Skyrim, or any other comfort game together.

Grab some warm stew or curry, throw on a well-loved hoodie, and enjoy the security and hospitality you give yourself and your family.

Warm pie and cookies for dessert, and a book to sip on and savor.

Not exactly piracy, but if the book in question is public domain, my favorite site is Standard eBooks! Very high quality books, with proper formatting and translations.

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It's a fantastic backlog killer. Main PC for new titles, steam deck for indies and patient gamer style games.

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Tell them sharing is caring. Ez pz

Are you implying you don't also have to wait in America? Lmao.

Hollow Knight, Crosscode, Hades, Dead Cells, Signalis, Dusk, Outer Wilds, Underrail, and more are all great examples of relatively modern games that kill it in the graphical department without using anything fancy.

Edit, because this is fun: Boltgun, Sea of Stars, the Bloodborne PS1 demake, Tunic, and more.

Markets are extremely bad when it comes to proper allocation of essentials. Infrastructure in general should be nationalized at minimum, and heavily invested in.

Exactly, that's why people can set their own difficulty by leveling as they please. I'm not insinuating that choice is bad, I'm stating that the flexible system in ER accounts for player preference.

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It's one thing to claim police brutality isn't that big of an issue. Still wrong, but not uncommon.

It's another thing entirely to somehow be pro-police brutality.

What the fuck?

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You actually can't, Samsung is owned and run by Chaebol. It's essentially the same family at the top, with no sign of their power shifting.

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The funny thing is, I think the fact that the RPG mechanics are finally better than the last game developed by Bethesda, instead of worse, highlights just how mediocre Bethesda games are.

I still think once mods and DLCs come out in full force it will be remembered more positively.

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In theory, yes, though the number of shares required to go against the Chaebol is just not feasible. There's a reason South Korea specifically has a word for a specific group of Billionaire Capitalists, they are essentially untouchable.

On the contrary, it's precisely because you can level at your own needed pace, ie go off and grind if you can't beat a part of the game, or keep going if you over-level, that makes it more enjoyable for more people.

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Republicans are a minority, but the right is the overwhelming majority. America has no mainstream left, its firmly center-right with a center-right party and a fascist party.

Hot take: Starfield isn't "dated," it's actually a much better RPG than anything they've made since Morrowind. However, because they can't rely on the world building and writing of people who have either left the company or worked for a different company they acquired the IP for, Starfield has highlighted just how bad Bethesda game design and writing truly is when done in a wholly original manner.

It's still going to be a modder paradise.

The game isn't hard to level up, there are numerous no-issue, fast grinding spots. It doesn't take hours to level, it takes going to a quick position, swinging your weapon a few times, and then leveling up.

The lack of a difficulty option is a good thing, it prevents elitism and allows the game to be properly balanced without resorting to artificial difficulty increases like blanket damage changes.

All in all, I don't see what your issue is. Are you arguing that ER shouldn't have leveling at the pace the player chooses, and instead increases in level based on what area you have unlocked, or something?

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The ending of Outer Wilds legitimately made me cry, it's a very bittersweet ending.

Bit of a false assumption, isn't that? There is no ethical consumption under Capitalism, so trying to advocate for better while participating in an unjust system is a requirement for many people.

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Negotiating collectively is the only way to negotiate with a Capitalist. Individually, you are a replaceable cog, collectively you're the machine.

That's why I said "unsurprisingly," and considering South Korea has developed far more recently, it's also important to recognize that their social progress is behind much of other developed countries. I wasn't implying that Korea has anything specific about them that made them especially misogynistic, rather, it's pointing at their current conditions and trajectories.

Imagine actively deciding to make shittier food, couldn't be me

Full agreement, way ahead of you. Instead of having a robust, publicly funded infrastructure-based necessity (internet service), it gets chopped up and sold piece-by-piece with price-gouging and local monopolies like warlords.

PS1 or bust

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IP in general is a very difficult idea to support. In theory, it's supposed to reward innovation, but in practice it results in stagnation and price gouging.

That's just the general leftist experience. From Marxist-Leninists to Orthodox Marxists to Anarcho-Communists to Anarcho-Syndicalists to Democratic Socialists to Left Communists (ICP flavor) to Left Communists (Dutch/German flavor) to Libertarian Socialists to Market Socialists to Marxist-Leninist-Maoists to Dengists to Council Communists to everything in between, each seemingly hates the guts of the others.

Ask any one from each of these and they will all have a general "worker ownership of the Means of Production is good" base, with about a million different takes on what that actually means and what that actually looks like.

In general, I think it's safe to say that democracy is a good thing, decentralization helps protect against Authoritarianism, and moving towards a Stateless, Classless, Moneyless society is a good thing. Until then, people should learn and improve their understanding as much as possible, teach others, organize local communities and unions, and work on self-improvement.