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You forgot, corporations are people too. And who are the most important people in the world??

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Same reason most people recommend gettinf a Honda/Toyota when asked for a general recommendation for a car. If you need to ask the question, then your needs are probably not that specialized. So something generally reliable, widely accessible, and good value would be appropriate. Lenovo still tends to fit that description.

It's official, the Pope identifies as ideofluid

Understanding and explaining how people may develop a perspective is not a defense of those people or their perspective. Simply saying "They're morons, end of story" is unproductive. Denouncing a nuanced examination of the problem of distrust in healthcare is counterproductive. You can humanize without condoning. And clearly the intention was to address the problem in a meaningful way.

Or maybe I'm mistaken and the solution is "Stop being morons. End of story." /s

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I mean there you go, Toyota's are appliances. They have to look bland because their style has to remain inoffensive after decades on the road.

That being said, I'm impressed with how much style they've managed to put on the new Prius while still aiming for long-term fleet vehicle role. I also like what they're trying to do with the BZ4 styling wise, even if it's a compromised first gen product.

There's also always the Supra and LC500 :3

Neurodivergence is more a sociopolitical movement where scientific facts are but one relevant factor. The problem is working with a relatively reductive view of disability and neurodivergence as two binaries. Either you are or you aren't. The reality is more a layering of multiple spectra of diffrerent qualities/tensions. ADHD involves some of these qualities/tensions differently than autism, but it's a useful category. A first step to understanding this is looking at neurodivergence in context of the social model of disability:

I also saw this interesting article looking at the risks/limitations of the social model of disability for neurodivergence. It's an opinion, but a nuanced one.

What's wrong with having a mod that removes the skin color selector? I get people care about race and stuff, but is it really necessary to force everyone to have a skin colour selection option if they don't want a skin colour selection option? You're not going to make a racist see clearer by forcing them to do something that only affects them.

You have it in your own question. It is hateful. It was made by the hateful for the hateful to perpetuate a hateful idea. You might even call it a kind of hate speech, which probably means it violate Nexus's terms. Even if it doesn't, it's icky af. And Nexus is entirely in their right to refuse hosting it. The nod creator is still free to use their own mod and share it in other ways, but Nexus should not be forced to host it.

Jesus, did you read either article? One is about Chinese-American individuals (these are Americans) who donated to proud boys and one is a historical account of ties between civil rights activists and Mao's government. These are not the same people.

You probably have, pehaps even felt a musical tickle or nodded along absentmindedly. She's pretty ubiquitous, and her music does what pop does best.

If they set a 10 year goal it may take 20 years to hit 80% of goals, if they set a 20 year goal it'll take 40 years to hit 50%, if they set a 50 year goal...

Nobody thinks this is a realistic goal, but the target gives a concrete number to set a mandate on which actually pragmatic policies, funding projects, and incentives can hang their hat on to keep the ball rolling.

With big infrastructure developments, nobody wants to buy into realistic goals, it's too costly, and there's never enough political will. You set overly ambitious goals so you can get people to buy in and then the project is too big to fail, so you end up paying what it actually costs, and you try to mitigate waste, unanticipated problems, corruption, and poor management along the way.

That's not an insult, it's a specific form of trolling/harassment called sealioning.

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Same reason for every animal resource: over exploitation of the resource, habitat destruction/pollution, and climate change. This isn't a recent thing, salmon stocks have been declining over the last 4 decades. The response to this decline of course has been to continue extracting the same amount year over year.

You don't need to be a therapist or psychologist to not shoot someone having a mental health crisis

Don't you mean appreciating the beauty in imperfections?

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As someone typically critical of Abrahamic religions, this is the strong argument for why we need those religions :3

I certainly don't condone what the YouTuber was doing, but I'm curious what alternative action/approach you'd prefer to see from the prosecutor in this context? What would it look like?

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Imagine there was a group of people in your school, in your workplace, in your city who for some reason feel that Kazakhspy should not exist. They're not allowed to kill you, that's against the law, but they would if they could. Instead, they say fuck Kazakhspy, go kill yourself Kazakhspy, I can't stand you Kazakhspy. Hearing that kind of thing on a regular basis might be a little hurtful. Now imagine some game studio heard about this and thought hey, let's include Kazakhspy in our game. And then that group in your community was like "what the fuck is this! I hate Kazakhspy and now they're shoving Kazakhspy down my throat in a videogame? I will not stand for this." And goes through the effort of making a mod to remove you from the game and puts it on the website. You hear about this and see that it's up there with a few downloads. You might be a little hurt to know some people hate you so much they'll mod a game to spite you just because they don't like your existence. Then the website owner is like, "Wow, this is weirdly hateful and doesn't belong on my website. Let's not perpetuate hate against Kazakhspy."

That's why. In context it's hurtful to people because the intention of creating it was to hurt people through hate.

I stopped clicking on articles about things Trump says... Am reminded why. The full quote is always an order of magnitude worse than what you'd assume from the headline. Literally impossible to exaggerate the toxic spittle that comes out of this man's mouth.

Is this a shitpost because blue actually represents the Quebecois who view themselves as oppressed the way they oppressed Indigenous People, for whom orange/yellow/black/red/white are more representative colours?

Right, but then someone will rebuild Minecraft in text-based Minecraft with a 3D rendering engine displayed through ASCII

Right, that's a legal argument. Part of presenting a case is to argue what is the legal issue/crime at hand and what circumstances/information is relevant. It's the defense council's job to make the argument you just made, not the prosecutor's and it's the judge's job to make judgements about what information the jury should consider in making their decision. It's the prosecutor's literal job to make arguments that benefit their side, within their code of conduct and court rules. I don't know if it's a very good or convincing approach by the prosecution, I'm not a lawyer.

People get butthurt over things others do that don't affect them all the time.

People also get buttgurt over things others do that indirectly affect them or violate their ethical principles.

Sometimes it's hard to tell them apart and sometimes there's a bit of overlap when worldviews conflict.

We live in a society.

Wrong, this is about all the excess lives lost due to misinformation and the moral culpability of those responsible, not your country's PR image. Russia getting Americans killed through anti-vax propaganda and the US getting Filipinos and others killed through anti-vax propaganda. Both are responsible for their actions. The US has proved untrustworthy long before this incident anyway.