
36 Post – 385 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

arms manufacturers

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How does Oklahoma have nothing else to legislate on?

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yeah it's so weird that a state like Florida can't find enough teachers to work there

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how does this get covered?

there's a fella that lives in an alley near me that is always saying weird things, can we get a reporter over here and publish a story?

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The free market cannot provide safe railways, they must be nationalized!

we obviously need to take money from Amtrak and public transport grants to rebuild the interstate system. Guardrails upgraded everywhere, new lanes would be added to reduce congestion

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i can't wait for the day when we will need to watch ads or buy premium before we can use our cars

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can't wait for Reagan to pull 'em off again

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How is this important enough to occupy the time of our politicians?

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i don't think I've created an RSA key since 2017

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These systems are critical to serving ads/propaganda. This is a dark day for the free world

lol, it's kind of fun to think of 'offensive' trivia

In what year did the Confederate States of America secede from the USA?

The the Soviet Union was the union of how many socialist republics?

Which two African nations remained de jure independent during "the scramble for Africa?"

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I miss Florida man. Oklahoma man is scary.

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haven't we all known this since product launch ?

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anybody read it? On what grounds is FLA stifling innovation and entrepreneurship?

EDIT: I read it, doesn't say why.

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let's be honest, they should be removed from society

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Nah, I am the main character. The world happens to me, get these NPCs out of my way.

zoning has never been about helping people

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how do jurisdictions work again? can't Seattle just say go fuck yourself Texas and be done with it?

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nah, cyclist here. people "walk" on vehicular manslaughter all the time. it's super fucked up. commonly a suspended sentence is issued.

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pointed a loaded gun at someone? fuck this guy

i like buttons

I'm both surprised and not at all surprised

rise to meet the challenge?

she should avoid flying for the rest of her life

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Clarence Thomas: Make me

user name checks out

Whose going to be able to afford this? Air fare is already expensive.

Also, why is NASA doing this with tax dollars?

Is this stupid or am I stupid and missing something obvious?

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he won't resign unless he is compelled by the law or court order. there are too many people who have invested in him for him to just walk away.

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Isn't he South African?

If you're just accessing one device, why not use SSH?

SSH with pubkey authentication and sane firewall rules is very secure. Bonus points for fail2ban

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I'm in Illinois, how do I propel this?

I just bought a license just because

this is how we do out here in the heartland

McDonald's is a waste of time

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Whenever I come across a .rar I think, what are the life decisions that led to someone to package this way?

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i learned that if someone bangs on my front door and shouts "Sheriff's office!" then I need to exit my back door, run, and hide.

get your vaccines 🤣

they should just make an AI John Stewart and deep fake the video so they can have all the clout John brings without the potential trouble John's rational and thoughtful dialogue also brings