27 Post – 344 Comments
Joined 6 months ago

What makes you think that I'm part of the GOP? There are a lot of people on the left who disagree with the Democrats.

"Everybody who disagrees with me is a tankie!"

No candidate can win, unless you vote for them. That's the entire point of voting.

I live in a blue state, so using that logic, I shouldn't vote at all. Voting for Trump or Biden is a waste of time, because the state will go blue regardless.

His base doesn’t think for themselves, and would vote for him if he killed their family in front of them.

If Biden killed your family in front of you, would you still vote for him?

I wish to God we had Bernie instead of Biden, but Bernie wouldn’t have won.

What convinced you of this?

Let me lay brass tax here's what I believe in.

A brass tax? I don't think that would help.

so the best that can be done is vote for the least fucked up option and work to improve things.

Democrats were good at the first part, but not the second. I remember lots of Dems saying "Vote for Biden, and then we'll hold his feet to the fire!" Well, there was no "holding his feet to the fire", because that's seen as enabling Trump.

The perfect candidate/option does not exist and never will

Yes, but there are candidates who are better, such as Jill Stein and Cornel West. You can't vote for a perfect candidate, but you can vote for the best candidate.

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Because black coffee tastes even worse than Monster does. (And has a lot less caffeine.)

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Bitter foods are an acquired taste. Sweet foods are not. I remember reading somewhere that sweet foods become less attractive once you've grown up, but nothing about bitter foods becoming more attractive.

I always thought that people acquire a taste for coffee for the same reason they acquire a taste for beer: repeated exposure. Coffee is the cheapest caffeinated drink (at least in the US), and beer is the cheapest alcoholic drink. Both taste like ass the first time you drink them, but you put up with the taste because you want to get wired or drunk. After repeated exposure, some people grow to like the taste.

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It's a website where you can buy music. I prefer having music in OGG or Opus format, and most of the time you can only get MP3. Bandcamp gives you the option to download your music in several formats, and one of them is OGG.

That's starting to change, because I can find more file-sharers who are using FLAC as storage becomes cheaper. Then I can convert FLAC to Opus. However, Bandcamp also gives you the option to stream music from their app, and it's nice to have access to so much music on my phone.

What convinced you of this?

A voiced labiodental fricative.

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How do you define intelligence? What evidence do you have that intelligence is genetic?

How did you know that he was doing it on purpose? Some people talk that way naturally.

Occam's Razor. There isn't any evidence that he was murdered, so it makes sense to consider it a suicide.

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404 Media report[ed] last month that ads promoting "semen stealing" were showing up on the site.

Wait what now

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If you actually stink, take a shower. Don't try to cover it up with perfume or cologne.

Fascists can act out their power fantasies in a healthy, consensual way in the bedroom. Not in my government!

I was part of a coding bootcamp, and one day the class was talking about git. Somebody mentioned that "git" is also a word used as an insult, like "That guy is a total git". When I revealed that was where the name came from, several students audibly gasped, and a couple said something like "Oh, how embarrassing!" I had the weirdest sense of culture shock, and I had no doubt those students would make very good corporate drones.

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Lilly Watchowski has stated that a trans allegory was the "original intention", but "the corporate world wasn't ready for it". She says that there was a character, Switch, who was supposed to be male in the real world and female in the Matrix. Who knows what else got cut?

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Yeah, as soon as trans rights comes into it, they have o p i n i o n s

but if someone with 20 years of IT experience gets this feed up with it, imagine how your average user would feel.

Do you think "your average user" would run into something like this? How many people are running 4 monitors?

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That's why I'm a Satanist.

No big book of dogma to follow. We aren't trying to convert you. Just fuckin' chill and hail Satan.

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You don't have to kill animals, though. You can make leather out of plants.

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Well, of course my ideology would rise from the ashes. I'm the main character!

Fast zombies are like vampires who can't be killed with sunlight.

It's fucking cheating!

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Meh. I'm burned out on retelling the same stories using live action. What would get me actually excited is a new Avatar story.

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Well, to get the original, I would have to log in to Twitter, and I'm not doing that.

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I always think about stuff like this whenever libertarians talk about how much more efficient corporations are than government. I'm like, "Have you ever worked for a corporation?" Organizations are just huge dumpster fires in general, because they're all run by humans.

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You can just use "they". That's what it's for.

There's another tradition called Romantic Satanism which was a 19th-century literary movement. It's basically what happens when a bunch of post-Enlightenment writers go "Hey, what if Satan was actually the good guy?"

Around this time was a lot of rebellion against both monarchy and the church, and they felt some kinship with the rebel of the story, not the despotic deity he was opposing. (God's actions in the Old Testament would be considered horrifying if they were carried out by a human.)

Modern Satanism's myth of Satan is a kind of reinterpretation or re-imagining, like a feminist retelling of a princess fairy tale.

I have no patience for things I’m not interested in: parties, most people. When someone examines a photo and says, ‘Oh, he’s feeling this and this and this,’ all these subtle emotions, I look on with alien intrigue.

Is he describing sociopathy?

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It doesn't. < 10 minutes with DuckDuckGo says that it was invented by a couple of landlords on TikTok who admitted they were trolling.

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Are dads naming the pho restaurants and hair salons, too?

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Comparing Satanists to Nazis is really weird. Hitler was a real person who committed genocide. Satan isn't real, and he never committed genocide, not even in the Bible.

Christians, on the other hand, have committed genocide, and so has the Christian God, according to the Bible, but that doesn't seem to have harmed Christianity at all. Additionally, the Nazis endorsed Christianity, not Satanism; but, again, that association doesn't seem to have harmed Christianity.

At this point, I refuse to give Nintendo any money. I love their games, but the way they run their company is horrible. Screwing this guy over is just one point on a very long list.

They did comment on that in the article. It's also the name of Nintendo of America's president.

It isn't piracy, either. It's filesharing.

See Richard Stallman, "Ending the War on Sharing":

When record companies make a fuss about the danger of "piracy", they're not talking about violent attacks on shipping. What they complain about is the sharing of copies of music, an activity in which millions of people participate in a spirit of cooperation. The term "piracy" is used by record companies to demonize sharing and cooperation by equating them to kidnaping, murder and theft.

It's the same analogy originally. The verb "troll" means "To fish for by trailing a baited line from behind a slowly moving boat".

That should be elementary computer literacy: if you don't know what the file does, then don't delete it.