6 Post – 729 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

HP Printer

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I did 5 (+2) + 5 (+1) = 10 (+3) = 13

But.. But.. That's just CORE MATH YOU CAN'T CHANGE MATH! /s


I asked a legit Linux question in Rizon - Linux and got banned.

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I mean... I still do in the winter...

Because it's full of Linux IT people aka furries and anime nerds?

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Bro what in the is this

Me after reading the 1st comment: "OK. True. Fair." Me after reading the 2nd comment: "OK. True. Fair." Me after reading the 3rd comment: "OK. Also true. Also fair."

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Ah... In short.. Insurance covers a portion of it and whatever insurance doesn't pay, I just... Simply don't pay it. It goes to collections and they spam call me and I don't answer my phone. Suddenly they give up and after 7 years, it's gone. Is it right? I don't know. I definitely haven't devoted half of my paycheck to medical bills though.

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Holy shit I had a conversation the other day with a dude who said, "democrats just want to touch children and change their genitalia"

He went off about how democrats want to change pedophile name and be more accepting. I told him people don't say that. Only pedophiles do. He went off about how democrats are pedophiles.

He went off about how schools, doctors, and liberal agenda is allowing the mutilation of children's genitalia.

Taking something he says is fact and blowing into the massive majority of all Democrat fundamentals.

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Subscriptions everywhere. Video, credit, energy bills (subscription for repairs/maintenance), music, news sites, YouTubers, CARS, etc. I can't fucking escape this hell!

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Neither. I just don't smell. Confirmed by partners over the years. As it turns out, it's genetic. One perk of being Korean I suppose.

The non-functional ABCC11 allele is predominant among East Asians (80–95%), but very low among European and African populations (0–3%).[6] Most of the world's population has the gene that codes for the wet-type earwax and average body odor; however, East Asians are more likely to inherit the allele associated with the dry-type earwax and a reduction in body odor.[6][32][34] The reduction in body odor may be due to adaptation to colder climates by their ancient Northeast Asian ancestors.[32] Wiki: Body Odor (Genes affecting body odor section)

Eh, idk if plane age really matters. They are completely disassembled and reassembled per standard every year to ensure that they are good to go.

Student planes are like 1960s, give or take.

E: I'm being told by comments that they do not do teardowns. Idk. I fly planes, not work on them. My CFIs have told me they do annual teardowns. So.. Idk. Maybe, maybe not?

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Wtf is the tagginator bot?

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Your facts wouldn't matter. Even if peer reviewed, posted online, and signed by Trump himself.

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I read the title. Had some thoughts and opinions. After reading the article, the thoughts and opinions remain the same.

The article lists prices for next level api requests but it's 5000 dollars compared to the 100 that the non profit is already paying. They encouraged users to download their app to receive potentially life saving alerts.

I summed up the article in three sentences.

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Definitely got their money's worth out of the tires...

This is like... Middle East religion police stuff.

Climate change will create food and water scarcity. Their life or yours.

Idk man. I've been having some huge existential crisis lately and climate change and destruction is just flooding my brain.

Anyone else or just me?

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You can say anything you want to anyone, but there's usually a better way to say it.


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Gay bar. Do it.

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Federation. Star Trek. IT. Linux. Programming socks. Gay. Furries.

This sums up the vocal group here. There are others, but these seem to be the most common.

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Flooring it at someone, yes. Slowly moving forward and turning away, not so much.

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"fuck.. Uh. That's a lot of paperwork probably... Maybe go talk to those guys.." - the police, probably.

Idk about boycotting but I'll tell you that I haven't had McDonald's since I went and it was like $20+ for two people for some breakfast sandwiches (meals). I'd rather buy the frozen ones or just have none. Like everyone else, we don't have a ton of extra money and if we do go out, we want our value for our time.

I got used to thinking about money being time. If you make 15/hr then one meal is roughly one hour. Don't think of your dollar, think of how many hours something costs.

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You disgust me. I want to stay away from it. I don't care to see republican porn. Please send me the link so I know what to avoid.

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Might be depersonalization or derealization. Those are a trip. 0/10, don't recommend.

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Remember when YouTube wasn't riddled with pests? I remember.. It was a pleasant experience.

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Blonde hair and blue eyes, is a rarity.

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Things I want in a phone:

  • Decent camera
  • Aux Port - because I want the option
  • at least one mappable button
  • Expandable SD card slot
  • Debloated OS
  • good speaker phone
  • water resistant and drop resistant

My favorite phone in the last 10 years was the Samsung S8 Active, before that, the HTC One (front facing speakers). Before that, probably the Samsung FlipShot and LG Chocolate.

I miss innovation in phone designs. They're all the same phone now.

Anyone have any recommendations for the US? I was thinking a fairphone but I think that's UK only.

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The dead baby because it's non viable

Holy shit. Wow.

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Games: - even though the name screams cheap shitty ad app, it's pretty limited in ads (if any) and the game is a rogue like zombie killer. Each game plays out for about up to 15 minutes. One of my favorites.

Rebuild - a turn based strategy game about surviving the cities full of zombies.

Pawnbarian - a chess rogue like where you control a piece that has unique abilities. I believe they let you play part of the game as a demo.

Lifeline - a game you can get where you text some random dude who is lost in space. The game progresses over a few weeks and unfolds but you can only message him after he contacts you through notification.


Nova Launcher - I have used nova launcher for probably like 10 years. I love the customizable options given and the ability to set gestures on icons.

Doctor on Demand - OK HEAR ME OUT. First, I live in America. Medical care is stupid. Also, I have children. Going to the doctors is like upwards of a hundred dollars per visit (if not more). Doctor on demand (through my insurance) is free. Even if you don't have insurance, I think it's only lope $50-$75 per visit. So.. I recommend this for American users who need to see a doctor but may not be covered effectively.

Offline Survival Manual - haven't needed to use it but good to have I'm thinking. You can print it all out through the app.

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