What is your favorite cereal and what country are you from?

SendMePhotos@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 68 points –

Just wondering how different countries enjoy their cereal (or other breakfast favorites)


None of them. They are all highly processed garbage

True, but there's always delicious, hot whole-grain cereal. A little milk and sweetener (or subs), with maybe some raisins or dried fruit while cooking, and Bob's your uncle.

Steel-cut oats are my fave. Lots of fibre, good nutrients, it's nice & calming, and only takes about 10min to cook.

Bowl of unseasoned pebbles (im br*t*sh)

Not surprised to hear Brits like to eat rocks.

Must be about as tasty as everything else you eat over there.

I'm actually an American. My favorite breakfast is corn syrup.

I like to give my corn syrup a little texture with a pancake, but just a tiny bit.

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I am in the US. Cinnamon Toast Crunch is my absolute favorite followed by Cap'n Crunch Peanut Butter Crunch. I haven't has either in years and I'm not even sure they still make PB Crunch.

I visited once and tried cinnamon toast crunch. It's damn good cereal. Probably a good thing I can't get it here (Australia, and I technically can, it's just ridiculously overpriced at import shops) since it's definitely bad for me.

I haven't seen these password reset questions before

Lol partner and I were debating on what is considered "normal" for breakfast cereal (or other breakfast foods)

Porridge. And yes, I do live in Scotland. I have just put some oats in a pot to soak overnight. I will be eating it with milk, and with honey made by bees I knew personally. Yum.

Why not cook it on a stove, like someone who doesn't live in the stone age? You can add apples, cinnamon, salt, brown sugar, and some banana. It will taste pretty good.

Many people forget that you can add salt for better taste. If you're not watching your weight, add some peanut butter while it's cooling in your bowl. Or add some chocolate chips. Yes, I eat a lot of oatmeal. Rolled oats or steel cut.

I did cook it on the stove. Soaking the oats overnight beforehand makes it more unctuous imo. And of course I added a bit of salt, that goes without saying.

US - cheerios with a sliced banana, and cinnamon toast crunch

Adding a datapoint for US and Cheerios.

Unless by cereal, OP means type of grass grain. Then my answer is Oats.

Barley crew checking in, wheat and rye are 2 and 3. They make the best beers.

Grape nuts should interest any brewer. I think they taste just like malted barley. Check out the ingredients:

  • Whole Grain Wheat Flour
  • Malted Barley Flour
  • Salt
  • Dried Yeast.

Grape nuts is one of those American things that I read about in magazines and couldn't quite picture; more like nuts, dry and crunchy, or more like grapes, super juicy? I still have never even seen them, so it's interesting to see the ingredient list. Yeast? Weird

They’re about the size and shape of grape seeds; maybe a little bigger and rounder. I assume that’s where the name comes from. So just imagine a bowl full of little crunchy grape seeds that smell and taste like malted barley.

I love them but they’re definitely controversial. Also good heated up in the microwave for a bit. This is an advanced Grape nut move and probably not too well known.

Mueslix. A cereal adopted from other countries that I can now get in the US. Oats, nuts, raisins and dates. Super yummy.

And when I get the craving — Lucky Charms.

I had lucky charms for lunch Wednesday because one of my schools was about to throw them away. Can't remember the last time i had them. Magically delicious!

I’m one of those weirdos that you hear about but never see: Grape Nuts.

I almost never eat cereal anymore, but when I did, it was mostly Mini Wheats (brown sugar to be more specific). Honey Comb is also a fantastic cereal. I’m Canadian.

I don’t typically eat breakfast, but as for alternatives, I just stick to a basic 3 fried eggs and toast. Sometimes I add in some home fries… Other times I’ll toss in a banana on the side as well.

I'm from Australia, but now live in England.

Cereal? I've not really eaten it since I was a kid. But I always preferred something plain - without sugar or such. Weet(a)bix, porridge, or - if I had no other choice - Special K.

I've always hated sugary stuff before noon. Don't ask me why. Meanwhile, my friends would pile tablespoons of sugar on their sugary super-sugar sugar puffs.

These days, I have a single slice of toast with butter. With a cup of tea (milk, no sugar). Perfection.

France, I don't really eat cereals from breakfast anymore, I'm more of a bread person. But as a kid, I used to sometimes eat Chocapik and Crunch. Both of them are owned by Nestle if I'm not mistaken, and I now boycott them. Tho I did find some off brand copy of Chocapik and tried it out a few months ago, it tasted just like the original.

Canada - a tossup between cinnamon toast crunch and whatever granola I can get my hands on.

Another Scot here and I know it's not a cereal, but porridge.

When I'm having a bad day, the pouches you put some milk in and then microwave for two minutes are a really quick and (presumably) healthy breakfast that tastes good enough.

Granola with raisins, dried cranberries, dates, walnuts, and almonds with greek yoghurt instead of milk. United States of America.

I'm from Morocco amd I haven't eaten cereal in decades.

I just eat the cake my grandmother makes, it always tastes really good. Sometimes with a nice milk coffee that I brew myself (infused with chocolate, of course). This is the best feeling I ever have during the day.

I live in Canada but was born in Mexico. My favourite cereal growing up was (and still is) chocokrispis which is basically just chocolate rice krispies but made with mexican chocolate. Also fucking love count chocula but that is a rare find nowadays, though I did find a chocolate lucky charms not too long ago which was delightful.

I haven't eaten cereal since I was like 12 or 13? I started to prefer spicy salty stuff in the morning pretty young. Give me hashbrowns drowning in hot sauce instead.

As a kid it would be Lucky Charms, but now I'm old it's Shreddies to keep me shitting.

US. rolled oats usually with milk, raisins or fresh fruit and some nuts. Brown sugar, honey or maple syrup if I’m feeling it.

The lazy alternative to rolled oats is plain Cabot full fat Greek yogurt. Love that stuff.

Canada, but I don't really like or eat any cereal. I can't get past more than few nibbles because of how sweet it all is.

Grape Nuts Flakes when I can find it. Hard to find for some reason. :( US.

From germany, müsli Oats with nuts and fresh fruit, with milk or yoghurt in it Wouldn't eat cereal for breakfast, because it's the same as eating candy

Canada- my standard breakfast is oatmeal with homo milk and 2 spoonfuls of maple syrup or brown sugar, depending on the season. I try to get the maple syrup from the Amish/Menno dudes out in the country.

Breakfast cereal is a scam invented by a psychotic incel, but oatmeal is cheap and a good source of fibre.

US, not sure what it’s called because I very rarely eat cereal. Clusters was good but they quit making it so on the rare occasion that I’m eating cereal, I go for something that reminds me of Clusters.

I'll eat cereal when we get it for the kids but prefer granola, over Greek yogurt. Otherwise I go for overnight oats.

Steel cut oats with vanilla and chia seeds and cinnamon and brown sugar, just a tad, mm mm.

Um cereal is for kids is it not?

Coffee and croissant/baguette

No. A lot of cereal is targeted at children as it's an easy breakfast for parents to get them.

If you avoid the chocolate / sugar encrusted ones they can be a fairly nutritious and quick breakfast.

Croissants are high carbs mixed with fat and bread is just carbs. Both are super unhealthy and massively lacking nutrition by most standards.